Simulations of Oxygen Variability in the North Pacific

Investigators LuAnne Thompson, Curtis Deutsch, Steven Emerson
Co-Investigators none
SMP Project Mechanisms controlling the biological pump and CO2 uptake rates in the North Pacific
Product Simulations of Oxygen Variability in the North Pacific (via SMP LAS)
Description Three simulations were performed using a GCM based on the Hallberg Isopycnal Model and an offline advection/diffusion model for the tracer fields. In the first simulation, all sources of O2 variability are present. In two additional simulations, causes of O2/AOU variability are selectively removed, allowing us to isolate and characterize the contribution of individual processes to total O2 changes. read more >>
Submitted February 2005
e-Citation Deutsch, C., L. Thompson, and S. Emerson.; U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project Data. U.S. JGOFS. iPub: February 2005. 'date you accessed the data'
References Deutsch, C., L. Thompson, and S. Emerson. 2005. Attributing the causes of North Pacific Oxygen Change. in prep.

Curtis Deutsch

Program on Climate Change
Department of Oceanography
University of Washington
Box 355351
Seattle WA, 98105
tel: (206) 221-6745