last updated December 16, 1998
What's New (from 1998)
at the U.S. JGOFS Web Server
- Ken Buesseler's Cafe Thorium has published
- results of the 234Th derived carbon export measurements and the ancillary primary production
- on the Arabian Sea Process Study page
- as of December 16, 1998
- Redesigned and enhanced links, information (thanks to Joanie Kleypas)
- on the Synthesis and Modeling page
- as of December 14, 1998
- The Minutes of the SSC
meeting in Santa Barbara, January 1998
- on the Scientific Steering Committee page
- linked to U.S. JGOFS on the Home Page
- as of October 28, 1998
- Poster titles and authors, presented at the Arabian Sea workshop at UNESCO in June
- on the Arabian Sea page
- as of September 30, 1998
- Composite cruise tracks for each of the 2 ships involved in AESOPS:
- R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer
- R/V Roger A. Revelle
- from the Southern Ocean Process Study page
- on the page linked to the word Cruises
- as of September 30, 1998
- Reorganizing of some important information on the Southern Ocean Process Study page
- including moving all cruise-related information to a Cruises link
- and all people and their activities information to a Investigators link
- Included in the latter information is a list of proposed articles for DSR
volume 1, AESOPS
- as of September 16, 1998
- A Call for
Papers for North Atlantic Synthesis has been posted
- on the Synthesis and Modeling page
- as of September 9, 1998
- OGP OACES new activity from NOAA and DOE
- to fund synthesis of global ocean CO2 survey data
- on the Funding Opportunities page
- as of August 31, 1998
- Excel and Plain Text versions of the
completed parameter matrix, begun at the AESOPS Data workshop in June 1998
- on the Southern Ocean page
- as of August 25, 1998
- The SMP
Working Group reports from the Investigator meeting in May 1998
- on the Synthesis and Modeling page
- as of July 30, 1998
- The Draft SMP
Model-data Policy, with a requested feedback date of August 15
- on the Synthesis and Modeling page
- as of July 29, 1998
- The Announcement of
Opportunity with deadline date of August 15
- on the Synthesis and Modeling page
- as of June 29, 1998
- Two items have been added in the SMP area:
- Summer 1997 SMP Workshop review, and
- May 1998 SMP PI meeting minutes
- both on the Synthesis and Modeling page
- as of May 29, 1998
- Call for papers for a DSR Volume II on the
- on the Time Series page
- as of May 27, 1998
- New server for our Web site!
- Let us know if you notice a difference - or if you see 'dead' links.
- as of May 13, 1998
- JGOFS IPO in Bergen, Norway notifies us of a correction to the JGOFS Protocols, also, in pdf format
- Note: the
on-line version of the JGOFS Protocols has been corrected, and
- here is the Table of Contents in pdf
- as of March 23, 1998
- Changed the link to CDIAC Global CO2 Survey data
- on the Global CO2 Survey page
- as of March 16, 1998
- Announcing the Second International Symposium on CO2 in the Oceans
- on the Global CO2 Survey page
- as of March 9, 1998
- Funding opportunities link, including NSF's recent announcement on KDI
- from the Home page
- as of February 26, 1998
- AESOPS data begins to be added to the restricted access system:
- NBP96-4 CTD and hydrographic data
- from the Southern Ocean page
- as of February 11, 1998
- Link to the Palmer LTER station
- on the Southern Ocean page
- as of February 6, 1998
A list of funded SMP proposals and Investigators
- on the SMP page
- as of February 3, 1998
- Graphic showing location of AESOPS mooring array
- added to Southern Ocean page
- on February 2, 1998
- All Arabian Sea process cruise data becomes available
- on the US JGOFS Data System, unrestricted port
- as of January 16, 1998
Return to current What's New page
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