Monthly Anomalies in Air-Sea Oxygen Flux

Investigators Ralph Keeling, Hernan Garcia
Co-Investigators none
SMP Project Southern Ocean seasonal net production from atmospheric and ocean data sets
Product Air-sea oxygen flux -- monthly anomalies (mol/m2/month)
Description This file includes monthly air-sea O2 flux anomalies on a 320x160 grid (i.e., 1.125 x 1.125 deg resolution). O2 flux anomalies are in units of mol m2 month.
"The climatology is based on weighted linear least squares regressions using heat flux monthly anomalies for spatial and temporal interpolation of historical O2 data." (Garcia and Keeling, 2001)
Submitted October 2001
e-Citation Garcia, H. and R.F. Keeling. Live Access to US JGOFS SMP Data: Air-Sea O2 Flux Climatology. U.S. JGOFS. iPub: October 2001. 'date you accessed the data'
References Garcia, H.; Keeling, R.F. 2001. On the global oxygen anomaly and air-sea flux. J. Geophys. Res. - Oceans 106(C12): 31,155-31,166.
Contact Hernan E. Garcia
SSMC-III, E/OC5, Room 4306 
1315 East-West Highway 
Silver Spring, MD 20910
tel: (301) 713-3291 x184
fax: (301) 713-3303