Andrew Dickson's Carbon Dioxide Quality Control Program, including the DOE Handbook of Methods is online at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. You will need an Adobe Acrobat reader to view the handbook.
The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, CDIAC, provides Data Management support for the Global Carbon Dioxide Survey. Some of their efforts include data quality checks and documenting the CO
and ancillary hydrographic measurements, which were collected on WOCE Hydrographic Programme cruises.
Also, at CDIAC is the Global Ocean Data Analysis Project, or GLODAP, whose central objective is to generate a unified data set from the individual datasets of the large-scale programs of the 1990's and to
determine the global distribution and inventories of inorganic nutrients, both natural and anthropogenic carbon species and
natural and bomb-produced radiocarbon.
WOCE also maintains a Data Information Unit at the University of Delaware. This group provides research ship information and cruise schedules as well as on-line searches for information about any research vessel in the world.
The Carbon Dioxide Group at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory offer selected program graphics, as well as some related interesting documents.