Research Projects Funded by NASA (FY 97) and NSF (FY 98)
Kevin Arrigo (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Title: A Coupled Ice-Ocean Model of Mesoscale Physical/Biological
Interactions in the Ross Sea
36 months
Richard Barber (Duke University), Fei Chai (Maine),
Richard Dugdale and Frances Wilkerson (CSU-San Francisco),
and Tsung-Hung Peng (Miami).
Title: New and export productivity regulation by Si and Fe in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
NSF: OCE-9712359 / 9802061 / 9802060 / 9802062
36 months
Kenneth Caldeira (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Title: "Biological Influences on Mixed-Layer Dynamics and
Global Ocean Circulation, and Participation in the Ocean Carbon
Cycle Model Intercomparison Project"
36 months
Douglas Capone (Chesapeake Biological Laboratory), Edward J. Carpenter (SUNY-Stony Brook), and
Raleigh Hood (Horn Point Environmental Laboratory)
Title: Collaborative Research: Modeling of N2 and CO2 Fixation
by the Oceanic Diazotroph Trichodesmium
36 months
Mary-Elena Carr (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Title: An Historical and Modeling Comparison Study of Four
Coastal Upwelling Systems
36 months
Scott Doney (NCAR).
Title: Coordination and Management of the U.S. JGOFS Synthesis
and Modeling Project
NSF: OCE-9726101
36 months
Paul G. Falkowski (Rutgers University)
Title: Representing Key Phytoplankton Groups in Ocean Carbon
Cycle Models
36 months
Dennis Hansell (Bermuda Biological Laboratory).
Title: Mass Balance Assessments of Carbon Partitioning:
A Contribution to the U.S. JGOFS SMP
NSF: OCE-9726091
36 months
Eileen E. Hofmann (Old Dominion University)
Title: "Evaluation of Marine Primary Productivity in the
Tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans Using Satellite Ocean Color
and Numerical Models" (Collab with Chuck McClain)
36 months
George Jackson (Texas A & M University).
Title: Development of Upper-Ocean Aggregation Models Useful
for Interpreting and Predicting Carbon Fluxes
NSF: OCE-9726077
36 months
Charles D. Keeling (Scripps Institution of Oceanography).
Title: Oceanic Carbon Cycle Model analysis of a New Global
Set of Oceanic Carbon Including Extensive del-13C Data and Supporting
NSF: OCE-9725955
24 months
Ralph F. Keeling (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
Title: Southern Ocean Seasonal Net Production from Atmospheric
and Ocean Data Sets
36 months
Edward A. Laws (University of Hawaii).
Title: An f-Ratio Model for Pelagic Marine Ecosystems
NSF: OCE-9725966
36 months
Charles McClain, Chet Koblinski, Marlon Lewis, Ragu Murtugudde,
Asanuma, and Antonio Busalacchi (NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center)
Title: Physical-Biological Interactions in the Tropical
Pacific and Atlantic Equatorial Surface Layers (Collab with
E. Hofmann)
36 months
Dennis McGillicuddy (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).
Title: The Role of Eddies in Basin-Scale Biogeochemical
Budgets of the North Atlantic
NSF: OCE-9725974
36 months
Dennis McGillicuddy (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).
Title: Modeling Mesoscale Biogeochemical Processes in a
TOPEX/POSEIDON Diamond Surrounding the U.S.JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic
Time Series
36 months
Frank Muller-Karger (University of South Florida)
Title: Synoptic Analysis of Factors Influencing Carbon Fluxes
at the CARIACO Continental Margin Time Series
36 months
Raymond G. Najjar (Penn State), Scott Doney (NCAR); Robert Key
Christopher Sabine, and Jorge Sarmiento (Princeton)
Title: Evaluation and Intercomparison of Three-Dimensional
Marine Carbon Cycle Models
36 months
Michael Roman (Horn Point Environmental Laboratory).
Title: Mechanistic Controls of Carbon Flux by Mezozooplankton:
A JGOFS Synthesis
NSF: OCE-9725976
36 months
John J. Walsh (University of South Florida)
Title: A Numerical Analysis of New Nitrogen Sources of
NO3 and N2 Effecting Carbon Cycling in the Southern Caribbean
Sea: A Key to CDOC Contamination of Satellite Color Signals
36 months
John Marshall and Michael Follows (Massachusetts Institute of
Title: Interannual Variability of Ocean Color: A Synthesis
of Satellite Data and Models and Participation in the Ocean Carbon
Cycle Model Intercomparison Project
36 months
David A. Siegel (University of California - Santa Barbara)
Title: Development and Application of the Next Generation
of Ocean Color Models for the Understanding of Marine Processes
on Regional and Global Scales
36 months