A Vertical Particle Flux Model with Predator-Prey Interactions

Investigators George Jackson
Adrian Burd
Co-Investigators none
SMP Project Understanding the carbon flows between the euphotic zone and 1000m depth
Product Vertical particle flux model

This is a model of the vertical particle flux, in which stratified predator-prey interactions affect the vertical particle flux. The result is discussed in a paper by Jackson and Burd (2002). The program is written in matlab. To run it, open matlab, go to the directory with the script, and invoke it by typing vertical_pred_prey. The parameters are set in the first part of the code, with descriptions of their units in the comments. You can change their values by editing the file.

Submitted October 2004

Jackson, G.A. and A.B. Burd; U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project - Data. U.S. JGOFS. iPub: October 2004. 'date you accessed the data' http://usjgofs.whoi.edu/mzweb/data/Jackson/vertical_pred_prey.m


Jackson, G. A., and A. B. Burd. 2002. A model for the distribution of particle flux in the mid-water column controlled by subsurface biotic interactions. Deep-Sea Research II 49: 193-217.

Contact George Jackson
Department of Oceanography
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
tel: (979) 845-0405
fax: (979) 845-8219
email: gjackson@ocean.tamu.edu

Adrian Burd
Department of Marine Sciences
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-3636
tel: (706) 542-1604
fax: (706) 542-5888
email: adrianb@arches.uga.edu