Arabian Sea Posters from AGU/OS '96
In February of 1996 at the
American Geophysical Union Ocean
Sciences meeting in San Diego, California, an extensive poster session
focused on the science insights and results from the recent efforts in
Arabian Sea by JGOFS and related programs. At the request of Sharon
Smith, the program coordinator for the U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea Process
Study, we have begun to amass those posters into a collection for the
review of interested scientists.
Alphabetically by Primary Investigators last name, the
posters are listed below:
Buesseler, Ken, John Andrews, Lary Ball and Claudia Benitez-Nelson (WHOI)
- Arabian Sea Sampling and Analyses for Thorium-234
Farrenkopf, Anna M., George W. Luther, III (College of Marine Studies; - University of Delaware), and Piers Chapman (Texas A&M)
- Arabian Sea U.S. JGOFS Process #2 Northeast Intermonsoon: Dissolved Iodide Profiles Reflect Water Column Productivity and Denitrification Conditions
Fischer, Albert (MIT) and Robert
Weller (WHOI)
- Temporal Variability of Surface Fluxes and Mixed Layer Response at 15.5° N, 61.5° E over a Monsoonal Cycle
Hoge, F., W. Wright (NASA), R. Swift, J. Yungel, R. Berry, A. Waller (EG&G), - R. Mitchell (CSC), P. Coble (USF), R. Arnone (NRL), and P. Stegmann (URI)
- Variability of the Arabian Sea during the 1995 Southwest Monsoon: Preliminary Results from the Airborne Survey
Hyun-Sook Kim, Charles N. Flagg; Yan Shi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Preliminary Analysis of Upper Ocean Currents in the Northern Arabian Sea from ADCP Data
Michisaki, Reiko P., Francisco P. Chavez, Gernot E. Friederich, and Michael - Kelley (MBARI)
- Evolution of Chemical and Biological Properties in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean during 1995 from Automated Surface Mapping
Peltzer, Edward T. (WHOI), and Dennis A. Hansell (BBSR)
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Arabian Sea: Response to Monsoonal Forcing
F.G. Prahl and J. Dymond (College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, - OSU)
- Semi-Annual Sediment Trap Time Series for Alkenones at an Open Ocean Site (15°59' N, 61°30' E) in the Arabian Sea
Richardson, Mary Jo, Jan Gundersen, Wilford Gardner, and Ian Walsh - (TAMU)
- Optically-sensed Distribution of Small Particles in the Arabian Sea
Smith, David C., Grieg F. Steward (SIO), Helen L. Quinby, Hugh W. Ducklow - (VIMS), and Farooq Azam (SIO)
- Bacterial Abundance and Production in the Arabian Sea during the 1995 U.S. JGOFS Process Cruises
Vink, Sue, Rebecca Reitmeyer, Shevaun Fennell, and Christopher Measures - (University of Hawaii)
- Iron and Aluminum in the Surface Waters of the Arabian Sea during JGOFS
Wiggert, Jerry, Burt Jones, Margaret Stramska (USC), Tom Dickey (UCSB), - Ken Brink, Bob Weller (WHOI), and John Marra (LDEO)
- Physical and Bio-Optical Measurements in the Arabian Sea: Comparison Between Moored Time Series and Spatial Maps Obtained with SeaSoar
Zeller, U., and B. Zeitzschel (Institute for Marine Research, Kiel, Germany)- Distribution of Mesozooplankton in the Arabian Sea during the SW Monsoon
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