The EqPac process study was conducted along 140°W during the calendar year 1992. Four process cruises took place, with a fifth benthic cruise and sediment trap legs adding to the overall study. The scientific objectives of this study were to determine the fluxes of carbon and related elements, and the processes controlling these fluxes between the Equatorial Pacific euphotic zone and the atmosphere and deep ocean. The broad outlines of the project were described by Murray et al. (Oceanography, 5: 134-142, 1992). The scientific results have been described in a series of Deep-Sea Research Special Issues.
Ordering and general information on all 3 volumes of the Deep-Sea Research Special Issues on EqPac
The collected from this U.S. JGOFS process study is in the public domain and therefore all researchers have access to it.
Each Cruise subdirectory contains the data which were collected during that survey. Data which does not fit neatly into a single cruise or for which the collection technique might span several cruises, e.g. sediment trap data, are found at the 'eqpac' level, not within a specific cruise.
Descriptions of the data and any notes from the principal investigator are found on the right side of the OBJECT directory under 'Documentation'.