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Variability in Ocean Interior Circulation/Biogeochemistry Session at AGU (reminder)

Dear Colleagues,

As the submission deadline draws near, we would like to remind you of the following session at the American Geophysical Union 2006 Fall Meeting in San Francisco:

OS04: Variability in Ocean Interior Circulation and Biogeochemistry:
Repeat Hydrography and Modeling Studies
( )

We are convinced this will be a really exciting session, and we look
forward to seeing you there!

** Confirmed invited speakers:

Lynne Talley, Scripps Institution of Oceanographt
Chris Sabine, NOAA/PMEL

** Description:

Repeated hydrographic sections of all ocean basins have revealed
substantial variability in physical and biogeochemical quantities,
especially in thermocline waters. These water masses are uniquely suited
to help advance our understanding of physical-biogeochemical processes
and interactions as they tend to respond sensitively to climate
variability and to integrate biological and physical perturbations over
their decadal time-scale. One of the major challenges that we face when
interpreting thermocline data is to distinguish between natural
variability and long-term trends due to anthropogenic influences. In
some cases observations now span multiple decades, allowing long-term
trends to be distinguished from decadal variability, thus providing
greater insight into the ultimate causes of change.

** Sponsoring section: Ocean Sciences
Co-sponsoring sections: Biogeoscience, Global Environmental Change

** If you are not a member of AGU and wish to participate, please
contact one of the conveners (Holger Brix, Curtis Deutsch) to "sponsor"
your abstract:

** Deadline for online abstract submission is September 7, 2006.

** Submit through this link:

** AGU 2006 Fall Meeting information through this link:

Curtis Deutsch
Program on Climate Change
Department of Oceanography
University of Washington
Box 355351
Seattle WA, 98105
(206) 221-6745

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