Call for papers:
Special Deep Sea Research-Part II (Topical Studies in Oceanography) on: JGOFS North Atlantic Synthesis
The International JGOFS SSC is initiating a program of synthesis and modeling by holding a series of workshops to identify promising avenues for synthesis activity and discuss scientific issues. At the first meeting of the JGOFS North Atlantic Synthesis Group held in May, 1998 at the Southampton Oceanography Center, the North Atlantic Synthesis Group discussed how best the group could further the aims of JGOFS synthesis in the North Atlantic ( The NASG group agreed to prepare a special issue of a journal (Deep Sea Research) on JGOFS North Atlantic synthesis. This would be a mixture of papers submitted in response to an announcement plus papers commissioned by the NASG. About 13 provisional titles of papers to be commissioned were identified (see list below). NASG is Chaired by Veronique Garcon (mail guest editors are Wolfgang Koeve ( and Hugh Ducklow (
The overall objective in terms of schedule is to have this issue published before the second JGOFS Science Conference to be held in Bergen, Norway in April, 2000. To meet this target, manuscripts need to be submitted to the nearest guest editor by April, 1999. The review process will take place so that all accepted and revised manuscripts can be sent to DSR-II by early October 99. If you are interested in contributing within the time schedule mentioned above, please contact either of the two guest editors for further details.
For information, provisional titles of papers to be commissioned for a special issue on North Atlantic synthesis :
1. History of JGOFS activity in the North Atlantic
2. Carbon budgets derived from JGOFS/WOCE CO2 survey and pCO2 data base
3. Basin-scale synthesis of deep sediment trap data
4. The role of DOC in bacterial production and export from the euphotic zone .
5. Synthesis of the SeaWIFS data for the North Atlantic.
6. The role of mesoscale variability.
7. Basin scale 3D modeling.
8. Regional analyses. The choice of these regions has been based roughly on the biogeographical regions of Longhurst (1995):
a) GIN sea
b) North Atlantic drift region
c) Sub-arctic
d) North West Atlantic
e) Eastern subtrpoical gyre
f) Western subtropical gyre
g) Trade winds region