Investigators | Raleigh Hood Julian McCreary Kevin Kohler Sharon Smith Don Olson |
Co-Investigators | none
SMP Project | Development, validation and
improvement of a coupled biological/chemical/physical model
for the Arabian Sea
Product | Arabian Sea ecosystem model results (NetCDF) |
Description |
A coupled physical-biological model was used to synthesize observations
from cruises and time-series data generated during the U.S. JGOFS Arabian
Sea Process Study.
The physical component, a variable-density, 4 1/2 layer model, consists
of four active layers above the deepest 1/2 layer in which pressure gradients
are assumed to vanish. Each layer (reported as 'model level' in the results)
represents either a specific water-mass type or dynamically important
region: layer 1, surface mixed layer;
layer 2, diurnal thermocline;
layer 3, seasonal thermocline and
layer 4, main thermocline.
Level height, reported in meters, represents the depth layer interface, i.e., h1
is the depth of the interface between layer 1 and layer 2.
The biological component comprises a set of advective-diffusive equations
in each layer to determine nitrogen concentration in four compartments:
nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus.
In each run, the physical model is spun up from a state of rest for a period
of five years, after which the coupled system is integrated from April
15, 1993 through December 26, 1995.
The model was adjusted and improved through analysis of iterative runs
and model-data comparison.
Reported fields from the four-dimensional coupled physical-biological model of the Arabian Sea include: Grid Variables:
Anyone wishing to access other parts of the model solution should contact Dr. Hood directly at the address listed below. Additional information may be available online from sites authored by the principal investigators.
Submitted | March 2003
e-Citation | R.R. Hood, J.P. McCreary, K.E. Kohler, S.L. Smith and D.B. Olson.
U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project -
Results. U.S. JGOFS. iPub: March 2003. 'date you accessed the data'
References | R.R. Hood, K.E. Kohler, J.P. McCreary and S.L. Smith. 2003.
A four-dimensional validation of a coupled physical biological
model of the Arabian Sea.
Deep-Sea Research II 50(22-26) 2917-2945,
doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2003.07.004, U.S. JGOFS Contribution No. 939.
McCreary, J.P., Jr., K.E. Kohler, R.R. Hood, and D.B. Olson. 1996. A four-component ecosystem model of biological activity in the Arabian Sea. Progress in Oceanography 37 193-240. McCreary, J.P., Jr., K.E. Kohler, R.R. Hood, S. Smith, J. Kindle, A.S. Fischer and R.A. Weller (2001). Influences of diurnal and intraseasonal forcing on mixed-layer and biological variability in the Central Arabian Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106: 7139-7155, U.S. JGOFS Contribution No. 586. |
Contact | Raleigh R. Hood Horn Point Environmental Laboratory 2020 Horns Point Rd P.O. Box 775 Cambridge, MD 21613 tel: (410) 221-8434, 8497 fax: (410) 221-8490 |