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Subject: ASLO 2007 special session on on dissolved organic matter cycling in aquatic systems

Dear Colleagues,
We wanted to bring to your attention a special session SS21 on dissolved organic matter cycling in aquatic systems to be held at the ASLO 2007 meeting in Santa Fe.  The session announcement is pasted below.  We are interested in submissions on all aspects of DOM cycling!

Best Regards,

Craig Carlson
Raleigh Hood
Dan Repeta

      SS21 Production and Cycling of Dissolved Organic Matter in
      Aquatic Systems Studied Through Experimental, Field, and
      Modeling Approaches

*Organizers: Daniel Repeta, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, <> , Craig Carlson, Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, <> , and Raleigh R. Hood, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory, <> *

Enormous quantities of carbon and nutrients are sequestered as dissolved organic matter (DOM) in both marine and freshwater systems. Sources of DOM include direct release by metabolically active phytoplankton, viral lysis, and release through excretion by micro- and mesozooplankton. However, the time-space variability in the relative importance of each mechanism, the quality of organic matter released, and its impact on the microbial loop are still under investigation. The fate of DOM is even less well understood than the sources. It has long been known that bacteria consume DOM, but different bacterial communities (i.e., deep vs. shallow and coast vs. open ocean) appear to target different fractions of DOM and have different metabolic requirements. Some autotrophs can also utilize specific components of DON and DOP by mobilizing extracellular enzymes such as alkaline phosphatase. This session seeks contributions that focus on improving our conceptual and mechanistic understanding of DOM production, consumption and cycling through field, laboratory and modeling studies in both marine and freshwater systems.

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