U.S. JGOFS Dictionary of parameters

version: Friday, 10 September 2004 (14:53:29 EDT)


We provide this list with the goal of facilitating parameter consistency throughout a JGOFS category. Because there are data we have not considered, or were not sampled during an earlier study, we will be adding to this list from time to time. Please check the version date if you choose to copy the list to your own machine.

If an appropriate parameter name is not found in this list, we have written some guidelines for choosing a parameter name.

Shortcuts to parameter categories:
Sampling attributes   |   Physical properties   |   Chemistries   |   Trace elements
Organic compounds   |   Biology - Organism abundance/biomass
Biology - Production/uptake/respiration   |   Isotopes   |   Optics

Parameter name Description Units
object_ID identification name for a type of data object dimensionless
project project designation, program name dimensionless
cruise_type cruise type defined as either process or survey dimensionless
cruise_id cruise designation, name dimensionless
date date, generally reported in GMT as YYYYMMDD, also reported as MMDD; EqPac dates are local time YYYYMMDD
year year reported as YYYY YYYY
event sampling event/operation number MMDDHHmm
sta_std Arabian Sea standard station identifier dimensionless
sta station number dimensionless
sta_name station name dimensionless
cast cast/profile number dimensionless
TM_num trace metal (TM) clean rosette cast number dimensionless
cast_type sampling activity code, where CTD means CTD rosette bottle cast, TM means Trace Metal free rosette bottle cast dimensionless
lon longitude, negative denotes West decimal degrees
lat latitude, negative denotes South decimal degrees
depth depth, sample, best estimate, usually calculated from pressure meters
press depth reported as pressure decibars
bot rosette bottle number dimensionless
bots rosette bottle numbers, composite sample drawn from two or more bottles dimensionless
date_begin date sampling begins, as YYYYMMDD dimensionless
date_end date sampling ends, as YYYYMMDD dimensionless
date_open date sample cup opened, as YYYYMMDD dimensionless
date_re date/time instrument/mooring recovered, as MMDDHHmm dimensionless
day day of month dimensionless
days_open elapsed time sample tube collected particle flux number of days
mon month of year dimensionless
yrday day of year for a specified year, file dependent, year may be reported in the date parameter dimensionless
time time of day, generally reported in GMT as HHMM, also as HH.H or HHMMSS; EqPac times are local various
time_begin time at start of measurement (GMT) various
time_end time at end of measurement (GMT) various
time_open time sample cup open, as hhmm hours and minutes
sample unique sample identification dimensionless
seq sampling sequence number, within station dimensionless
sta_id station identification, file dependent, specific definition will vary from file to file dimensionless
tow tow number dimensionless
core_type sampling activity code dimensionless
deploy deployment number dimensionless
diel diel time series number dimensionless
mooring mooring identification dimensionless
site Southern Ocean site identification dimensionless
trap_type type of sediment trap dimensionless
tube_num tube or subcore number(s) from a multicoring device dimensionless
carousel Identification number of sample carousel on multi sediment trap arrays dimensionless
cup sample cup number(s) from which sediment trap sample extracted dimensionless
person scientist responsible for the data from a given sampling event dimensionless
activity_and_comments operation performed and/or sampling method for given sampling event dimensionless
lon_n nominal longitude, negative denotes West degrees
lat_n nominal latitude, negative denotes South degrees
lon_begin longitude at start of measurement, negative denotes West decimal degrees
lat_begin latitude at start of measurement, negative denotes South decimal degrees
lon_end longitude at end of measurement, negative denotes West decimal degrees
lat_end latitude at end of measurement, negative denotes South decimal degrees
depth_begin depth at which measurement/sample began various
depth_core depth in core, mid-point of interval sampled centimeters
depth_end depth at which measurement/sample ended various
depth_in depth at which sample was incubated meters
depth_mid mid point of sample collection depth range various
depth_n depth, nominal meters
depth_r depth range/interval sampled various
depth_trap depth of sediment trap meters
pressbin depth reported as pressure, a CTD one decibar bin averaged value, also indicates the level at which other CTD parameters were extracted and placed in the bottle file decibars
qflag quality flag, based on a PI established code, identifies a problem/quality issue with sample(s) from a given water bottle or single observation dimensionless
q_flag quality flag, based on a PI established code, identifies a problem/quality issue with sample(s) from a given water bottle or single observation dimensionless
q_code quality code, based on a PI established code, identifies a problem/quality issue with samples from a given water bottle dimensionless
Q_code quality code, based on a PI established code, places a confidence level on each sample dimensionless
net_mesh net mesh size microns
vol_filt volume of water filtered meters^3
analyt_ctrl analytical controls placed on the sample analysis, based on a PI established list of controls dimensionless

Parameter name Description Units
beam_cp beam attenuation due to particles 1/m
cond conductivity as observed by a CTD unit milliSiemens/centimeter
cond_mmhos conductivity as observed by CTD unit millimhos
sal salinity calculated from conductivity, from CTD, PSS-78 scale dimensionless
sal_bot salinity, water bottle sample, PSS-78 scale dimensionless
sal_ctd salinity, from CTD unit when water bottle tripped dimensionless
temp temperature, from CTD, IPTS-68 degrees Celsius
potemp potential temperature, IPTS-68 degrees Celsius
sigma_t sigma-t (density) kilograms/meter^3
sigma_0 sigma theta (potential density) kilograms/meter^3
depth_light_1 depth of 1% light level penetration meters
depth_light_0d1 depth of 0.1% light level penetration meters
light_bs light backscattered volts
irrad_incub irradiance level set for incubation experiments percent
MLD_0d1_t depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a .1 deg. C change in temperature meters
MLD_0d5_t depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a .5 deg. C change in temperature meters
depth_start_temp starting depth used in computation of mixed layer depth based on temperature, file and station dependent meters
MLD_0d01_d depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a 0.01kg/meter^3 change in potential density from the surface, reported in meters meters
MLD_0d01_dp depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a 0.01kg/meter^3 change in potential density from the surface, reported in decibars decibars
MLD_0d02_d depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a 0.02kg/meter^3 change in potential density from the surface, reported in meters meters
MLD_0d02_dp depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a .02kg/meter^3 change in potential density from the surface, reported in decibars decibars
MLD_0d03_dp depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a .03kg/meter^3 change in density from the surface, reported in decibars decibars
MLD_0d05_d depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a 0.05kg/meter^3 change in potential density from the surface, reported in meters meters
MLD_0d05_dp depth of mixed layer, based on a .05kg/meter^3 change in density from the surface, reported in decibars decibars
MLD_0d125_dp depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a .125kg/meter^3 change in density from the surface, reported in decibars decibars
MLD_0d25_dp depth of mixed layer, calculated based on a .25kg/meter^3 change in density from the surface, reported in decibars decibars
CTD_top_db first, near surface, CTD pressure value reported, used in the computation of Mixed Layer Depth, file and station dependent decibars
CTD_top_m first, near surface CTD depth value reported, used in the computation of Mixed Layer Depth, reported in meters, file and station dependent meters
depth_start_dens first, near surface CTD pressure value used in computation of Mixed Layer Depth based on density, reported as pressure, file and station dependent attribute decibars
MLD_sed Mixed layer depth in sediments centimeters
PMC particulate matter concentration micrograms/liter
PMC_rinse PMC filters rinsed with distilled water (DM) or 1M Ammonium Formate (Formate), file dependent attribute dimensionless
PMC_vol_filt volume filtered for PMC measurement micrograms/liter
PMC_kg particulate matter concentration micrograms/kilogram
PMC_kg_vol_filt volume filtered for PMC_kg measurement, reported as mass kilograms
pm_f particulate matter flux milligrams/meter^2/day
pm_f_orig particulate matter flux, original units micrograms/centimeter^2/day
dregs_corr_conc dregs corrected concentration micrograms/liter
dregs_corr_fact dregs correction factor dimensionless
dregs_mass weight of particulates in dregs volume filtered micrograms
dregs_vol_filt dregs volume filtered liters
porosity porosity in sediments dimensionless

Parameter name Description Units
CaCO3 Calcium carbonate various
C_org organic carbon various
C_to_N Carbon to Nitrogen ratio dimensionless
dic dissolved inorganic Carbon micromoles C/kilogram
DOC dissolved organic Carbon micromoles C/liter
DOC_sd dissolved organic Carbon standard deviation micromoles C/liter
NH4 Ammonium micromoles N/liter
NH4_orig Ammonium, original units various
NH4_umol_kg Ammonium micromoles N/kilogram
NO2 Nitrite micromoles/liter
NO2_umol_kg Nitrite micromoles/kilogram
NO3 Nitrate micromoles/liter
NO3_umol_kg Nitrate micromoles/kilogram
NO3_nano Nitrate, analysis for low level concentrations nanomoles/liter
NO3_NO2_pw Nitrate plus nitrite concentrations in sediment pore water micromoles/liter
O2 Oxygen, dissolved, measurement from a high resolution CTD instrument milliliters/liter
O2_ml_L Oxygen, dissolved, reported in units of milliliters/liter milliliters/liter
O2_umol_L Oxygen, dissolved, reported in units of micromoles/liter micromoles/liter
O2_umol_kg Oxygen, dissolved, reported in units of micromoles/kilogram micromoles/kilogram
H2O2_to_O2 peroxide to oxygen ratio dimensionless
pic particulate inorganic Carbon as Calcite micrograms C/liter
PO4 Phosphate, reactive phosphorus micromoles/liter
POC particulate organic Carbon micromoles/liter
POC_orig particulate organic Carbon, original units various
PON particulate organic Nitrogen micromoles/liter
PON_orig particulate organic Nitrogen, original units various
Si_acid dissolved Silicic acid concentration micromolar
Si_bio biogenic silica concentration micromoles Si/liter
SiO4 Silicate, Silicic acid/reactive silica micromoles/liter
sulfide concentration of sulfide nanomoles/liter
TOC total organic Carbon micromoles/liter
TOC_kg total organic Carbon per kilogram micromoles/kilogram
TON total organic Nitrogen micromoles/liter
TPC total particulate Carbon micromoles/liter
TPC_orig total particulate Carbon, original value received, units changed to be consistent within the group, refer to data documentation for units micrograms/liter
Urea Urea micromoles N/liter
Urea_umol_kg Urea micromoles N/kilogram
pCO2_4 partial pressure of CO2 in seawater at 4 deg C micro atmospheres
pCO2_20 partial pressure of CO2 in seawater at 20 deg C micro atmospheres
pCO2_eq partial pressure of CO2 in seawater at equilibration temperature micro atmospheres
pCO2_is in situ partial pressure of CO2 micro atmospheres
pCO2_temp equilibration temperature at which partial pressure of CO2 was measured degrees Celsius
pH_sw pH, sea water scale sea water scale
TALK total alkalinity micromoles/kilogram
TALK_b total alkalinity, analysis by P. Brewer micromoles/kilogram
TALK_t total alkalinity, analysis by T. Takahashi micromoles/kilogram
TCO2 total Carbon Dioxide in seawater, using a coulometric method micromoles/kilogram
TCO2_b total Carbon Dioxide, analysis by P. Brewer micromoles/kilogram
TCO2_t total Carbon Dioxide, analysis by T. Takahashi micromoles/kilogram
TCO2_crm total Carbon Dioxide in seawater adjusted by offset to CRM values micromoles C/kilogram
TCO2_man total Carbon Dioxide in seawater, using a manometric method micromoles C/kilogram
CaCO3 Calcium Carbonate, in sediments percent
CO3_C14_age Carbonate C14 age dating in sediments years
CO3_C14_age_error Carbonate C14 age dating error years
CO3_dC14 Carbonate delta C14, in sediments per mil
CO3_dC14_err Carbonate delta C14 error per mil
NH3_pw Ammonia concentration in sediment pore water micromoles/liter
opal opal, in sediment percent
Si_acid_pw_t Silicic acid concentration in sediment pore water, temperature corrected for warming during centrifugation micromoles/liter

Parameter name Description Units
Al_diss_lt0d2 dissolved aluminum concentration less then 0.2 microns nanomoles/liter
AlFe_filt_sz Filter size used for AL and Fe dissolved conc, file dependent attribute microns
Al_part_gt0d4_leach aluminum, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, leachable fraction nanomoles/liter
Al_part_gt0.4_leach aluminum, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, leachable fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Al_part_gt0d4_refrac aluminum, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, refractory fraction nanomoles/liter
Al_part_gt0.4_refrac aluminum, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, refractory fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Al_part_gt0d4_sum aluminum, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, sum of leach and refractory fractions nanomoles/liter
Al_part_gt0.4_sum aluminum, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, sum of leach and refractory fractions nanomoles/kilogram
Al_unfilt aluminum concentration, unfiltered sample nanomoles/liter
Ba_pore_w barium concentration in sediment pore water nanomoles/kilogram
Ca_p Calcium concentration for particles greater than 0.4 microns micrograms/liter
Cd_diss_lt0.4 cadmium, dissolved less than 0.4 microns picomoles/kilogram
Cd_part_gt0.4_leach cadmium, particulate gt0.4 microns in leachable fraction picomoles/kilogram
Cd_part_gt0.4_refrac cadmium, particulate gt0.4 microns in refractory fraction picomoles/kilogram
Cd_part_gt0.4_sum cadmium, particulate gt0.4 microns, sum of leach and refractory fractions picomoles/kilogram
Co_diss_lt0.4 cobalt, dissolved less than 0.4 microns picomoles/kilogram
Co_part_gt0.4_leach cobalt, particulate gt0.4 microns in the leachable fraction picomoles/kilogram
Co_part_gt0.4_refrac cobalt, particulate gt0.4 microns in the refractory fraction picomoles/kilogram
Co_part_gt0.4_sum cobalt, particulate gt0.4 microns, sum of the leach and refractory fractions picomoles/kilogram
Cu_diss_lt0.4 copper, dissolved less than 0.4 microns nanomoles/kilogram
Cu_part_gt0.4_leach copper, particulate gt0.4 microns in the leachable fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Cu_part_gt0.4_refrac copper, particulate gt0.4 microns in the refractory fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Cu_part_gt0.4_sum copper, particulate gt0.4 microns, sum of the leach and refractory fractions nanomoles/kilogram
Fe_diss_lt0d2 iron, dissolved less than 0.2 microns nanomoles/liter
Fe_diss_lt0.4 iron, dissolved less than 0.4 microns nanomoles/kilogram
Fe_part_gt0.4_leach iron, particulate greater than 0.4 microns in the leachable fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Fe_part_gt0.4_refrac iron, particulate greater than 0.4 microns in the refractory fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Fe_part_gt0.4_sum iron, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, sum of leachable and refractory fractions nanomoles/kilogram
Fe_unfilt iron, sample unfiltered nanomoles/liter
iodide iodide concentration nanomoles/liter
iodine_tot iodine, total nanomoles/liter
iodine_tot_sd iodine, total, standard deviation of nanomoles/liter
Mn_diss_lt0.4 manganese, dissolved less than 0.4 microns nanomoles/kilogram
Mn_diss_lt0d45 manganese, dissolved less than 0.45 microns nanomoles/liter
Mn_part_gt0d4_leach manganese, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, leachable fraction nanomoles/liter
Mn_part_gt0.4_leach manganese, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, leachable fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Mn_part_gt0d4_refrac manganese, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, refractory fraction nanomoles/liter
Mn_part_gt0.4_refrac manganese, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, refractory fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Mn_part_gt0d4_sum manganese, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, sum of leach and refractory fractions nanomoles/liter
Mn_part_gt0.4_sum manganese, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, sum of leach and refractory fractions nanomoles/kilogram
Mn_unfilt manganese, unfiltered sample (dissolved plus particulate) nanomoles/liter
Ni_diss_lt0.4 nickel, dissolved less than 0.4 microns nanomoles/kilogram
Ni_part_gt0.4_leach nickel, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, leachable fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Ni_part_gt0.4_refrac nickel, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, refractory fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Ni_part_gt0.4_sum nickel, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, sum of leach and refractory fractions nanomoles/kilogram
Pb_diss_lt0.4 lead, dissolved less than 0.4 microns picomoles/kilogram
Zn_diss_lt0.4 zinc, dissolved less than 0.4 microns nanomoles/kilogram
Zn_part_gt0.4_leach zinc, particulate greater than 0.4 microns in the leachable fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Zn_part_gt0.4_refrac zinc, particulate greater than 0.4 microns in the refractory fraction nanomoles/kilogram
Zn_part_gt0.4_sum zinc, particulate greater than 0.4 microns, sum of leachable and refractory fractions nanomoles/kilogram

LIPIDS, ACID AND NEUTRAL (must resolve specific names issue)
Parameter name Description Units
fatty_acid_lt53 total fatty acids, lt53 microns nanograms/liter
fatty_acid_gt53 total fatty acids, gt53 microns nanograms/liter
lipids_acid total chromatographically resolved compounds in the acid lipid fraction micrograms/meter^2/day
lipids_neut total chromatographically resolved compounds in the neutral lipid fraction micrograms/meter^2/day
lipids_tot total lipids, neutral and acid fractions micrograms/meter^2/day
lipids_neut_lt53 total neutral lipids, lt53 microns nanograms/liter
lipids_neut_gt53 total neutral lipids, gt53 microns nanograms/liter
sum_lt53 total fatty acids and neutral lipids lt53 microns nanograms/liter
sum_gt53 total fatty acids and neutral lipids gt53 microns nanograms/liter
monoenoics monoenoics mole percent
monoenoics_b monoenoics, branched mole percent
polyenoics polyenoics mole percent
saturates_norm saturates normal mole percent
saturates_mid_c_b saturates, mid-chain branched mole percent
saturates_term_b saturates, terminally branched mole percent
Parameter name Description Units
g_Aba gamma-aminobutyric acid mole percent
g_Aba_lt53 gamma-aminobutyric acid in particulate phase lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Ala alanine mole percent
Ala_f alanine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Ala_lt53 alanine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
b_Ala beta-alanine mole percent
b_Ala_lt53 beta-alanine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
p_Ala phenylalanine mole percent
p_Ala_f phenylalanine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
p_Ala_lt53 phenylalanine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
dfaa amino acid, dissolved free micromoles/liter
amino_conc amino acid concentration milligrams/gram dry weight
amino_C_f total hydrolyzed amino acid carbon flux micromol THAA C/meter^2/day
amino_flux amino acid fluxes, sum/total milligrams/meter^2/day
amino_tot_lt53 amino acids, total, in particulate phase lt53 microns micrograms/liter
pAmino amino acid uptake, file dependent nanograms N/liter/hour
Arg arginine mole percent
Arg_f arginine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Arg_lt53 arginine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Asp aspartic acid mole percent
Asp_f aspartic acid flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Asp_lt53 aspartic acid in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Glu glutamic acid mole percent
Glu_f glutamic acid flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Glu_lt53 glutamic acid in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Gly glycine mole percent
Gly_f glycine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Gly_lt53 glycine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
His histidine mole percent
His_f histidine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
His_lt53 histidine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Ile isoleucine mole percent
Ile_f isoleucine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Ile_lt53 isoleucine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Leu leucine mole percent
Leu_f leucine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Leu_lt53 leucine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Lys lysine mole percent
Lys_f lysine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Lys_lt53 lysine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Met methionine mole percent
Met_f methionine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Met_lt53 methionine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Orn_lt53 ornithine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Ser serine mole percent
Ser_f serine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Ser_lt53 serine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Thr threonine mole percent
Thr_f threonine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Thr_lt53 threonine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Tyr tyrosine mole percent
Tyr_f tyrosine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Tyr_lt53 tyrosine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Val valine mole percent
Val_f valine flux milligrams/meter^2/day
Val_lt53 valine in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
Parameter name Description Units
allox alloxanthin nanograms/liter
carotene sum of alpha and beta carotene nanograms/liter
carotene_a carotene-alpha nanograms/liter
carotene_b carotene-beta nanograms/liter
carotene_g carotene-gamma nanograms/liter
chlide_a chlorophyllide a nanograms/liter
chlide_b chlorophyllide b nanograms/liter
chl_a chlorophyll a nanograms/liter
chl_a_allo chlorophyll a, allomerized nanograms/liter
chl_a_f chlorophyll-a flux micrograms/meter^2/day
chl_a_f_mol chlorophyll-a flux, reported in moles per day picomoles/meter^2/day
chl_a_lt53 chlorophyll a in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
chl_a_prime chlorophyll a prime nanograms/liter
chl_a_tot chlorophyll a like compounds, sum of nanograms/liter
chl_a1 chlorophyll a, monovinyl nanograms/liter
chl_a1_prime chlorophyll a prime, monovinyl nanograms/liter
chl_a2 chlorophyll a, divinyl nanograms/liter
chl_b chlorophyll b nanograms/liter
chl_b1 chlorophyll b, monovinyl nanograms/liter
chl_b2 chlorophyll b, divinyl nanograms/liter
chl_b_tot sum of chlorophyll b like compounds, Divinyl chlorophyll b plus Monovinyl chlorophyll b nanograms/liter
chl_c chlorophyll c1 + chlorophyll c2 + Mg 3,8 divinyl pheoporphyrin a5 nanograms/liter
chl_c1_c2 chlorophyll c pigments monovinyl plus divinyl nanograms/liter
chl_c3 chlorophyll c3 nanograms/liter
chl_c3_p chlorophyll c3, phytolated nanograms/liter
chl_c4 chlorophyll c4, phytolated c_like pigment nanograms/liter
chl_c4_1 chlorophyll c4, phytolated, type 1, file dependent nanograms/liter
chl_c4_2 chlorophyll c4, phytolated, type 2, file dependent nanograms/liter
chl_c12 chlorophyll c12 nanograms/liter
cis_fucox cis-fucoxanthin nanograms/liter
cis_hex cis-19-prime-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin nanograms/liter
diadinox diadinoxanthin nanograms/liter
diatox diatoxanthin nanograms/liter
fucox fucoxanthin nanograms/liter
fucox_f_mol fucoxanthin flux, reported in units of moles picomoles/meter^2/day
fucox_lt53 fucoxanthin in particulate form lt53 microns nanograms/liter
fucoxanthiol fucoxanthiol nanograms/liter
fucox_but 19-prime-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin nanograms/liter
fucox_hex 19-prime-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin nanograms/liter
fucox_iso1 fucoxanthin isomer 1 nanograms/liter
fucox_iso2 fucoxanthin isomer 2 nanograms/liter
lutein lutein nanograms/liter
neox neoxanthin nanograms/liter
peridinin peridinin nanograms/liter
pig_conc chloropigment concentration nanograms/gram dry weight
chlpig_f chloropigment fluxes, sum of micrograms/meter^2/day
chlpig_tot_lt53 chloropigment, total, in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
phyco phycoerythrin, red protein pigments nanograms/liter
p_phorbide pheophorbide a mole percent
p_phorbide_f pheophorbide a flux micrograms/meter^2/day
p_phorbide_f_mol pheophorbide-a flux, reported in moles picomoles/meter^2/day
p_phorbide_lt53 pheophorbide a in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
p_phytin pheophytin a mole percent
p_phytin_f pheophytin-a flux micrograms/meter^2/day
p_phytin_f_mol pheophytin-a flux, reported in moles picomoles/meter^2/day
p_phytin_lt53 pheophytin a in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
pp_phorbide pyropheophorbide a mole percent
pp_phorbide_f pyropheophorbide a flux micrograms/meter^2/day
pp_phorbide_f_mol pyropheophorbide-a flux, reported in moles picomoles/meter^2/day
pp_phorbide_lt53 pyropheophorbide a in particulate form lt53 microns micrograms/liter
prasinox prasinoxanthin nanograms/liter
violax violaxanthin nanograms/liter
zeax zeaxanthin nanograms/liter
Parameter name Description Units
chl_a_fluor chlorophyll-a, fluorometric method micrograms/liter
fluor fluorescence, indirect measure of pigment concentration, from CTD profiler milligrams/meter^3
fluor_re rescaled fluorescence, from CTD profiler, units are numerically equivalent to chlorophyll-a concentrations micrograms chl-a/liter
fluor_vol_filt volume of water filtered for fluorometric measurement liters
Fo_to_Fa ratio of chlorophyll-a to phaeopigment based on fluorometric readings dimensionless
phaeo phaeopigments, fluorometric method micrograms/liter

Parameter name Description Units
acanth acantharian abundance cells/liter
acanth_C acantharian Carbon biomass nanograms C/liter
amp autotrophic micro plankton with cell sizes gt20 microns cells/milliliter
amp_C autotrophic micro plankton Carbon biomass with cell sizes gt20 microns micrograms C/liter
anp_1d5_2 autotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 1.5 and 2 microns cells/milliliter
anp_C_1d5_2 autotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 1.5 and 2 microns micrograms C/liter
anp_2_5 autotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 2 and 5 microns cells/milliliter
anp_C_2_5 autotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 2 and 5 microns micrograms C/liter
anp_5_10 autotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 5 and 10 microns cells/milliliter
anp_C_5_10 autotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 5 and 10 microns micrograms C/liter
anp_10_20 autotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 10 and 20 microns cells/milliliter
anp_C_10_20 autotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 10 and 20 microns micrograms C/liter
cocc_gt15 coccolithophore abundance, gt15 microns cells/liter
cocc_gt15_C coccolithophore Carbon biomass, gt15 microns picograms C/liter
foram foraminifera abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
foram_C foraminifera Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns nanograms C/liter
foram_lg foraminifera abundance, 20 to 200 microns, large sample cells/liter
foram_lg_C foraminifera Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns, large sample nanograms C/liter
hepnp_mic heterotrophic eucayotic pico and nanoplankton, microscopy cells/liter
hepnp_mic_biov heterotrophic eucayotic pico and nanoplankton, biovolume, microscopy cubic microns
hepnp_mic_C heterotrophic eucayotic pico and nanoplankton, biomass, microscopy micrograms C/liter
hmp heterotrophic micro plankton with cell sizes gt20 microns cells/milliliter
hmp_C heterotrophic micro plankton Carbon biomass with cell sizes gt20 microns micrograms C/liter
hnp heterotrophic nano plankton, abundance cells/milliliter
hnp_biov heterotrophic nano plankton, biovolume various
hnp_C heterotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass micrograms C/liter
hnp_cellv heterotrophic nano plankton, average cell biovolume cubic microns/cell
hnp_num number of cells counted and measured, heterotrophic nano plankton dimensionless
hnp_1d5_2 heterotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 1.5 and 2 microns cells/milliliter
hnp_C_1d5_2 heterotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 1.5 and 2 microns micrograms C/liter
hnp_2_5 heterotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 2 and 5 microns cells/milliliter
hnp_C_2_5 heterotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 2 and 5 microns micrograms C/liter
hnp_5_10 heterotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 5 and 10 microns cells/milliliter
hnp_C_5_10 heterotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 5 and 10 microns micrograms C/liter
hnp_10_20 heterotrophic nano plankton with cell sizes between 10 and 20 microns cells/milliliter
hnp_C_10_20 heterotrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass with cell sizes between 10 and 20 microns micrograms C/liter
olig_mix_gt2 plastidic oligotrichs, including dinos (Torodinium-like) abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
olig_mix_gt2_C plastidic oligotrichs, including dinos (Torodinium-like), Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
pepnp_mic phototrophic eucaryotic pico and nanoplankton, microscopy cells/liter
pepnp_mic_biov phototrophic eucaryotic pico and nanoplankton, biovolume, microscopy cubic microns
pepnp_mic_C phototrophic eucaryotic pico and nanoplankton, biomass, microscopy micrograms C/liter
Phaeo_ant Phaeocystis antarctica colonial cell abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
Phaeo_ant_C Phaeocystis antarctica colonial cell, Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
Phaeo_ant_gt2 Phaeocystis antarctica colonial cell abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
Phaeo_ant_gt2_C Phaeocystis antarctica colonial cell, Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
phyto_cryp_lt40 cryptophyte phytoplankton abundance, 1 to 40 microns cells/milliliter
phyto_cryp_lt40_C cryptophyte phytoplankton Carbon biomass, 1 to 40 microns picograms C/milliliter
phyto_e_n phytoplankton, nano eukaryotic cells/liter
phyto_e_u ultra eukaryotic phytoplankton, may exceed pico size class cells/milliliter
phyto_e_u_cyt ultra eukaryotic phytoplankton, may exceed pico size class, using analytically enhanced flow cytometry cells/milliliter
phyto_oth other phytoplankton abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
phyto_oth_C other phytoplankton biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
phyto_oth_gt15 other phytoplankton abundance, gt15 microns cells/liter
phyto_oth_gt15_C other phytoplankton Carbon biomass, gt15 microns picograms C/liter
phyto_tot_gt15 total phytoplankton abundance, gt15 microns cells/liter
phyto_tot_gt15_C total phytoplankton abundance, gt15 microns picograms C/liter
phyto_oth_lt40 other phytoplankton abundance, 1 to 40 microns cells/milliliter
phyto_oth_lt40_C other phytoplankton Carbon biomass, 1 to 40 microns picograms C/milliliter
phyto_tot_lt40 total phytoplankton abundance, 1 to 40 microns cells/milliliter
phyto_tot_lt40_C total phytoplankton Carbon biomass, 1 to 40 microns picograms C/milliliter
pnp phototrophic nano plankton, abundance cells/milliliter
pnp_biov phototrophic nano plankton, biovolume various
pnp_C phototrophic nano plankton, Carbon biomass micrograms C/liter
pnp_cellv phototrophic nano plankton, average cell biovolume cubic microns/cell
pnp_num phototrophic nano plankton, number of cells measured and counted dimensionless
rad radiolarian abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
rad_C radiolarian Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns nanograms C/liter
rad_lg radiolarian abundance, 20 to 200 microns, large sample cells/liter
rad_lg_C radiolarian Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns, large sample nanograms C/liter
sarc sarcodine abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
sarc_C sarcodine Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
sarc_gt20 sarcodine abundance, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger cells/liter
sarc_gt20_C sarcodine Carbon biomass, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger nanograms C/liter
sticho Sticholonche, gt 20 microns cells/liter
proto_unid unidentified protozoan abundance cells/liter
proto_unid_C unidentified protozoan biomass nanograms C/liter
Parameter name Description Units
bact_cm3 bacteria abundance, in units of sediment volume cells/centimeter^3
bact_cm3_sd bacteria abundance, error within one standard deviation cells/centimeter^3
bact_g bacteria abundance, in units of sediment dry weight cells/gram sediment dry weight
bact_g_sd bacteria abundance, error within one standard deviation cells/gram sediment dry weight
bact_cyan cyanobacteria abundance cells/milliliter
bact_cyan_biov cyanobacteria, biovolume per sample volume cubic microns/milliliter
bact_cyan_C cyanobacteria Carbon biomass micrograms C/liter
bact_cyan_cellv cyanobacteria, average cell biovolume cubic microns/cell
bact_cyan_num cyanobacteria, number of cells counted and measured dimensionless
bact_cyan_lt40 cyanobacteria (synechococcus and prochlorococcus) abundance, 1 to 40 microns cells/milliliter
bact_het_cyt heterotrophic bacteria abundance, cytometry cells/milliliter
bact_het_mic heterotrophic bacteria abundance, microscopy, may contain an unknown small % of prochlorophytes cells/milliliter
bact_het_cellv heterotrophic bacteria mean cell volume cubic microns
bact_het_orig heterotrophic bacteria abundance, original value received, units changed to be consistent within the group, refer to data documentation for units various
bact_het_se heterotrophic bacteria standard error dimensionless
coccus_p prochlorococcus abundance cells/milliliter
coccus_s synechococcus abundance cells/milliliter
coccus_s_mic synechococcus abundance, using microscopy as the analytical method to determine abundance cells/milliliter
coccus_s_mic_biov synechococcus, biovolume, microscopy cubic microns
coccus_s_mic_C synechococcus, biomass, microscopy micrograms C/liter
coccus_p_cyt prochlorococcus abundance, using analytically enhanced flow cytometry cells/milliliter
coccus_s_cyt synechococcus abundance, using analytically enhanced flow cytometry cells/milliliter
coccus_s_lt40 synechococcus abundance, 1 to 40 microns cells/milliliter
coccus_s_lt40_C synechococcus, Carbon biomass, 1 to 40 microns picograms C/milliliter
microbial_C_g microbial Carbon biomass in units of sediment dry weight micromoles Carbon/gram sediment dry weight
microbial_C_cm3 microbial Carbon biomass in units of sediment volume micromoles Carbon/centimeter^3 sediment
Parameter name Description Units
ciliates ciliate abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
ciliates_C ciliate Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns nanograms C/liter
ciliates_gt20 ciliate abundance, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger cells/liter
ciliates_gt20_C ciliate Carbon biomass, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger nanograms C/liter
ciliates_n_het heterotrophic non-loricate ciliate abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
ciliates_n_het_C heterotrophic non-loricate ciliate Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
ciliates_n non-loricate ciliate abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
ciliates_n_C non-loricate ciliate Carbon biomass 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
ciliates_n_gt2 non-loricate ciliate abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
ciliates_n_gt2_C non-loricate ciliate, Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
ciliates_npo non plastidic oligotrich ciliates, gt 20 microns cells/liter
ciliates_npo_C non plastidic oligotrich ciliates, Carbon biomass, gt 20 microns nanograms C/liter
ciliates_oth_oli other oligotrich ciliates, gt 20 microns cells/liter
ciliates_oth_oli_C other oligotrich ciliates, Carbon biomass, gt 20 microns nanograms C/liter
ciliates_oth_no other non oligotrich ciliates, gt 20 microns cells/liter
ciliates_oth_no_C other non oligotrich ciliates, Carbon biomass, gt 20 microns nanograms C/liter
ciliates_pl_o plastidic oligotrich ciliates, gt 20 microns cells/liter
ciliates_pl_o_C plastidic oligotrich ciliates, Carbon biomass, gt 20 microns nanograms C/liter
holotricha Holotricha, gt 20 microns cells/liter
mesodin Mesodinium abundance, gt 20 microns cells/liter
mesodin_C Mesodinium Carbon biomass, gt 20 microns nanograms C/liter
mesod_rub_gt2 Mesodinium rubrum abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
mesod_rub_gt2_C Mesodinium rubrum, Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
tint tintinnid abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
tint_C tintinnid Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
tint_gt2 tintinnid abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
tint_gt2_C tintinnid Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
Parameter name Description Units
Copepod total copepods (including nauplii) individuals/meter^3
Copepod_DW total copepods (including nauplii), dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Krill krill individuals/meter^3
Krill_DW krill, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Other other, caution file dependent, definition will vary individuals/meter^3
Other_DW other, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
copepod_na nauplii copepod abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
copepod_na_C nauplii copepod biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
copepod_oth other copepod abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
naup_gt20 nauplii abundance, greater than 20 microns organisms/liter
naup_gt20_C nauplii biomass, greater than 20 microns nanograms C/liter
Cal_a Calanoides acutus individuals/meter^3
Cal_a_DW Calanoides acutus, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Cal_p Calanus propinquus individuals/meter^3
Cal_p_DW Calanus propinquus, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Cal_s Calanus simillimus individuals/meter^3
Cal_s_DW Calanus simillimus, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Cten Ctenocalanus spp individuals/meter^3
Cten_DW Ctenocalanus spp, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Met Metridia ssp individuals/meter^3
Met_DW Metridia ssp, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Neocal_t Neocalanus tonsus individuals/meter^3
Neocal_t_DW Neocalanus tonsus, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Oith Oithona ssp individuals/meter^3
Oith_DW Oithona ssp, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Pleur_r Pleuromamma robusta individuals/meter^3
Pleur_r_DW Pleuromamma robusta, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Rhincal_g Rhincalanus gigas individuals/meter^3
Rhincal_g_DW Rhincalanus gigas, dry weight milligrams/meter^3
Parameter name Description Units
diatom diatom abundance cells/milliliter
diatom_C diatom Carbon biomass micrograms/liter
diatom_dead dead diatom abundance cells/liter
diatom_gt15 diatom abundance gt15 microns cells/liter
diatom_gt15_C diatom Carbon biomass, gt15 microns picograms C/liter
diatom_gt20 diatom abundance, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger cells/liter
diatom_gt20_C diatom Carbon biomass, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger nanograms C/liter
diatom_tot diatom, total abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
diatom_tot_C diatom, total Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
diatom_cen_gt2 centric diatom abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
diatom_cen_gt2_C centric diatom, Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
diatom_pen_gt2 Pennate diatom abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
diatom_pen_gt2_C Pennate diatom, Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
diatom_pen_lt40 Pennate diatom abundance, 1 to 40 microns cells/milliliter
diatom_pen_lt40_C Pennate diatom Carbon biomass, 1 to 40 microns picograms C/milliliter
Parameter name Description Units
dino_gt15 dinoflagellate abundance, gt15 microns cells/liter
dino_gt15_C dinoflagellates gt15 microns carbon biomass picograms C/liter
dino_auto_gt2 autotrophic dinoflagellate abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
dino_auto_gt2_C autotrophic dinoflagellate, Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
dino_auto_gt20 autotrophic dinoflagellate abundance, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger cells/liter
dino_auto_gt20_C autotrophic dinoflagellate, Carbon biomass, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger nanograms C/liter
dino_het heterotrophic dinoflagellates abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
dino_het_C heterotrophic dinoflagellate biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
dino_het_gt2 heterotrophic dinoflagellates abundance, 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
dino_het_gt2_C heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
dino_het_gt20 heterotrophic dinoflagellate abundance, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, but sometimes larger cells/liter
dino_het_gt20_C heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Carbon biomass, predominantly 20 to 200 microns, sometimes larger nanograms C/liter
dino_het_lt20 heterotrophic dinoflagellates, lt20 microns cells/milliliter
dino_het_lt20_biov heterotrophic dinoflagellates, lt20 microns, biovolume cubic microns/milliliter
dino_het_biov_sd heterotrophic dinoflagellates, lt 20 microns, mean biovolume standard deviation cubic microns/milliliter
dino_het_lt20_C heterotrophic dinoflagellates, lt20 microns, carbon biomass micrograms C/liter
dino_het_lt20_cellv heterotrophic dinoflagellates, lt20 microns, mean cell volume cubic microns/cell
dino_het_t heterotrophic thecate dinoflagellates cells/liter
dino_het_t_C heterotrophic thecate dinoflagellate Carbon biomass nanograms C/liter
dino_tot dinoflagellate, total abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
dino_tot_C dinoflagellate, total, Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 micron micrograms C/liter
nanoflag_auto_gt2 autotrophic nanoflagellate abundance (excluding dinoflagellates), 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
nanoflag_auto_gt2_C autotrophic nanoflagellate (excluding dinoflagellates), Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
nanoflag_het heterotrophic nanoflagellate abundance (excluding dinoflagellates), 2 to 20 microns cells/liter
nanoflag_het_C heterotrophic nanoflagellates (excluding dinoflagellates) Carbon biomass, 2 to 20 microns micrograms C/liter
nanoflag_het_gt2 heterotrophic nanoflagellates abundance (excluding dinoflagellates), 2 to 200 microns cells/liter
nanoflag_het_gt2_C heterotrophic nanoflagellates (excluding dinoflagellates) Carbon biomass, 2 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
silico silicoflagellate abundance, 20 to 200 microns cells/liter
silico_C silicoflagellate Carbon biomass, 20 to 200 microns micrograms C/liter
Parameter name Description Units
Oligochaeta Oligochaeta, Phylum ANNELIDA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Polychaeta Polychaeta, Phylum ANNELIDA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Amphipoda Amphipoda, Phylum ARTHROPODA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Cumacea Cumacea, Phylum ARTHROPODA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Decapoda Decapoda, Phylum ARTHROPODA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Isopoda Isopoda, Phylum ARTHROPODA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Tanaidacea Tanaidacea, Phylum ARTHROPODA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
BRYOZOA BRYOZOA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Hydrozoa Hydrozoa, Phylum COELENTERATA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Echinoidea Echinoidea, Phylum ECHINODERMATA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Holothuroidea Holothuroidea, Phylum ECHINODERMATA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Ophiuroidea Ophiuroidea, Phylum ECHINODERMATA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
ECHIURA ECHIURA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
ENTOPROCTA ENTOPROCTA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
HEMICHORDATA HEMICHORDATA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Aplacophora Aplacophora, Phylum MOLLUSCA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Bivalvia Bivalvia, Phylum MOLLUSCA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Gastropoda Gastropoda, Phylum MOLLUSCA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Scaphopoda Scaphopoda, Phylum MOLLUSCA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
NEMERTEA NEMERTEA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
nematodes_32_45 Nematode abundance in the size class 32 to 45 microns individuals/100 centimeter^2
nematodes_gt45 Nematode abundance greater than 45 microns individuals/100 centimeter^2
Turbellaria Turbellaria, Phylum PLATYHELMINTHES individuals/1800 centimeter^2
Ascidiacea Ascidiacea, Phylum PLOTOCHORDATA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
PORIFERA PORIFERA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
SIPUNCULA SIPUNCULA individuals/1800 centimeter^2
unk_others unknown others individuals/1800 centimeter^2
unk_worms unknown worms individuals/1800 centimeter^2

Parameter name Description Units
C14_respir microbial respiration of carbon; as 14C-Carbon dioxide; evolved during incubation; sediment samples micromoles C/meter^2/day
C14_incorp microbial incorporation of 14C-Carbon into macromolecules; sediment samples micromoles C/meter^2/day
C_calcif Calcification, rate of 14C fixation (calcite fraction) by micro-diffusion method micrograms C/liter/day
C_photosyn Photosynthesis, rate of 14C fixation (organic fraction) by micro-diffusion method micrograms C/liter/day
pb12 carbon assimilation per unit Chl_a from dawn to dusk, 12 hours milligrams C/meter^3
pb24 carbon assimilation per unit Chl_a from dawn to dawn, 24 hours milligrams C/meter^3
pp12 primary production carbon assimilation from dawn to dusk, 12 hours milligrams C/meter^3/12 hours
pp24 primary production carbon assimilation dawn to dawn, 24 hours milligrams C/meter^3/day
pNH4 N-15 uptake rate for ammonium labeled substrate, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
pNO2 N-15 uptake rate for nitrite labeled substrate, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
pNO3 N-15 uptake rate for nitrate labeled substrate, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
pUrea Urea uptake rate, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
leuc_incorp heterotrophic bacteria, leucine incorporation rate picomoles/liter/hour
leuc_sd standard deviation of leucine incorporation rates picomoles/liter/hour
thy_incorp thymidine incorporation rate, file dependent picomoles/liter/hour
thy_incorp_ng thymidine (TdR) incorporation rate, file dependent nanograms N/liter/hour
thy_sd standard deviation of thymidine incorporation rates picomoles/liter/hour
dark_O2_respir dark on-deck incubation oxygen respiration micromoles O2/day
dark_std_error dark on-deck incubation oxygen respiration standard error micromoles O2/day
gross_O2 gross oxygen production, in situ incubation micromoles O2/day
gross_integ_prod gross integrated oxygen production, in situ incubation millimoles O2/meter^2/day
gross_std_error gross oxygen production, standard error, in situ incubation micromoles O2/day
integ_dark_error integrated dark oxygen standard error, on-deck incubation millimoles O2/meter^2/day
integ_dark_respir integrated dark oxygen respiration, on-deck incubation millimoles O2/meter^2/day
integ_respir integrated oxygen respiration rates, in situ incubation millimoles O2/meter^2/day
integ_std_error integrated standard error for integrated net O2 production, Caution file dependent millimoles O2/meter^2/day
net_O2 net oxygen production, Caution file dependent, this parameter is used for both in situ as well as on-deck incubations micromoles O2/day
net_integ_prod net integrated oxygen production, Caution file dependent, this parameter is used for both in situ as well as on-deck incubations millimoles O2/meter^2/day
net_std_error net oxygen production, standard error, Caution file dependent, this parameter is used for both in situ as well as on-deck incubations micromoles O2/day
O2_respir oxygen respiration rates, in situ incubation micromoles O2/day
Si_dis_rate rate of biogenic silica dissolution micromoles Si/liter/day
Si_rho silica rate of biogenic production micromoles Si/liter/day
Si_Vb silica production, specific rate of biogenic per day

Parameter name Description Units
Be10 beryllium-10, in sediments atoms/gram
Be10_err beryllium-10 error, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
Be10_part_lt1mm beryllium-10, particulate phase less then 1 millimeter atoms/gram
Be10_tot beryllium_10 total, dissolved and particulate phases various
C14_age carbon-14 age dating, in sediments years
C14_age_err carbon-14 age dating error, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
dC13_POM delta 13C of particulate organic matter relative to the PDB standard per mil (ppt)
delta13C Carbon 13 to Carbon 12 ratio of TCO2 per mil
delta18O ratio oxygen 16 to oxygen 18 various
dN15_NO3 delta 15N of dissolved nitrate relative to atmospheric N2 per mil (ppt)
dN15_POM delta 15N of particulate organic matter relative to atmospheric N2 per mil (ppt)
Pa231 protactinium-231, in sediments dpm/gram
Pa231_err protactinium-231 error, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
Pa231_part_lt1mm protactinium-231, particulate phase less then 1 millimeter dpm/gram
Pa231_tot protactinium-231 total, dissolved and particulate phases dpm/1000 liters
Pb210_diss_lt0d45 lead-210, dissolved fraction less than 0.45 microns dpm/meter^3
Pb210_err lead_210 error, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
Pb210_part_lt1mm lead-210, particulate phase, less then 1 millimeter dpm/gram
Pb210_part_f lead-210, particulate flux dpm/meter^2/day
Pb210_part_gt0.45 lead-210, particulate fraction greater than 0.45 microns dpm/meter^3
Pb210_tot lead-210, total concentration dpm/meter^3
Po210_diss_lt0.45 potonium-210, dissolved fraction less than 0.45 microns dpm/meter^3
Po210_part_f polonium-210, particulate flux dpm/meter^2/day
Po210_part_gt0.45 potonium-210, particulate fraction greater than 0.45 microns dpm/meter^3
Po210_tot potonium-210, total concentration dpm/meter^3
Ra226_SiO4 radium-226 as determined by a Ra-Si regression from 226Ra data at the same station dpm/meter^3
Th230 thorium-230, in sediments dpm/gram
Th230_err thorium-230 error, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
Th230_part_lt1mm thorium-230 particulate phase, less then 1 millimeter dpm/gram
Th230_tot thorium-230 total, dissolved and particulate phases dpm/1000 liters
Th232 thorium-232, in sediments dpm/gram
Th232_tot thorium-232 total, dissolved and particulate phases dpm/1000 liters
Th232_err thorium-232 error, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
Th234_d_tot thorium-234, total dissolved all size fractions dpm/liter
err_Th234_d_tot thorium-234, error total dissolved all fractions plus-minus dpm/liter
Th234_diss_lt0.45 thorium-234, dissolved fraction less than 0.45 microns dpm/meter^3
Th234_p_d_tot thorium-234, total activity in both the particulate and dissolved phases dpm/liter
err_Th234_p_d_tot error thorium-234, total activity in both the particulate and dissolved phases plus-minus dpm/liter
Th234_p_.7to1 particulate thorium-234 activity, in the size fraction 0.7 to 1 microns dpm/liter
err_Th234_p_.7to1 error particulate thorium-234 activity, in the size fraction 0.7 to 1 microns plus-minus dpm/liter
Th234_p_1to53 particulate thorium-234 activity, in the size fraction 1 to 53 microns dpm/liter
err_Th234_p_1to53 error particulate thorium-234 activity, in the size fraction 1 to 53 microns plus-minus dpm/liter
Th234_p_gt_53 particulate thorium-234 activity, in the size fraction greater then 53 microns dpm/liter
err_Th234_p_gt_53 error particulate thorium-234 activity, in the size fraction greater then 53 microns plus-minus dpm/liter
Th234_p_tot total particulate thorium-234 activity, in all size fractions dpm/liter
err_Th234_p_tot error total particulate thorium-234 activity, in all size fractions plus-minus dpm/liter
Th234_part_f thorium-234, particulate flux dpm/meter^2/day
Th234_part_gt0.45 thorium-234, particulate fraction greater than 0.45 microns dpm/meter^3
Th234_tot thorium-234, total concentration dpm/meter^3
U238 uranium-238, in sediments dpm/gram
U238_err uranium-238, error, file dependent, refer to data documentation for units and definition various
U238_tot uranium-238, total concentration dpm/meter^3

Parameter name Description Units
par_cosine photosynthetically available radiation, measurement made using a cosine sensor microEinsteins/meter^2/second