has recently put out an Announcement of Opportunity for the
Integrated Carbon Cycle Research Program. More information
can be found at the NSF web site: http://www.nsf.gov/cgi-bin/getpub?nsf02016.
FY 2002 Announcement of Opportunity (on NSF website) ![](../images/bluearrow_10.gif)
Proposals due August 16, 2001
NSF has posted this funding opportunity for the Synthesis
and Modeling Project on the funding opportunities page.
Interagency announcement is out on an Integrated, Sustained
Ocean Observing System: deadline 1 May 2001 http://core.ssc.erc.msstate.edu/NOPP01BAA.html
Biocomplexity 2001 NSF Program Announcement: Biocomplexity
in the Environment (BE): Integrated Research and Education
in Environmental Systems http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2001/nsf0134/nsf0134.htm
Genome-Enabled Environmental Science (GEN-EN) deadline: 29
March 2001 Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles (CBC) deadline: 29
March 2001 Instrumentation Development for Environmental Activities
(IDEA) deadline: 16 March 2001
NASA Research Opportunity: Carbon
Cycle Science and Related Opportunities in Biology and Biogeochemistry
of Ecosystems and Applications Notices of Intent to Propose
Due November 1, 2000; Proposals due January 4, 2001
FY 2001 Announcement of Opportunity (on NSF website) ![](../images/bluearrow_10.gif)
June 2, 2000
NSF has posted this funding opportunity for the Synthesis
and Modeling Project on the funding opportunities page.