NOPP Interagency announcement is out on an
Integrated, Sustained Ocean Observing System: deadline 1 May 2001
NSF Biocomplexity 2001
NSF Program Announcement: Biocomplexity in the Environment (BE): Integrated
Research and Education in Environmental Systems
Genome-Enabled Environmental Science (GEN-EN) deadline: 29 March 2001
Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles (CBC)
deadline: 29 March 2001
Instrumentation Development for Environmental Activities (IDEA) deadline: 16 March 2001
NASA Research Opportunity: Carbon Cycle Science and Related Opportunities in Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems and Applications Notices of Intent to Propose Due November 1, 2000; Proposals due January 4, 2001
U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project Announcement of Opportunity (Posted 1 June 2000; Proposal Deadline: 13 September 2000)
An announcement of opportunity exists to support integrated research on the
functional interrelationships between microorganisms and biological, chemical,
geological, physical and social systems.
The recent explosive growth in computer power and connectivity is reshaping relationships among people and organizations, and transforming the processes of discovery, learning, and communication. As a result of the technological advances we have unprecedented opportunities for providing rapid and efficient access to enormous amounts of knowledge and information; for studying vastly more complex systems than was hitherto possible; and for advancing in fundamental ways our understanding of learning and intelligent behavior in living and engineered systems. NSF's Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence (KDI) theme is a Foundation-wide effort to promote the realization of these opportunities.
Research in the North Pacific Ocean
Methods and Models for
Integrated Assessments
An interdisciplinary program the intention of which is to "sponsor high quality,
fundamental and methodological research that advances the development of
methodologies and models that will integrate or couple component systems".