Research Special Issues
The only JGOFS-related special issue of Deep-Sea Research
II now available free from the Planning Office is Volume 43,
No. 4-6:
Contact U.S JGOFS Project Office
- Volume 40, No. 1-2, 1993, H.W. Ducklow and R.P. Harris, Guest Ed.
The North Atlantic Bloom Experiment. No longer available
- Volume 42, No. 2-3, 1995, J. W. Murray, Guest Ed.
- A
U.S. JGOFS Process Study in the Equatorial Pacific.
This volume contains 28 papers, detailing the individual
science results of the EqPac Process Study. Its table
of contents is being served by Jim Murray. No longer
- Volume 43, No. 4-6, 1996, J. W. Murray, Guest Ed.
- A
U.S. JGOFS Process Study in the Equatorial Pacific. Part
2. This DSR II special issue has 28 papers. The table
of contents is available online, as well. FREE
- Volume 43, No. 2-3, 1996. D. M. Karl and A. F. Michaels,
Guest Editors.
- Ocean
Time-series: Results from the Hawaii and Bermuda Research
Programs. No longer available
- Volume 44, No. 9-10, 1997, J. Murray, R. Le Borgne and
Y. Dandonneau, Guest Eds.
- A
U.S. JGOFS Process Study in the Equatorial Pacific.
Part 3 contains synthesis papers from the U.S. JGOFS project
and papers by participants in the International JGOFS Studies.
Many of these papers were presented at the NATO Advanced
Study Workshop held in Noumea, New Caledonia in June 1995.
You can view
the list of papers. No longer available
- Volume 45, No. 10-11, 1998, S. L. Smith, Guest Ed.
- The
1994-1996 Arabian Sea Expedition: Oceanic Response to Monsoonal
Forcing, Part 1. No longer available
- Volume 46, No. 8-9, 1999, S. L. Smith, Guest Ed.
- The
1994-1996 Arabian Sea Expedition: Oceanic Response to Monsoonal
Forcing, Part 2. No longer available
- Volume 47, No. 7-8, 2000, S. L. Smith, Guest Ed.
- The
1994-1996 Arabian Sea Expedition: Oceanic Response to Monsoonal
Forcing, Part 3. No longer available
- Volume 47, Nos. 15-16, 2000, Walker O. Smith Jr and Robert
F. Anderson, Guest Editors.
- U.S.
Southern Ocean JGOFS Program (AESOPS). No longer
- Volume 48, No. 6-7, 2001, S. L. Smith, Guest Ed.
- The
1994-1996 Arabian Sea Expedition: Oceanic Response to Monsoonal
Forcing, Part 4. No longer available
- Volume 48, No. 8-9, 2001, D.A. Siegel, D.M. Karl and A.F.
Michaels, Guest Ed.
and BATS: Interpretations of Open Ocean Biogeochemical Processes.
No longer available.
- Volume 48, No. 10, 2001, Wolfgang Koeve and Hugh Ducklow,
Guest Ed.
- North
Atlantic Ocean Synthesis and Modelling. No longer
- Volume 48, No. 11-12, 2001, C.S. Law, P.W. Boyd and A.J.
Watson, Guest Ed.
Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment. No longer
- Volume 48, No. 19-20, 2001, Walker O. Smith Jr and Robert
F. Anderson, Guest Editors.
- U.S.
Southern Ocean JGOFS Program (AESOPS)-Part II. No
longer available
- Volume 49, No. 1-3, 2002, Scott Doney, Jorge Sarmiento
and Paul Falkowski, Guest Editors.
- The
U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project: Phase I.
No longer available
- Volume 49, No. 9-10, 2002, P. Treguer, P. Pondaven,
R.F. Anderson, M. Abbott and P. Boyd, Guest Editors.
- The
Southern Ocean I: Climatic Changes and the Cycle of Carbon.
No longer available.
- Volume 49, No. 12, 2002, S.L. Smith, Guest Editor.
- The 1994-1996
Arabian Sea Expedition: Oceanic Response to Monsoonal Forcing,
Part 5. No longer available.
- Volume 49, No. 13-14, 2002, R. Le Borgne, R.A. Feely
and D.J. Mackey, Guest Editors.
- The
Equatorial Pacific JGOFS Synthesis. No longer available.
- Volume 49, No. 16, 2002, P. Treguer, P. Pondaven, R.F.
Anderson, M. Abbott and P. Boyd, Guest Editors.
- The
Southern Ocean II: Climatic Changes and the Cycle of Carbon.
No longer available
- Volume 50, No. 3-4, 2003,Walker O. Smith Jr and Robert
F. Anderson, Guest Editors.
- U.S.
Southern Ocean JGOFS Program (AESOPS)-Part III. No
longer available
- Volume 50, No. 22-26, 2003, S.C. Doney and J.A. Kleypas,
Guest Editors.
- The
U.S. JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project: Phase II.
No longer available
- Volume 51, No. 1-3, 2004, D.A. Siegel, A.C. Thomas and
J. Marra, Guest Editors.
- Views of Ocean Processes from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view
Sensor (SeaWiFS) Mission: Volume 1 $40.
- Volume 51, No. 10-11, 2004, D.A. Siegel, A.C. Thomas and
J. Marra, Guest
- Editors. Views of Ocean Processes from the Sea-viewing
Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Mission: Volume 2 $40.
- By taking advantage of a bulk ordering discount, we are
able to offer to provide copies of this publication at a very
attractive price which includes mailing and is about 1/3 the
single copy price from the publisher.
- If you wish to order a copy or copies, please send your mailing
address to:
- Mary Zawoysky
U.S. JGOFS Planning and Implementation Office
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA.
Telephone: 1-508-289-2834
- e-mail: mzawoysky@whoi.edu
Checks, in US dollars, should be made payable to Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. Copies will be mailed on receipt of checks. We
can also accept payment by Visa or Mastercard.
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