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Data CD volume 1


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U.S. JGOFS CD-ROM Data Report Known Issues

Any problems relating to Volume 1 of the final U.S. JGOFS CD-ROM data report will be documented here as they are reported.

Problem: Matlab import of EqPac Niskin bottle data
Description: Equatorial pacific Niskin bottle merged product includes an NA instead of 'nd' for a missing PO4 measurement from cruise TT012 event 10120430 station 5 cast 53 bottle 6 at depth 90 meters. This is only a problem when data is exported from JGView in Matlab format, because the NA does not get replaced by the string NaN.
Resolution: use a text editor to replace bad entry (with NaN if importing into Matlab)
Note: 2 December 2003: online database corrected

Problem: Matlab import of Southern Ocean TM bottle data
Description: Southern Ocean Trace Metal bottle merged product includes four bad entries, 'nd.01' instead of 'nd', for missing Nitrate (NO3) measurements from event 12071445 station 2. This is only a problem when data is exported from JGView in Matlab format, because 'nd.01' does not get replaced by the string NaN.
Resolution: use a text editor to replace bad entry (with NaN if importing into Matlab)
Note: 25 March 2004: online database corrected

Problem: AESOPS/NBP964A underway N and C stable isotopic composition
Description: Southern Ocean AESOPS/NBP964A delta N C underway data (Altabet & Francois) includes an incorrect longitude. Record for date: 19961007 and time: 1804, longitude corrected from 107.10 to 170.10
Resolution: 12 July 2007: online database and online CD contents corrected

Problem: AESOPS/NBP965 underway N and C stable isotopic composition
Description: Southern Ocean AESOPS/NBP965 delta N C underway data (Altabet & Francois) includes an incorrect longitude. Record for date: 19961125 time: 1500 longitude of 58.86 is incorrect.
Resolution: 12 July 2007: none. error noted in datafiles.


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