EqPac Principal Investigator
World Wide Web Home Pages
Some of the Equatorial Pacific Process Study investigators have Home Pages on the Web. Visit them for more information.
David Archer - at the University of Chicago
Robert Bidigare - Pigment and Production Group in Hawaii
Ken Buesseler - serves his thorium results from EqPac
Tommy Dickey
- at the Ocean Physics Lab of UCSB
Pierre Flament
- operates the Satellite Oceanography Lab at the University of Hawaii
Wilford Gardner - See his paper correlating Beam attenuation and Microplankton Abundance
Jim Murray
- the Scientific coordinator of this process study
Ed Peltzer- at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Mary Jo Richardson - is on-line at Texas A & M University
Ian Walsh- has a Web Page at Texas A & M University's Oceanography Department
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