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First Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop from US GLOBEC

The U.S. GLOBEC National Coordinating Office announces the First Pan-Regional Synthesis Workshop to be held 27-30 November, 2006 at the Center Green Facility of the National Center for Atmospheric Research ( ) in Boulder, CO. A draft agenda and general information about the workshop, including intent to register, can be found on the US GLOBEC website at /workshops/synth06/index.php The Goals of the Workshop are:

  • To familiarize attendees with the status of the three regional programs as a basis for planning inter-regional US GLOBEC synthesis,
  • To define pan-regional synthesis in the US GLOBEC context, and
  • To establish the expected outcomes of the Pan-Regional Synthesis phase to enable the US GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee to formulate future calls for pan-regional synthesis activities.  

All are welcome to attend the Workshop. Young investigators wishing to become familiar with, and involved in, the Synthesis and Modeling phase of U.S. GLOBEC are particularly encouraged to attend. Some limited travel funds will be available through the U.S. GLOBEC Office.

Please share this information with any colleagues and others who may be interested. Thank You. US GLOBEC Program Office

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