JGOFS CD-ROM Data Report Known Issues
Any problems relating to Volume 1 of the final
U.S. JGOFS CD-ROM data report will be documented here as they are reported.
Problem: Matlab import of EqPac Niskin bottle data
Equatorial pacific Niskin bottle merged product includes an NA instead of 'nd' for a
missing PO4 measurement from cruise TT012 event 10120430 station 5 cast 53 bottle 6 at depth 90 meters.
This is only a problem when data is exported from JGView in Matlab format, because the NA does not get replaced by the string NaN.
use a text editor to replace bad entry (with NaN if importing into Matlab)
Note: 2 December 2003: online
database corrected
Problem: Matlab import of Southern Ocean TM bottle
Southern Ocean Trace Metal bottle merged product includes four bad entries, 'nd.01' instead of 'nd', for
missing Nitrate (NO3) measurements from event 12071445 station 2.
This is only a problem when data is exported from JGView in Matlab format, because 'nd.01' does not get replaced by the string NaN.
use a text editor to replace bad entry (with NaN if importing into Matlab)
Note: 25 March 2004: online
database corrected
Problem: AESOPS/NBP964A underway N and C stable isotopic
Southern Ocean AESOPS/NBP964A delta N C underway data (Altabet & Francois)
includes an incorrect longitude. Record for date: 19961007 and time: 1804,
longitude corrected from 107.10 to 170.10
12 July 2007: online database and online CD contents corrected
Problem: AESOPS/NBP965 underway N and C stable isotopic
Southern Ocean AESOPS/NBP965 delta N C underway data (Altabet & Francois)
includes an incorrect longitude. Record for date: 19961125 time: 1500 longitude
of 58.86 is incorrect.
12 July 2007: none. error noted in datafiles.