Mesoscale Physical/Biological Model of the Ross Sea

Investigators Kevin Arrigo and Dale Robinson

SMP Project A coupled ice-ocean model of mesoscale physical/biological interactions in the Ross Sea

Product These data are output from a 3-dimensional model of the Ross Sea, and include the following dimensions and variables:

Xt = 115
Yt = 59
Xu = 115
Yu = 59
Xv = 115
Yv = 59
Zlev_c = 25
Elev_c = 26
Zlev_l = 26
Elev_l = 27
T = 48

float ubar(T, Yu, Xu) m/s v. avg zonal velocity
float vbar(T, Yv, Xv) m/s v. avg merid velocity
float el(T, Yt, Xt) m surface elevation
float swrad(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 shortwave radiation
float tflx(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 surface heat flux
float sflx(T, Yt, Xt) ppt m/d surface salinity flux
float dpml(T, Yt, Xt) m mixed layer depth
float psi(T, Yt, Xt) Sv streamfunction
float u10m(T, Yt, Xt) m/s zonal wind
float v10m(T, Yt, Xt) m/s merid wind
float sff(T, Yt, Xt) profq parameter sef
float ai(T, Yt, Xt) ice concentration
float bkrad(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 back radiation (lw)
float lwrad(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 long wave radiation
float shao(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 sensible heat flux
float lhao(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 latent heat flux
float qao(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 atmos-ocean heat flux
float qai(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 atmos-ice heat flux
float qio(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 ice-ocean heat flux
float wsn(T, Yt, Xt) cm/d precip (snow) rate
float wio(T, Yt, Xt) cm/d bottom accretion/melt
float wao(T, Yt, Xt) cm/d open water ice prod
float wo(T, Yt, Xt) cm/d (1-ai)*wao - ai*wio
float t0(T, Yt, Xt) C surface temperature
float s0(T, Yt, Xt) ppt surface salinity
float hs(T, Yt, Xt) m snow depth
float dflg(T, Yt, Xt) dflg
float irnflx(T, Yt, Xt) nM m/d surface iron flux
float phee(T, Yt, Xt) W/m2 K kice (mcphee)
float dppha(T, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m2 d-1 phaeo integrated daily prod
float dpdia(T, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m2 d-1 diatom integrated daily prod
float dp1p(T, Yt, Xt) m mean depth 1% light level
float diaflx(T, Yt, Xt) (mg Chla/m2) d-1 surface diatom flux
float bfpha(T, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m2/d average bottom flux phaeo
float bfdia(T, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m2/d average bottom flux diatom
float bfdet(T, Yt, Xt) mg C/m2/d average bottom flux detritus
float temp(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) C temperature
float salt(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) ppt salinity
float trst(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) K/d temperature restoring flux
float srst(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) ppt/d salinity restoring flux
float nitr(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) uM nitrate
float silc(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) uM silicate
float iron(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) nM iron
float pha(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m3 phaeo chlorophyll a
float dia(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m3 diatom chlorophyll a
float ppha(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m3 hr-1 phaeo productivity
float pdia(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg Chla/m3 hr-1 diatom productivity
float zoo(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/m3 grazers
float det(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/m3 detritus
float ec2chla(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/mg Chla estimated c2chla
float pdeath(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/m3 hr-1 phyto death source
float dremin(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/m3 hr-1 detritus remin loss
float vfdet(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/m3 hr-1 detritus vertical flux
float zdeath(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/m3 hr-1 grazer death source
float unagrz(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) mg C/m3 hr-1 unassimilated grazing
float wspha(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) m/d phaeo sinking
float wsdia(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) m/d diatom sinking
float wsdet(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) m/d detritus sinking
float u(T, Zlev_c, Yu, Xu) m/s zonal velocity
float v(T, Zlev_c, Yv, Xv) m/s merid velocity
float w(T, Zlev_c, Yt, Xt) m/s vertical velocity
double T(T)hours
float Xt(Xt) degrees_east Longitude
float Xu(Xu) degrees_east Longitude
float Xv(Xv) degrees_east Longitude
float Yt(Yt) degrees_north Latitude
float Yu(Yu) degrees_north Latitude
float Yv(Yv) degrees_north Latitude
float Zlev_c(Zlev_c) m positive = down
float Elev_c(Elev_c) m positive = down
float Zlev_l(Zlev_l) m positive = down
float Elev_l(Elev_l) m positive = down

Data SMP LAS: Model Results: Ross Sea Model

e-Citation Arrigo K. and D. Robinson, Live Access to US JGOFS SMP Data: Ecosystem Model of the Ross Sea, U.S. JGOFS. iPub: Jul 2003. 'date you accessed the data'

References none given

Contact Dr. Kevin Arrigo
Department of Geophysics
Mitchell Building, Room 360
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2215