Poster Session III, Theme 2: Deep Ocean/Benthos/Paleoceanography chaired by Anitra Ingalls
Roger Francois, What controls the flux of Ba to the deep-sea?
Anitra Ingalls, Prospects for radiocarbon dating diatom-bound organic compounds
W.R. Martin, Metabolically driven calcite dissolution in deep-sea sediments
O. Ragueneau, Calibration of biogenic silica (BSi) as a paleo productivity proxy: Towards a mechanistic understanding of BSi dissolution/preservation and Si/C decoupling in the world ocean
K. Seiter, A geostatistical approach for regionalization the TOC content in surface sediments - developing TOC-provinces on a global scale
Thomas Soltwedel, Multidisciplinary investigations at a deep-sea long-term station in polar regions
Robert Turnewitsch, Are asymmetric flow fields around kilometer-scale topographic seafloor elevations reflected in the sediment?