What's New (from 1996)
Information on the Deep Sea Research Special Issues
- on the Planning Office page (from Home page, click on US JGOFS,
- then follow US JGOFS Planning and Implementation Office link)
- as of December 13, 1996
The Minutes of the Steering Committee meeting
- held in September, 1996 in Honolulu, Hawaii
- on the (What is) US JGOFS page
- as of December 13, 1996
Various updates and new links have been added since the September Steering Committee meeting:
- The Steering Committee list has been updated to reflect current membership
- The HOT-75 symposium abstracts page linked from our Time Series page
- From our Global Survey page, we link to The DOE Handbook of Methods, courtesy of Andrew Dickson
- NASDA's ADEOS instrument, OCTS, has successful first images, from our Satellite Images page
- On our EqPac page, Jim Murray lists the tables of content for the 3 DSR volumes.
News from the Site survey cruise - AESOPS
- on the Southern Ocean page
- as of September 9, 1996
A color image of the recently agreed upon Arabian Sea stations
- on the Arabian Sea page
- as of August 29, 1996
The JGOFS Core Project Office in Bergen, Norway
- has begun serving the International JGOFS information. Bravo, Beatriz!
- linked from the word JGOFS on our Home page
- as of August 9, 1996 (Note: Web site relocated to http://ijgofs.whoi.edu/ after JGOFS IPO closed in December 2003).
Access to
the Arabian Sea data has been extended
- to all U.S. JGOFS PI's who have submitted data to the Data
Management Office.
- as of June 28, 1996
A summer Synthesis and Modeling Project workshop notice
- on the Modeling and Data Assimilation page
- as of June 11, 1996
A Special Volume of Deep-Sea Research on the two Time-Series stations is now available.
- on the Time Series page.
- as of June 10, 1996
WOCE cruise P15S section plots
- courtesy of Dick Feely, PMEL
- on the Southern Ocean Process Study page
- as of May 22, 1996
NASA Overflight Data from Frank Hoge's group at WFF/NASA
- on the Arabian Sea page
- as of May 8, 1996
Trap Technology and Sampling in Surface Waters
- by Wilford Gardner, Texas A&M University
- on the (What is) US JGOFS page, linked to U.S. JGOFS on Home page
- as of May 1, 1996
Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment
- or the ACSOE project
- on the Global Change Research page,
- linked to global climate change on the Home page
- as of April 22
Mark Abbott's Southern Ocean Imagery Project Web site
- on the Southern Ocean Process Study page
- as of April 8, 1996
The German JGOFS Data Management Home Page
- on the International JGOFS page
- which is linked to 'JGOFS' on our Home page
- as of April 4, 1996
A Web version of the Arabian Sea poster session from AGU/OS '96
- Check this link often to see the latest additions!
- on the Arabian Sea page
- as of March 26, 1996
ASA, the logistics coordinators for the Southern Ocean process study
- and their ship, the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer
- on the Southern Ocean Process Study page
- as of March 13, 1996
Successful Launch of
REX 2 on the Pegasus XL (SeaWiFS related)
- on the Satellite Observations of Ocean Color page
- as of March 11, 1996
Canada JGOFS Data at MEDS makes a strong Web appearance
- on the International JGOFS page
- as of March 6, 1996
The Current Members of the Steering Committee list has been updated
- on the (What is) U.S. JGOFS Page
- as of February 9 (Members on list as of October meeting)
The Data Management page has been re-written and substantially enhanced.
- Information from Installing the JGOFS system on your own workstation
- to sample formats for structuring data and guidelines for naming parameters
- has been added to accelerate the submission of Arabian Sea data
- as of February 2, 1996
Return to current What's New page
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