Carbon Transport Across 24.5°N in the Atlantic
1992 and 1998

Investigators Rik Wanninkhof
Doug Wallace
Molly Baringer
Co-Investigators Alison Macdonald
SMP Project Meridional transport of carbon dioxide in the North Atlantic Ocean
Product Carbon transport calculations and inverse modeling results for a repeat hydrographic transect at latitude 24.5°N in the Atlantic.
Description A tar file of the following data files is provided. Data files are in Matlab binary format.
(1) Data from the Ronald Brown 1998 transect of 24.5°N objectively mapped onto 0.5 degree grid in logitude, 50 dbar in pressure between 284.5°E and 344°E.
(2) The gridded 1992 A05 WOCE 24.5°N transect data subtracted from the 1998 Ronald Brown 24.5°N data every 0.5 deg grid in longitude, 50 dbar in pressure between 284.5°E and 344°E.
(3) Mask for 24.5°N transect bathymetry
(4) The results of the 1998 transect inverse providing an estimate of the absolute velocity and transport fields.
A descriptive README file is included in the tar file.
Submitted April 2002
e-Citation Macdonald A.; U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project - Data. U.S. JGOFS. iPub: April 2002. 'date you accessed the data'
References A Macdonald, R Wanninkhof, M Baringer, K Lee, D Wallace. (submitted, 2002). Carbon Transport at 24.5°N in the Atlantic, DSR II.
Contact Rik Wanninkhof
4301 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
tel: (305) 361-4379
fax: (305) 361-4392

Alison Macdonald
Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.
Clark 3, MS 21
360 Woods Hole Rd
Woods Hole, MA 02543
tel: (508) 289-3507
fax: (508) 457-2181