Diagnostic box model results for seasonal and interannual variability of the oceanic carbon cycle at Stations BATS and ALOHA

Investigators Nicolas Gruber
Co-Investigators none
SMP Project Analyzing and modeling interannual to decadal variability in the carbon cycle of the subtropical and subpolar gyres.
Product Diagnostic box model results

The diag_boxmod_ucla.tar.gz file contains the code and results of diagnostic box model runs for JGOFS stations near Bermuda and Hawaii. The main directory (diag_boxmod_smp) contains two subdirectories: bin_ia and src_ia. The latter contains the source code including make files. In the bin_ia subdirectory are the executables, input spline fit files, results and two README files, which contain the information presented here.

In bin_ia are subdirectories aloha_hali_std_may04 and aloha_hali_mc_may04 which contain results from diagnostic box model runs for Sta. ALOHA, and bats_berm_std_jun02 and bats_berm_mc_jun02 for Sta. BATS (for a detailed description of the model see Gruber et al., 1998 and Keeling et al., 2004. The results from the computations are described in Keeling et al., 2004, and Brix et al., 2004).

The models were run using the following executables/commands:

  • "diag_boxmodel_ia_aloha_may04.x < input/std_aloha_may04.in",
  • "diag_boxmodel_ia_bats_jun02.x < input/std_bats_jun02.in",
  • "diag_boxmodel_ia_aloha_may04.x < input/mc_aloha_may04.in" and
  • "diag_boxmodel_ia_bats_jun02.x < input/mc_bats_jun02.in".
The first two produce the standard results, the latter their variations with Monte Carlo experiments as described in the publications.

The model uses harmonics and spline fits for its input variables. The harmonics are included in the model code (src_ia/incl/harm_coeff.h), the splines in are stored in files in the directory splines.

The model source code plus the make files to produce the executables are stored in the directory diag_boxmod_smp/src_ia and its subdirectories. The different cases (BATS or ALOHA) are adressed by options set in diag_boxmod_smp/src_ia/ifdefs: no options (besides -Dwith_horiz_grad) were applied to the Bermuda calculations. The model was compiled for the ALOHA case with the Option: -DHAWI_CDRGatm. (Other options refer to other/older model runs and versions).

Description of the contents of boxmodel output files:

standard - Version (ending aloha_std or bats_std):

flux_anomalies.XXXX_std: contains the anomalies of all fluxes for all time steps in mol/m^2/yr. The columns are as follows:

	  col 01     - time
	  cols 02-11 - averaged (annual cycle) DIC fluxes 
	  cols 12-21 - anomalies - deviations from averaged fluxes 
          cols 22-31 - running average (one year) of DIC fluxes
each set of ten columns refers to the ten variables listed under fluxes.std (columns 02-11)

fluxes.XXXX_std: contains the fluxes for all time steps in mol/m^2/yr. Columns are as follows:

	  col 01     - year = time in years
	  col 02     - gas  = air sea gas exchange 
	  col 03     - dif  = diffusion
	  col 04     - ent  = entrainment
	  col 05     - trsp = horizontal transport
	  col 06     - ncp  = net community production
	  col 07     - sim  = sum of (gas+dif+ent+trsp+ncp)
	  col 08     - obs  = observed C fluxes
	  col 09     - zcmp = compensation term due to covariance of seasonal variability of h and dCdt_obs
                              (see eq.14 in Gruber et al., 1998)
          col 10     - tcal = sim+zcmp
          col 11     - tobs = obs+zcmp

int_flux_anomalies.set: contains the integrated values (one for each year; years counted from first time step) for the standard run's fluxes' anomalies in mol/m^2/yr. Variables are same as in fluxes.XXXX_std.

int_rate_anomalies.set: contains the integrated values (one for each year; years counted from first time step) for the standard run's rates' anomalies in umol/kg/yr. Columns are as follows (abbreviations are as defined for fluxes.XXXX_std):

          col 01     - year
          col 02     - gas
          col 03     - dif
          col 04     - ent
          col 05     - trsp
          col 06     - ncp
          col 07     - sim
          col 08     - obs

observations.XXXX_std: contains the observed seasonal cycles for the following variables:

          col 01     - time
          col 02     - DIC
          col 03     - dC13
          col 04     - MLD
          col 05     - T
          col 06     - S
          col 07     - sAlk
          col 08     - fCO2_o
          col 09     - xCO2_a
          col 10     - fCO2_a
          col 11     - pCO2_a
          col 12     - dC13_a
          col 13     - ws
          col 14     - dCdz
          col 15     - kz

rate_anomalies.XXXX_std: contains the anomalies of all DIC rates of change for all time steps in umol/kg/yr. Columns are as follows (abbreviations as in fluxes.XXXX_std):

          col 01     - time
          cols 02-08 - averaged (annual cycle) DIC flux (gas dif ent trsp ncp sim obs)
          cols 09-15 - anomalies = deviations from averaged flux (gas dif ent trsp ncp sim obs)
          cols 16-22 - running average (one year) of DIC fluxes (gas dif ent trsp ncp sim obs)

rates.XXXX_std: contains the rates of change of the components of the DIC budget for all time steps in umol/kg/yr. Columns are as follows (abbreviations defined as in fluxes.XXXX_std):

          col 01     - year
          col 02     - gas
          col 03     - dif
          col 04     - ent
          col 05     - trsp
          col 06     - ncp
          col 07     - sim
          col 08     - obs
          col 09     - c_sim = simulated seasonal cycle of C
          col 10     - c_obs = observed seasonal cycle of C

solution.XXXX_std: contains the calculated velocities in m/s.

          col 01     - time
          col 02     - u_var

std_results.XXXX_std: Text file containing run setup information and integrated values.

Description of the structure of Monte Carlo output files - ending .aloha_mc or .bats_mc

flux_mc_anomalies.XXXX_mc: contains the anomalies for each time step for the first seven quantities of int_flux_mc_anomalies.set in mol/m^2/yr plus their upper and lower envelope values deduced from substracting and adding the weighted uncertainties.

int_flux_mc_anomalies.set: contains the anomalies of the integrated (yearly) fluxes in mol/m^2/yr and their "envelope" values deduced from substracting and adding the uncertainties for the following quantities (definitions are as above for std files):

          col  01    - time
          cols 02-04 - gas exchange
          cols 05-07 - diffusion
          cols 08-10 - entrainment
          cols 11-13 - advection
          cols 14-16 - net community production
          cols 17-19 - simulation
          cols 20-22 - observation
          cols 23-25 - zcmp
          cols 26-28 - tcal
          cols 29-31 - tobs

int_rate_mc_anomalies.set: contains the anomalies of the integrated (yearly) rates in umol/kg/yr and their "envelope" values deduced from substracting and adding the uncertainties for the following quantities (definitions are as above for std files):

          col  01    - time
          cols 02-04 - gas exchange
          cols 05-07 - diffusion
          cols 08-10 - entrainment
          cols 11-13 - advection
          cols 14-16 - net community production
          cols 17-19 - simulation
          cols 20-22 - observation

mc_fluxes_diff.XXXX_mc: like mc_rates.mc but with the weighted uncertainties (one value each) instead of envelope values (two each).

mc_fluxes.XXXX_mc: contains the absolute values for each time step for the first seven quantities of int_flux_mc_anomalies.set in mol/m^2/yr plus their upper and lower envelope values deduced from substracting and adding the weighted uncertainties.

mc_rates_diff.XXXX_mc: like mc_rates.mc but with the weighted uncertainties (one value each) instead of envelope values (two each).

mc_rates.XXXX_mc: contains the absolute values for each time step for the quantities of int_rate_mc_anomalies.set in umol/kg/yr plus their upper and lower envelope values deduced from substracting and adding the weighted uncertainties. The last 4 values give the simulated seasonal cycle of C, its uncertaity envelopes and the observed value of the seasonal cycle of C.

mc_results.XXXX_mc: contains text and values for integrated fluxes and ratios as well as their anomalies.

Submitted March 2004, updated September 2004.

Gruber, N. and H. Brix; U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project - Data. U.S. JGOFS. iPub: September 2004. 'date you accessed the data' http://usjgofs.whoi.edu/mzweb/data/gruber/diag_boxmod_ucla.tar.gz


Brix, H., N. Gruber and C.D. Keeling. 2004. Interannual variability of the upper ocean carbon cycle at station ALOHA near Hawaii, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GBXXXX, doi:10.1029/2004GB002245. (in press).

Gruber, N., C.D. Keeling and T.F. Stocker. 1998. Carbon-13 constraints on the seasonal inorganic carbon cycle at the BATS site in the nortwestern Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research I, 45, 673-717.

Keeling, C.D., H. Brix and N. Gruber. 2004. Seasonal and long-term dynamics of the upper ocean carbon cycle at station ALOHA near Hawaii, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GBXXXX, doi:10.1029/2004GB002227. (in press).

Contact Holger Brix
Inst.of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California Los Angeles
5845 Slichter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567, USA
tel: (310) 825-4526
fax: (310) 206-3051
email: hbrix@igpp.ucla.edu