U.S. JGOFS   Southern Ocean (AESOPS) Data
Log of activity, as of December 01, 2003 (12-01-2003)

Data from these cruises are available:

format of entries is
  PI, description of dataset (objectname), date-placed-on-system
   -- changes to data since being served

Southern multi- or non-cruise-specific data:

-- moved to Open system, 04-10-2000 Mark Abbott, Drifter data (
drifters), 07-20-98 -- removed local link, enhanced links to ORSOO site data, 01-28-2000 Bob Anderson, Bathymetry data and images (bathymetry), 12-08-98 Bob Anderson, Shipboard underway data (underway), 12-01-03 Bob Anderson, Radionuclides from moored sediment trap samples (sedtrap_rad), 09-18-2002 Sus Honjo and Jack Dymond, Sediment trap flux (sediment_traps), 03-20-99 Cindy Lee, Deep sea sediment trap amino acid data (sedtrap_amino ), 09-17-2002 Cindy Lee, Deep sea sediment trap pigment data (sedtrap_pigments ), 10-01-2002 John Morrison, APFZ Mixed layer depths (APFZ_mixed_layer), 01-24-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Paul Quay, delta 13C and tco2 from surface seawater (delta_13C_surface), 02-18-2000 Walker Smith, Ross Sea Mixed layer depths (RSmixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Taro Takahashi, underway pCO2 from surface seawater (pCO2_surface), 05-05-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Stuart Wakeham, Deep sea sediment trap lipid data (sedtrap_lipids ), 09-24-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - detrital absorption coefficents (optics_ad), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particle absorption coefficents (optics_ap), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - soluble absorption coefficents (optics_as), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particulate beam attenuation from transmissometer (optics_beamcp), 12-16-2002

NBP 96-4, Site Survey

-- moved to Open system, 10-14-98 Bob Anderson, Event log (
log), 08-11-97 Bob Anderson, Sediment composition (sed_comp), 10-01-2002 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from Niskin bottles (bottle), 02-11-98 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 John Morrison, Processed CTD data (ctd), 02-11-98 -- added Gardner's processed transmissometer data, 03-18-99 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Optical Plankton Counts (OPC_mocness), 02-27-99 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 05-20-99 -- replacement data from Roger Francois, 1-2-2002 Paul Quay, Total CO2 and delta 13C (delta_13C), 02-18-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Zooplankton displacement volumes (dv_mocness), 07-21-2000 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes - underway observations (delta_N_C_underway), 10-02-2002

NBP 96-4A, Process 1 Ross Sea

-- moved to Open system, 11-30-98 Walker Smith, Event log (
log), 11-19-97 -- corrected event number 10200718 to 10200710, 03-06-98 -- corrected event nos. 10271533 to 10271553, 10290326 to 10290332, 11021647 to 11021658, 08-12-98 -- corrected station numbering by changing first non-zero digit to zero, 08-24-98 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from Niskin bottles (bottle), 03-06-98 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 John Morrison, Processed CTD data (ctd), 03-06-98 -- added Gardner's processed transmissometer data, 03-18-99 Walker Smith, Chl-a and phaeopigments (phaeopigments), 04-06-98 -- added bottle numbers, 04-28-98 -- corrected values at event 10271533, 05-08-98 -- changed TM event nos. as listed above for Event log, 09-11-98 -- corrected bottle numbers for events 10190216 and 10212242, 10-19-98 -- event 10290332 corrected to 10290237, 04-12-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance (bacteria), 04-21-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Dennis Hansell and Craig Carlson, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), 04-24-98 -- event10171717, bottle numbers 15,16 swapped, 04-12-99 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 04-29-98 -- DMO changed POC and PON units to micromoles/liter for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Frank Millero, TCO2 and TA (TCO2), 06-10-98 -- PI corrected TALK values, 06-26-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 08-13-98 -- sal_ctd updated per TM cast CTD data, 10-01-98 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 -- calculate depth from pressure (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-13-2002 John Morrison, TM cast CTD data (TMctd), 10-01-98 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (primary_prod), 11-03-98 -- data updated, parameters re-assigned, 07-29-99 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Optical Plankton Counts (OPC_mocness), 02-27-99 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, Oxygen production rates (O2_production), 04-28-99 Walker Smith, plankton abundance (nano_microplankton), 05-13-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 09-05-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Bob Bidigare, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 05-20-99 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Microplankton grazing (herbivory_grazing), 06-03-99 -- parameter names changed per PI, 03-13-2000 Ken Buesseler, Mike Bacon, Kirk Cochran, Th-234 data (th234_pump), 06-17-99 Kenneth Coale, Ken Johnson, Trace metals (trace_metals), 07-08-99 -- replacement data submitted by PI, 02-05-2002 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, N15 uptake rates (N15_uptake), 07-08-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-17-2001 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, ammonium and urea (ammonium_urea), 07-08-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (on deck) (primprod_ondeck), 07-29-99 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Zooplankton displacement volumes (dv_mocness), 07-21-2000 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 1-2-2002 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes - underway observations (delta_N_C_underway), 10-02-2002 Bob Anderson, shipboard underway data (underway), 12-01-2003

NBP 96-5, Mooring Deployment

-- moved to Open system, 01-06-99 Jack Dymond, Event log (
log), 07-31-97 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from Niskin bottles (bottle), 03-13-98 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 03-13-98 -- added Gardner's processed transmissometer data, 03-18-99 Taro Takahashi, tco2 (tco2_pco2), 10-13-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release; pCO2 and temp_pCO2 removed (this data not collected this cruise), 05-08-2001 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 1-2-2002 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes - underway observations (delta_N_C_underway), 10-02-2002 Bob Anderson, shipboard underway data (underway), 12-01-2003

NBP 97-1, Process 2 Ross Sea

-- moved to Open system, 02-27-99 John Marra, Event log (
log), 11-19-97 -- events: 01131854,01181230,01200815,01281815 corrected to 01131905,01181233,01200819,01281824, 03-24-98 -- TM events corrected to electronically generated ".pos" file times, 08-17-98 -- corrected station numbering by changing first non-zero digit to zero, 08-24-98 -- event 01131905 changed to 01131854, 09-11-98 -- event 01291221 comment changed, 05-14-99 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from bottle casts (bottle), 03-25-98 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 03-25-98 -- added Gardner's processed transmissometer data, 03-18-99 Dennis Hansell and Craig Carlson, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), 04-24-98 Walker Smith, Chl-a and phaeopigments (phaeopigments), 04-28-98 -- event numbers corrected: 01170759 and 01170923, 01191836 and 01191953, cast number corrected: 01271629, 05-14-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 08-19-98 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 -- calculate depth from pressure (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-13-2002 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance (bacteria), 10-19-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 10-23-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (primary_prod), 11-03-98 -- data updated, parameters re-assigned, 07-29-99 Taro Takahashi, tco2 and pc02 (tco2_pco2), 02-11-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Optical Plankton Counts (OPC_mocness), 02-27-99 Wilf Gardner and MaryJo Richardson, Particulate Matter concentrations (pmc), 03-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-24-2001 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, Oxygen production rates (O2_production), 04-28-99 Bob Bidigare, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 05-20-99 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Microplankton grazing (herbivory_grazing), 06-03-99 -- parameter names changed per PI, 03-13-2000 Ken Buesseler, Mike Bacon, Kirk Cochran, Th-234 data (th234_pump), 06-17-99 Kenneth Coale, Enrichment and Incubation Experiments (EI data),04-11-2002 Kenneth Coale, Ken Johnson, Trace metals (trace_metals), 07-08-99 -- replacement data submitted by PI, 02-05-2002 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, N15 uptake rates (N15_uptake), 07-08-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-17-2001 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, ammonium and urea (ammonium_urea), 07-08-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Rob Olson, Heidi Sosik, Picophytoplankton abundance and biomass (picophytoplankton), 07-20-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 09-05-2001 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (on deck) (primprod_ondeck), 07-29-99 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Walker Smith, plankton abundance (nano_microplankton), 09-10-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 09-05-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Zooplankton displacement volumes (dv_mocness), 07-21-2000 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 1-2-2002 Bob Anderson, shipboard underway data (underway), 12-01-2003

NBP 97-3, Process 3 Ross Sea

-- moved to Open System, 05-20-99 Hugh Ducklow, Event log (
log), 08-25-97 -- TM events corrected to electronically generated ".pos" file times, 08-19-98 -- corrected station numbering by changing first non-zero digit to zero, 08-24-98 -- CTD events corrected to agree with electronically generated ".pos" file times, 09-11-98 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 08-25-98 -- sal_ctd updated per TM cast CTD data, 10-01-98 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- events: 04121818, 04141658, 04201924 added for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-10-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 -- calculate depth from pressure (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-13-2002 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 09-11-98 -- added Gardner's processed transmissometer data, 03-18-99 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from bottle casts (bottle), 09-11-98 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 John Morrison, Final TM cast CTD data (TMctd), 10-01-98 Frank Millero, TCO2 and TA (TCO2), 10-15-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance (bacteria), 10-19-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Walker Smith, Chl-a and phaeopigments (phaeopigments), 10-20-98 -- bottle number 4 changed to 2, event 04122050, 05-14-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 10-23-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Ed Peltzer, Total Organic Carbon (toc), 02-11-99 -- depth_n retained so that definitive depth will be used from bottle data, 07-21-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-10-2001 -- add qflag_TOC from PI (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 09-03-2002 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Optical Plankton Counts (OPC_mocness), 02-27-99 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, Oxygen production rates (O2_production), 04-28-99 Bob Bidigare, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 05-20-99 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Microplankton grazing (herbivory_grazing), 06-03-99 -- parameter names changed per PI, 03-13-2000 Ken Buesseler, Mike Bacon, Kirk Cochran, Th-234 data (th234_pump), 06-17-99 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, N15 uptake rates (N15_uptake), 07-08-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-17-2001 -- units changed; pNH4_uncorr added by W.Cochlan, 11-28-2001 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, ammonium and urea (ammonium_urea), 07-08-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (primary_prod), 07-29-99 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (on deck) (primprod_ondeck), 07-29-99 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Microplankton abundance(microplankton), 11-23-99 -- 2 parameters added, colcell and colcell_c, 04-24-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-24-2001 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Nanoplankton abundance (nanoplankton), 11-23-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Paul Quay, Total CO2 and delta 13C (delta_13C), 02-18-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Zooplankton displacement volumes (dv_mocness), 07-21-2000 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 1-2-2002 Bob Anderson, shipboard underway data (underway), 12-01-2003

NBP 97-8, Process 4 Ross Sea

-- moved to Open System, 12-15-99 Walker Smith, Event log (
log), 04-29-98 -- corrected station numbering by changing first non-zero digit to zero, 08-24-98 -- corrected event 11140303 to 11140302, 09-16-98 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 09-16-98 -- added Gardner's processed transmissometer data, 03-18-99 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from bottle casts (bottle), 09-16-98 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 11-10-98 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 -- calculate depth from pressure (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-13-2002 John Morrison, Final TM cast CTD data (TMctd), 11-10-98 Walker Smith, Chl-a and phaeopigments (phaeopigments), 01-20-99 -- event 11181503, 12031553, 12101732, 05-14-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Taro Takahashi, tco2 and pco2 (tco2_pco2), 02-11-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Bob Bidigare, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 03-20-99 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance (bacteria), 03-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Dennis Hansell and Craig Carlson, Dissolved organic Carbon(DOC), 04-27-99 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Microplankton grazing (herbivory_grazing), 06-03-99 -- parameter names changed per PI, 03-13-2000 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (primary_prod), 07-29-99 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (on deck) (primprod_ondeck), 07-29-99 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, ammonium and urea (ammonium_urea), 09-03-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-05-2002 William Cochlan, Deborah Bronk, N15 uptake rates (N15_uptake), 11-28-2001 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Microplankton abundance (microplankton), 11-23-99 -- 2 parameters added, colcell and colcell_c, 04-24-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-24-2001 Dave Caron and Darcy Lonsdale, Nanoplankton abundance (nanoplankton), 11-23-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Paul Quay, Total CO2 and delta 13C (delta_13C), 02-18-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data (temp, salinity and nutrients) from ship's underway pumping system (underway_bottle), 03-15-2001 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 04-12-2002 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 10-02-2002 Taro Takahashi, LP SeaSoar CTD,Chemistries,Optics,chl-a (SeaSoar), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - detrital absorption coefficents (optics_ad), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particle absorption coefficents (optics_ap), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - soluble absorption coefficents (optics_as), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particulate beam attenuation from transmissometer (optics_beamcp), 12-16-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - irradiance/radiance using MER 2040 (optics_irrad), 12-16-2002 Bob Anderson, shipboard underway data (underway), 12-01-2003

Revelle Kiwi-6, APFZ Survey I

-- moved to Open System, 12-03-99 Timothy Cowles, Event log (
log), 03-31-98 -- log entries beyond November 4 were truncated, fixed 05-26-98 -- TSRB buoy event 11132318 added, TSRB buoy event 11172200 corrected to 11172334, 09-18-98 -- log identifies 2 casts as CTD-28, changed to CTD-28A and CTD-28B, 01-04-99 -- CTD events corrected to agree with electronically generated ".pos" file times, 01-04-99 -- log TM events corrected: 10240600 to 10240616, 10312353 to 10312333, 01-08-99 -- log events corrected: 11071030 to 11071026, 11181415 to 11181215, 10-12-99 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Timothy Cowles, Jack Barth and Jim Richman, SeaSoar CTD and Fluorometer data (seasoar), 11-28-2001 Timothy Cowles, Shipboard acoustic doppler current profiler data (ADCP), 12-12-2001 John Morrison, Final TM cast CTD data (TMctd), 01-08-99 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 01-08-99 -- added Gardner/Richardson's processed optics data, 01-24-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 01-11-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 -- calculate depth from pressure (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-13-2002 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from CTD casts (bottle), 01-11-99 -- 2 events, 11060349 and 11071026, not previously included here, were rescued and submitted by J.Morrison 11-16-99 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 Ed Peltzer and Catherine Goyet, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), 05-20-99 -- depth_n retained so that definitive depth will be used from bottle data, 07-21-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-10-2001 Kenneth Coale, Enrichment and Incubation Experiments (EI data),04-11-2002 Kenneth Coale, Ken Johnson, Trace metals (trace_metals), 07-08-99 -- replacement data submitted by PI, 02-05-2002 Ralf Goericke, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 07-30-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Mark Brzezinski and Dave Nelson, Silica production (silica), 10-01-99 -- added dissolution rates, 09-26-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-04-2002 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (on deck) (primprod_ondeck), 10-22-99 -- data resubmitted by PI, 09-10-2002 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 10-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Frank Millero, TCO2 and alkalinity (TCO2), 10-29-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Ken Buesseler, Mike Bacon, Kirk Cochran, Th-234 data (th234_pump), 12-13-99 Walker Smith, Fluorometric Chlorophyll a (chlorophyll_a), 12-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Chris Measures, Trace metal concentrations of Iron and Aluminum (trace_Fe_Al), 01-05-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-27-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Mike Landry, Picoplankton abundance by Flow Cytometry (picoplankton), 07-21-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Mike Landry, Herbivory or grazing data (herbivory), 07-21-2000 Mike Landry, nano- and microplankton abundances by epifluorescence microscopy (nano_microplankton), 09-22-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, zooplankton from gut evacuation and MOCNESS samples (zooplankton), 11-1-2000 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Optical Plankton Counter data - SEASOAR Tows (OPC seasoar), 03-13-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data (temp, salinity and nutrients) from ship's underway pumping system (underway_bottle), 03-15-2001 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 10-02-2002

Revelle Kiwi-7, APFZ Process I

-- moved to Open System, 01-05-2000 Richard Barber, Event log (
log), 04-28-98 -- log CTD events corrected to agree with hydroteam numbers, 01-11-99 corrected events: 12031725, 12050442, 12051538, 12091343, 12130219, 12132043, 12240257 -- log events 12122208, 121223102, 12130005 corrected, 04-21-99 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 01-12-99 -- added Gardner/Richardson's processed optics data, 01-24-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from CTD casts (bottle), 01-12-99 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Ray Sambrotto, N15 Uptake rates (N15_uptake), 04-27-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-17-2001 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, Oxygen production rates (O2_production), 04-28-99 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 07-30-99 -- event 12281100 corrected to be at station 18, not 8, 10-12-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 Ralf Goericke, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 07-30-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance (bacteria), 09-03-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Wilf Gardner and MaryJo Richardson, Particulate matter concentration (pmc), 09-22-99 Mark Brzezinski and Dave Nelson, Silica production (silica), 10-01-99 -- added dissolution rates, 09-26-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-04-2002 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (primary_prod), 10-22-99 -- data resubmitted by PI, 09-10-2002 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (on deck) (primprod_ondeck), 10-22-99 -- data resubmitted by PI, 09-10-2002 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 10-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Frank Millero, TCO2 and alkalinity (TCO2), 10-29-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Ken Buesseler, Mike Bacon, Kirk Cochran, Th-234 data (th234_pump), 12-13-99 Walker Smith, Fluorometric Chlorophyll a (chlorophyll_a), 12-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Dennis Hansell and Craig Carlson, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), 03-13-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Chris Measures, Trace metal concentrations of Iron and Aluminum (trace_Fe_Al), 03-27-2000 -- PI requests suspect Fe to be removed from data, 06-12-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-27-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Mike Landry, Picoplankton abundance by Flow Cytometry (picoplankton), 07-21-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Mike Landry, Herbivory or grazing data (herbivory), 07-21-2000 Mike Landry, nano- and microplankton abundances by epifluorescence microscopy (nano_microplankton), 09-22-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data (temp, salinity and nutrients) from ship's underway pumping system (underway_bottle), 03-15-2001 Michael Dagg, Mesozooplankton from bongo tows, abundance and dry weight (bongo_mezoo), 09-06-2001 Jack Barth and Timothy Cowles, Shipboard acoustic doppler current profiler data (ADCP), 12-12-2001

Revelle Kiwi-8, APFZ Survey II

-- moved to Open System, 02-11-2000 Kenneth Coale, Event log (
log), 03-27-98 -- log CTD and TM events corrected to agree with hydroteam, 01-14-99 corrected events: 01162331,01180900,01191025,01251953,01261300,01280810 -- event at station 007 w/ no event number assigned 01270000, 06-21-99 -- event 0117 expanded to 01170230, Thorium pump, 12-07-99 -- SIO_optics event 00000116 changed to 01161737 by DMO, 12-05-2002 -- Live_Net-4 event 00000119 changed to 01191100 by DMO, 12-05-2002 John Morrison, Final TM cast CTD data (TMctd), 01-15-99 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 01-15-99 -- added Gardner's processed optics data, 01-24-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 01-15-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 -- calculate depth from pressure (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-13-2002 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from CTD casts (bottle), 01-15-99 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Ed Peltzer and Catherine Goyet, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), 05-20-99 -- depth_n retained so that definitive depth will be used from bottle data, 07-21-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-17-2001 Kenneth Coale, Enrichment and Incubation Experiments (EI data),04-11-2002 Kenneth Coale, Ken Johnson, Trace metals (trace_metals), 07-08-99 -- replacement data submitted by PI, 02-05-2002 Ralf Goericke, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 07-30-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Mark Brzezinski and Dave Nelson, Silica production (silica), 10-01-99 -- added dissolution rates, 09-26-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-04-2002 Taro Takahashi, tco2 and pco2 (tco2_pco2), 10-13-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-10-2001 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 10-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Ken Buesseler, Mike Bacon, Kirk Cochran, Th-234 data (th234_pump), 12-13-99 Walker Smith, Fluorometric Chlorophyll a (chlorophyll_a), 12-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Chris Measures, Trace metal concentrations of Iron and Aluminum (trace_Fe_Al), 02-18-2000 -- PI requests suspect Fe to be removed from data, 06-12-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-27-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Mike Landry, Picoplankton abundance by Flow Cytometry (picoplankton), 07-21-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Mike Landry, Herbivory or grazing data (herbivory), 07-21-2000 Mike Landry, nano- and microplankton abundances by epifluorescence microscopy (nano_microplankton), 09-22-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, zooplankton from gut evacuation and MOCNESS samples (zooplankton), 11-1-2000 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data (temp, salinity and nutrients) from ship's underway pumping system (underway_bottle), 03-15-2001 Mark Huntley and Meng Zhou, Optical Plankton Counter data - SEASOAR Tows (OPC seasoar), 03-22-2001 Timothy Cowles and Jack Barth, SeaSoar CTD and Fluorometer data (seasoar), 11-28-2001 Timothy Cowles, Shipboard acoustic doppler current profiler data (ADCP), 12-12-2001 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - detrital absorption coefficents (optics_ad), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particle absorption coefficents (optics_ap), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - soluble absorption coefficents (optics_as), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particulate beam attenuation from transmissometer (optics_beamcp), 12-16-2002

Revelle Kiwi-9, APFZ Process II

-- moved to Open System, 03-20-2000 Wilf Gardner, Event log (
log), 04-24-98 -- event 02182128 TM cast added, 04-21-99 -- events 03030607, 03080320, 03120807 duplicates modified; 03083002 changed to 03080002, 06-21-99 -- some CTD and TM event numbers corrected to agree with CTD data (electronically stamped), 07-07-99 Ray Sambrotto, N15 Uptake rates (N15_uptake), 04-27-99 -- parameter names, order and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-18-2001 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, Oxygen production rates (O2_production), 04-28-99 John Morrison, Final TM cast CTD data (TMctd), 07-08-99 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 07-08-99 -- added Gardner's processed optics data, 01-24-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from TM casts (TMbottle), 07-08-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-03-2002 -- change date to YYYYMMDD from YYMMDD (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-07-2002 -- calculate depth from pressure (DMO Alpha 9 Release), 05-13-2002 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from CTD casts (bottle), 07-08-99 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 Rob Olson, Heidi Sosik, Picophytoplankton abundance and biomass (picophytoplankton), 07-20-99 -- corrected depth_n for event 02230634 bottle 4, 04-24-2002 Rob Olson, Heidi Sosik, Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry from CTD casts (FRR Fluorometry),12-11-2001 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 09-05-2001 Walker Smith, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer), 09-02-99 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-25-2002 Ralf Goericke, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments), 07-30-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-24-2001 Wilf Gardner, Particulate matter concentration (pmc), 09-22-99 Taro Takahashi, tco2 and pco2 (tco2_pco2), 10-13-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-10-2001 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (primary_prod), 10-22-99 -- data resubmitted by PI, 09-10-2002 Barber and Marra and Smith, Primary Productivity (on deck) (primprod_ondeck), 10-22-99 -- data resubmitted by PI, 09-10-2002 Mark Brzezinski and Dave Nelson, Silica production (silica), 10-22-99 -- added dissolution rates, 09-26-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-04-2002 Walker Smith, POC and PON (POC_PON), 10-25-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Ken Buesseler, Mike Bacon, Kirk Cochran, Th-234 data (th234_pump), 12-13-99 Walker Smith, Fluorometric Chlorophyll a (chlorophyll_a), 12-22-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Chris Measures, Trace metal concentrations of Iron and Aluminum (trace_Fe_Al), 01-05-2000 -- PI requests suspect Fe to be removed from data, 06-12-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-27-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Paul Quay, Total CO2 and delta 13C (delta_13C), 02-18-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dennis Hansell and Craig Carlson, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), 03-13-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance (bacteria), 04-28-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Mike Landry, Picoplankton abundance by Flow Cytometry (picoplankton), 07-21-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Mike Landry, nano- and microplankton abundances by epifluorescence microscopy (nano_microplankton), 09-22-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Mike Landry, Herbivory or grazing data (herbivory), 03-13-2001 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data (temp, salinity and nutrients) from ship's underway pumping system (underway_bottle), 03-15-2001 Michael Dagg, Mesozooplankton from bongo tows, abundance and dry weight (bongo_mezoo), 09-06-2001 Jack Barth and Timothy Cowles, Shipboard acoustic doppler current profiler data (ADCP), 12-12-2001 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - detrital absorption coefficents (optics_ad), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particle absorption coefficents (optics_ap), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - soluble absorption coefficents (optics_as), 12-03-2002 B. Greg Mitchell, Optics - particulate beam attenuation from transmissometer (optics_beamcp), 12-16-2002

NBP 98_2, Ross Sea, Mooring Recovery and Benthic

-- moved to Open System, 04-10-2000 Sus Honjo, Event log (
log), 09-30-98 -- corrected event numbers: 03031500 to 03031557, 03091501 to 03091500, 03172314 to 03172313, 03281358 to 03281350, 10-05-98 John Morrison, Final CTD data (ctd), 10-05-98 -- added Gardner's processed transmissometer data, 03-18-99 Lou Codispoti, Hydrographic data from bottle casts (bottle), 10-05-98 -- added calculated depth, 10-11-2000 Bob Anderson, Radionuclides from moored sediment trap samples (sedtrap_rad), 09-18-2002 Bob Anderson, Radionuclides from sediment cores (sed_rad), 10-01-2002 Sus Honjo and Jack Dymond, Sediment trap flux (sediment_traps), 03-20-99 Cindy Lee, Deep sea sediment trap amino acid data (sedtrap_amino), 09-17-2002 Cindy Lee, Deep sea sediment trap pigment data (sedtrap_pigments), 10-01-2002 Paul Quay, Total CO2 and delta 13C (delta_13C), 02-18-2000 Fred Sayles, Pore water composition by insitu and shipboard methods (pore_water), 03-15-2001 Fred Sayles, Sediment composition (sed_comp), 03-15-2001 Fred Sayles, Sediment resistivity (sed_resist), 03-15-2001 Walker Smith, Chl-a and phaeopigments (phaeopigments), 04-12-2002 Stuart Wakeham, Deep sea sediment trap lipid data (sedtrap_lipids), 09-24-2002 Mark Altabet and Roger Francois, Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes (delta_N_C), 10-02-2002 Bob Anderson, shipboard underway data (underway), 12-01-2003

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