Synthesis of Bacterial Biomass and Production Data

Investigators Hugh Ducklow, Michael Fasham, Thomas Anderson
Co-Investigators none
SMP Project Constraining and Understanding Bacterial Biomass and Production Variability in Ocean Ecosystems
Product synthesis of bacterial biomass and production data from U.S. JGOFS process study cruises
Description This synthesized data set collects and summarizes in one file observations of heterotrophic bacterial biomass and production rates made during the US JGOFS Process Studies, 1989 — 1997. read more >>
Submitted December 2004
e-Citation Ducklow, H.; U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project Data. U.S. JGOFS. iPub: December 2004. 'date you accessed the data'
References see reference list in PI notes file

Hugh Ducklow

School of Marine Sciences
College of William & Mary
Box 1346
Rte 1208 Greate Rd
Gloucester Point, VA 23062-1346
tel: 804-684-7180
fax: 804-684-7293

Bob Daniels

School of Marine Sciences
College of William & Mary
Box 1346
Rte 1208 Greate Rd
Gloucester Point, VA 23062-1346
tel: 804-684-7449