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Data CD volume 2


CD About

U.S. JGOFS CD-ROM Data Report Volume 2 Known Issues

Any problems relating to Volume 2 of the final U.S. JGOFS CD-ROM data report will be documented here as they are reported.

Problem: pH.pdf file not found
Platform: any case-sensitive OS (UNIX, linux)
Description: Case-sensitive operating systems (UNIX and linux) will be unable to locate one of the PDF file maps included as part of Margarita Conkright's 'carbon system data inventory'. The file is included on the CD, but the referring page incorrectly uses the filename pH.pdf instead of ph.pdf.
Resolution: click on the filename at the end of this line to view the file [ph.pdf]
or change the name of the file in your browser's URL from pH.pdf to ph.pdf


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