Data Management

DDMS Overview


Basic Elements

Data Objects


User Applications

Manipulating Data


Further Info

Data Management

Detailed Information About the JGOFS Distributed Database Management System (DDMS)

Putting Data on the system

To add a new data object to the system, one needs a translator/method which can properly interpret the data. The options are:
  • Write a new translator to conform to the data. If there is a large, established database with existing programs for updating and access, this may be the best procedure. Often this translator may also glue together a number of different files to form a full database.
  • Transform the data into a form compatible with an existing translator/method. This may be the easiest thing to do when a measurement program is just beginning.
Two existing methods, shipped with the system, are the default method, def, and the method for reading output from the list program, nm.


This is intended for data with each station (or mooring, etc.) in a single file, with header files linking them. Thus a hydrographic data set might look like:
Header file
# Gulf Stream Cruise Stations 3-5
# p<1000
station lat lon >    [variable names for this file's data]
 press  temp sal o2 sigth [variable names for the next level files] 
  3     38.28 -73.53  s3
  4     38.19 -73.52  s4
  5     38.16 -73.26  s5
file s3
# Station 3
# lat=38.28, lon=-73.53
# This data prepared by someone
# Measurement at station 21 decibars contaminated
# 2/18/93
depth   temp    sal     oxy
 1.000  21.800  25.380   5.700
 3.300  nd      nd        nd
 5.000  21.800  25.580   5.600
10.000  21.400  25.670   5.400
13.000  21.000  25.850   5.000
15.000  20.500  26.020   5.000
21.000  19.900  26.400   5.000
The # sign indicates comments; the > in the header variable name list indicates that item points to a subfile containing more detailed information.


This method is for a single file with multiple stations.
# Gulf Stream Cruise Stations 3-5
# p<1000

 station = 3    lat = 38.28,    lon = -73.53

  press,   temp,    sal,     o2,  sigth
  5.000, 18.334, 33.570,  5.970, 24.096
 25.000, 12.848, 34.159,  6.990, 25.773
 49.000, 11.070, 34.523,  6.060, 26.394
 99.000, 11.093, 35.090,  5.340, 26.831
149.000, 11.906, 35.487,  5.020, 26.990
199.000, 10.819, 35.435,  4.210, 27.152

station =       4,    lat =   38.19,    lon =  -73.52

  press,   temp,    sal,     o2,  sigth

  5.000, 17.516, 33.160,  5.840, 23.981
 25.000, 12.315, 33.958,  7.090, 25.721
 49.000,  9.612, 34.192,  6.020, 26.387
 99.000, 12.095, 35.402,  5.340, 26.887
149.000, 12.407, 35.625,  5.290, 27.000
199.000, 11.287, 35.487,  4.340, 27.108

station = 5,    lat=38.16,    lon=-73.26

  press,   temp,    sal,     o2,  sigth

  5.000, 18.382, 33.647,  5.770, 24.143
 25.000, 12.040, 34.196,  6.660, 25.959
 49.000, 11.951, 34.925,  5.510, 26.543
 99.000, 11.914, 35.390,  5.100, 26.912
149.000, 12.045, 35.547,  5.070, 27.010
149.000, 12.045, 35.547,  5.070, 27.010
199.000, 11.976, 35.589,  4.940, 27.057
Comment lines begin with #. The lines with an equals sign = contain assignments for variables at level 0 (comma or space separated). The assigments need only be done when the variable changes. The first line without an equals sign contains the names of the level 1 variables (comma or space separated).



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