U.S. JGOFS Final Data Report
volume 1: Process Study Data
(published on CD-ROM)
Volume 1 of the U.S. JGOFS Final Data Report, published April
2003 on CD-ROM, was distributed May 2003 at the JGOFS Open Science
Conference in Washington, D.C. Volume 1 includes all of the data acquired
during the four U.S. JGOFS process studies, conducted in the North Atlantic,
the equatorial Pacific, the Arabian Sea and the Southern Ocean.
Copies may be ordered via e-mail from Mary Zawoysky (mzawoysky@whoi.edu)
at the U.S. JGOFS Planning and Data Management Office.
This page will be updated to provide ongoing technical support for
this volume of the final data report.
Technical Support
Volume 1: published versions
April 2003 ~ version 2: [known
distributed in May 2003 at the JGOFS OSC as a single CD-ROM, with
these modifications made since version 1 was published:
improved "README_1st" and "About CD"
added file size estimate for files > 5 MB
modified 'Hints for MacOS usage'; fixed MacOS/IE crash problem (JavaScript)
remove duplicate <pre> tags (IE compatibility)
updated Publications list (April 2003 version)
JGView usage and installation documents rewritten
JGView: list, subset, export bug fixes
fix header comments in Atlantis data files: Hoge P3axbt, Davis optics-4, Trees optics-5, McGillicuddy xbt
remove duplicate SST_chl_Atlantis_II data
add year to merged product files (JGView/ODV compatibility)
fix lat_n in tt011/meso_grazing
move phyc_*, size_* and size_frac-* to pigment category (from biological)
replace truncated data files: Biological_Abundance/rad_tt007 and _tt011
fix header comments in data files: optics_*, snow_*
remove extra line breaks form cruise event logs
fix JGView access to snow_tt008 and aggregate_*
add year to merged product files (JGView/ODV compatibility)
Arabian Sea:
replace truncated data files: particle_absorp for ttn-045, ttn-053, ttn-054
Southern Ocean (AESOPS):
duplicate mixed layer files cruise-specific removed
duplicate delta_13C_surface cruise-specific files removed
documentation cleaned up (many data and cruise files)
replace truncated data files: optics_ad, _ap, _as for nbp97_8, rr8, rr9
replace truncated data files: trace_metals for nbp96_4A, nbp97_1, rr6, rr8
fix header comments in data files: bathymetry_*, SeaSoar_*
fix Biological_Abundance/OPC_seasoar_r6 and _rr8 JGView error
March 2003 ~ version 1:
distributed in May 2003 at the JGOFS OSC as part of the JGOFS International
Collection: Discrete Datasets DVD. |