JGView Usage Examples
Usage Documentation | Installation | Usage Examples

Table of Contents:

1.0   Searching for Data
2.0   Selecting Data Parameters

1.0 Searching for Data

The following examples illustrate how to effectively use the Search function to zero in on the desired data. Searching the dataset will look for words or parts of words that match the string of text entered in the Search box. In order for results to be returned this search string must either exist in any parameter of a data file or that parameters verbose description. Note that the verbose descriptions are displayed in the data catalog tree as opposed to the parameter name. For instance, parameters referring to iron data will be represented in the data catalog tree as 'iron' as opposed to its parameter name 'Fe'.

1.1 Iron Data in the Arabian Sea

Even though there are two criteria in this search, 'iron' and 'Arabian Sea', the search function cannot search on more than one text string. In order to find the desired data, it would be best to search on the string 'iron' or 'Fe' and then pick from the results a data file from the Arabian Sea basin.
When searching for iron, the user can search on the canonical word 'iron' with 'Ignore Case' checked.

The result set had 65 found references to 'iron'. From the search results, click the link of any of the results relating to the Arabian Sea to view the data file in the data catalog tree. >>

Let's assume result #1 is the desired data file. This will open up the data catalog tree to that specific data file. >>

Select any other desired parameters. >>

Subset the data file by clicking 'Subset'. >>

Searching for iron with 'Fe' with 'Ignore Case' unchecked.

The result set had 61 found references to 'Fe'. Notice the size of the result set for 'Fe' differs from that of 'iron'.

Noting that both 'iron' and 'Fe' returned different result sets, the best way to achieve an accurate result set is to search on a parameter name.

1.2 Searching on a parameter name

For the best and most accurate search results the user should search on a parameter from a data file. These parameters can be found in the documentation for each data file. If browsing the CD-ROM's HTML version of the data and are looking at the iron data in the file: \data\Arabian_Sea\Chemical\TMtrace_Fe_Al_ttn-043.htm, to determine all of the data files that recorded dissolved iron concentration < 0.2 microns, search on its parameter. Highlight the parameter, 'Fe_diss_lt0d2' from the HTML, and copy it to the clipboard, go to JGView and click 'Search'. When the Search box appears, paste the parameter Fe_diss_lt0d2 into the box, and click 'Go'. The search results would return all the places within the data catalog that Fe_diss_lt0d2 is present in some data file.

These HTML data documentation files can be viewed from JGView by highlighting a data file from the data catalog tree and clicking the 'Info' button or its blue info icon .

Get to the HTML documentation for a data file containing 'Fe_diss_lt0d2'. >>

Highlight a parameter from a data file's documentation. >>

Copy this parameter into the search box

Get all of the results where this parameter has been recorded in other data files.

1.3 Searching for a group of data

1.3.1 Pigments

Search for 'pigment' with ignore case checked

1.3.2 Trace Elements

Search for 'trace elements' with ignore case checked

2.0 Selecting Data Parameters

2.1 Selecting all parameters of a file

When a data file is first selected, a green arrow appears to notify that a data file has been selected. At this time all of its parameters are selected. >>
By expanding the data file, the parameters are all highlighted to signify their inclusion within the selection.

By pressing the 'Subset' button at either state (data file highlighted and closed, or data file expanded for the first time), the criteria table will include all of the data file's parameters.

2.2 Selecting some of the parameters of a file

This can be done two ways: 1) By deselecting parameters at the criteria, or 2) by deselecting parameters in the data catalog tree

1) Deselecting parameters at the criteria

Select all of the parameters from the data file (see section 2.1), click 'Subset'. >>

Remove the undesired parameters from the extraction when specifying the criteria by unchecking the box next to the parameter in the 'Subset' column.

2) Deselecting parameters in the data catalog tree
Expand the data file. >>
Click on the undesired parameters to remove them from the selection. (By clicking on removed parameters again, they are added to the selection.)

Click 'Subset'.

2.3 Selecting parameters from a Merged Product

Selecting parameters from merged product data files is slightly different than other data files because the parameters are grouped into into folders. Recalling section 2.1, if the data file is highlighted all of the parameters are included in the selection, the same works for merged product but also on the groupings. The only difference being that expanding the data file or its groupings would normally display all parameters as highlighted (selected), but under merged products, expanding a grouping does not display all parameters as selected. To include parameters in a selection, highlight a closed grouping to include all of the groupings parameters or open a grouping and singly click parameters.

By keeping everything closed and highlighting the title of the data file, select all parameters. >>

By selecting one of the groupings, the selection will only contain the parameters of the grouping (plus the mandatory metadata parameters event, year, lat, lon, sta, press, or depth). >>

By selecting more than one grouping, the selection contains all of the parameters from all of the highlighted groupings.

Selecting individual parameters works the same as all other data files. Expand the any of the groupings, and click them as desired. At this point, closing this grouping does NOT lose the selections made under that grouping. Therefore, opening a grouping to make selections, then closing it, opening another grouping, making selections, and closing that grouping, etc. is allowed. Therefore, the user could open grouping 'A', make selections in 'A', and highlight a different grouping 'B' without opening this grouping 'B' to have a selection of all of 'B' parameters and the selected parameters for grouping 'A'. For example, let's make selections under the 'Trace Elements' grouping, and also include the entire 'Chemical' grouping in a selection.

First, make selections under 'Trace Elements'. >>

Then, highlight 'Chemistries'. >>

Click 'Subset'. >>

Note: If 'Trace Elements' were closed after making the three selections, those three selections would still be included and are not lost by closing 'Trace Elements'. This is done so that selections can be made from any of the groupings in a way that would be easy to view by not clogging the tree with lots of selections that cannot be viewed at once.