Data Management

DDMS Overview


Basic Elements

Data Objects


User Applications

Manipulating Data


Further Info

Data Management

Detailed Information About the JGOFS Distributed Database Management System (DDMS)

User Interfaces

Command Line Interface

After setting one's path appropriately to include the JGOFS binaries, one can type commands which directly invoke programs that communicate with the data system. Such commands can also be incorporated in a shell script (perhaps with arguments) for repetitive operations. The basic commands are

Listing an Object

listvar "object"
Lists the variables in the object, with indenting indicating the hierarchical structure.
list "object"
Lists the data
In addition, there are options for other kinds of listings:
list [-n] [-s] [-t] [-f] [-b] [-c] [-z] object [outfile]

Typing the application name without any arguments returns usage instructions.

For example:

% list
Usage: list [-n] [-s|-t] [-z] [-m [new_missing]] [-c] [-l] [-f|-b|-r|-rs|-rt]
           [-errout errfile[+]] [-noerrecho] [-nopipeerr] [-finishinp]
           object [outfile[+]]
    -n   nonstop
    -s   space-separated   |  -t   tab-separated
    -z   delete extra spaces
    -m   missing value converted to new_missing (default -9999.0)
    -c   no comments
    -l   no limit on output line length
    -f   flat file output   |  -b   brief flat file (no header info)
    -r   reps-on-one-line output
    -rs   -r w/reps space-separated   |  -rt   -r w/reps tab-separated
    -h   prints this message
    ?    prints this message
    -v   prints version information

-errout       send err messages to errfile instead of /dev/stdout after command line parsing
-noerrecho    do not echo err messages to outfile if errfile is different
-nopipeerr    do not produce err message if output ends w/ "broken pipe"
-finishinp    read input until end-of-data even if output errors
-forceheader  produce variable list even if there is no data from object
             (unless listing is in -b format)

list version 1.6 28 Dec 2003

# to return a list of the 'test' object data 
% list -c -f -n -z /test
. . .

% listvar
Usage: /usr/local/dmo/JGddms/bin/listvar [-a][-l] object
 -a   follow variable names with attributes
 -l   precede variable names with level at which it occurs as X, variable

listvar version 1.3  28 Jul 1998

# to return a list of the variables and their respective levels from 'test' object data 
% listvar -l /test
0, leg
0, year
0, month
1, station
1, lat
1, lon
2, press
2, temp
2, sal
2, o2
2, sigth 

Browser Interface

The browser interface can be used from any platform running a web browser client. You can try it here. In addition, It is possible to install software on UNIX machines which allows you to use the local server and obtain full functionality through browers.



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