Officer for IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem
Research) International Project
IMBER is a new international research project focussed on
marine biogeochemical and ecosystem research (www.IMBER.info). IMBER
is seeking to appoint an Executive Officer to lead the International
Project Office (IPO) at the Institut Universitaire Europeen de la
Mer, Brest, France. IUEM is a joint institute between CNRS and the
University of Western Brittany. The Executive Officer will be assisted
by a Deputy Executive Officer and an Administrative Assistant. The
tasks of the Executive Officer and IPO staff include assisting the
SSC in implementing the IMBER Science Plan and Implementation Strategy,
organising and servicing meetings of the SSC, working groups and
task teams, liaising with the sponsors (IGBP and SCOR) and other
relevant organisations, seeking and managing project finances, representing
the project at international meetings, maintaining the project website
and interacting with IMBER national committees and groups, as well
as other international projects. For this senior post we seek a
candidate with a strong track record in scientific coordination,
as well as familiarity, and preferably some experience, in the IMBER
research area. Experience of coordination of international science
projects would be an advantage. Some international travel will be
involved. The successful candidate will have excellent interpersonal
and administrative abilities, be fluent in English and have first-class
skills in both written and verbal communication. This post is available
for three years and will be filled as soon as possible. Starting
salary will be in the range of 36,700 to 53,000 Euros, dependent
on the relevant skills, knowledge and experience that the post holder
brings to the role. Details of the IMBER project can be viewed at
www.IMBER.info Informal enquiries should be made to Dr Julie Hall,
Tel: +64 7 856 1709; Fax: +64 7 856 0151; e-mail: j.hall@niwa.co.nz
Applications, to include a CV, and the names and contacts for three
referees should be sent to <>Dr Julie Hall NIWA PO Box 11 115 Hamilton
New Zealand or j.hall@niwa.co.nz or Fax 64 7 856 0151 by February
14th, 2005.
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