Synthesis & Modeling Project
Wilf Gardner
Mary Jo Richardson
Alexey V. Mishonov
Global synthesis of POC using satellite data calibrated with transmissometer and POC data from JGOFS/WOCE

NSF OCE-9986762 07/00-06/03

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this SMP project is to analyze transmissometer data from 17 WOCE cruises and convert the data to POC using the beam attenuation:POC relationships derived by our group during 19 JGOFS Process studies beginning in 1989. The transmissometer data have been collected using instruments provided by us over the last decade in the framework of WOCE and other hydrographic programs. These new data cover transects in the North and South Atlantic, North and South Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans. We will analyze the WOCE data, convert beam attenuation to POC and compile a computerized data base of both JGOFS and WOCE data. These data will be available to the scientific community for the purpose of modeling ocean carbon cycles or evaluating the output from existing models.

Time permitting, these data then will be compared with satellite backscattering data on appropriate time and space scales of acquired transmissometer data in an attempt to provide a global assessment of POC using satellite-derived estimates. We will use existing algorithms for POC or ones developed by ourselves or others in the near future for SeaWiFS data. These POC data, integrated with CO2 data, may allow estimates of the amount of carbon that has either been exported from surface waters or transformed to the DOC pool.


DATA: Global transmissometer database

Mishonov, A.V., W.D.Gardner, and M.J.Richardson. 2003. Remote sensing and surface POC concentration in the South Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research II, 50(22-26), 2997-3015, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2003.07.007 [PDF]

Gardner, W.D, M.J. Richardson, C.A. Carlson, D. Hansell, and A.V. Mishonov. 2003. Determining true particulate organic carbon: bottles, pumps and methodologies. Deep Sea Research II, 50(3-4), 655-674, doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00589-1 [PDF]

Gardner, W.D., A.V.Mishonov, and M.J.Richardson. 2003. Global POC synthesis using ocean color measurement calibrated with JGOFS and WOCE data on beam attenuation and POC. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 12905. [PDF]

Gardner, W.D., A.V.Mishonov, and M.J.Richardson. 2003. POC Distribution in the Pacific: Estimates using in-situ Optical Data and SeaWiFS Products. Oceanography, 16(2), 40. [PDF]

Mishonov, A.V. and W.D.Gardner. 2003. Assessment and Correction of the Historical Beam Attenuation Data from HOT - ALOHA & BATS Sites. Oceanography, 16(2), 51. [PDF]

Richardson, M.J., W.D.Gardner, A.V.Mishonov, and Y.B.Son. 2003. Particulate Organic Carbon in the North-East Gulf of Mexico: Developing Algorithms Between Bio-Optical Data and Satellite Ocean Color Products. Oceanography, 16(2), 57. [PDF]

Gardner, W.D., M.J. Richardson, and A.V. Mishonov. 2002. Oceanic Particulate Organic Carbon: as seen with a WOCE global snapshot. WOCE and Beyond Conference Abstr. p. 158. [PDF]

Mishonov, A.V. W.D. Gardner, and M.J. Richardson. 2002. Using the SeaWiFS data for POC assessment: which data product to use? EOS Trans., AGU, 83(4), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS21C-41. [PDF]

Richardson, M.J., W.D. Gardner, and A.V. Mishonov. 2002. Synthesis of the POC field in the Pacific based on historic WOCE transmissometer data. EOS Trans., AGU, 83(4), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS41B-16. [PDF]

Gardner, W.D., M.J. Richardson, and A.V. Mishonov. 2001. Assessment of Upper Beam Attenuation Data Collected During the South Atlantic Ventilation Experiment. Oceanography, 14(1), 22. [PDF]

Mishonov, A.V., W.D. Gardner, and M.J. Richardson. 2000. Prospects for Using Historical Transmissometer Data in Large-Scale Assessment of POC. EOS Trans., AGU, 80(49), Ocean Sciences Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS22F-04. [PDF]

RELATED PROJECTS: Gardner; Mishonov"Transmissometer data validation and correction for the Hawaii Oceanographic Time Series and Bermuda Atlantic Time Series data sets."


Wilford D. Gardner
Department of Oceanography
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3146
tel: 979-845-3928
fax: 979-845-6331

Mary Jo Richardson
Department of Oceanography
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3146
tel: 979-845-3651
fax: 979-845-0056

Alexey V. Mishonov
Department of Oceanography
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3146
tel: 979-862-6674
fax: 979-845-6331