U.S. JGOFS Synthesis & Modeling Project

USJGOFS SMP Research Working Groups Updates Contacts Reprints Data

DATA:  Data Resources for SMP Research

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Inventory Data SMP LAS Guidelines Resources Data Policy Survey Links
These data are provided as a resource for SMP researchers.  Some of the data are (or will be) directly available; some are provided as links to other data servers.
General Oceanographic Data
Nutrient Data
Primary Productivity Data
Carbon System Data
Satellite Resources
Other Oceanographic Data Servers
General Oceanographic Data (return to top)
Temperature Selected Data for Oceanographic Research
several SST data sets available - some by direct ftp, others by request
link to NCAR data archives

World Ocean Atlas '98, Levitus et. al. NODC
- annual/seasonal/monthly at 1x1 deg
- annual/seasonal at 5x5 deg
- annual at .25x.25 deg. 
online data from NODC

IGOSS nmc: sea surface temperature fields blended from ship, buoy and bias-corrected satellite data (Reynolds and Smith 1994) 
link to LDEO data server

Reynolds' NCEP/CPC Global Sea Sfc Temp Anals, monthly 1950-present 
direct download from Climate Modeling Branch of Nat Ctr Environ. Prediction, NOAA

Minnett's SST data set
12 monthly average SST data files interpolated into 2048 X 1024 pixels.
Dataset provided by Peter Minnett (Univ Miami) and originated from U.S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World , Version 1.0 (March 92), produced by Naval Oceanography Command Detachment Asheville and NCDC, NOAA
link to Rutgers site.

Salinity World Ocean Atlas '98, Levitus et. al. NODC
- annual/seasonal/monthly at 1x1 deg
- annual/seasonal at 5x5 deg
- annual at .25x.25 deg.
Mixed Layer Depth Mixed Layer Depths by Grigory Montery and Sydney Levitus
MLD presented as 1x1deg monthly Mixed Layer Depth climatology by 
- potential temp method
- potential density method
Monterey, G. and Levitus, S., 1997: Seasonal Variability of Mixed Layer Depth for the World Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 14, U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash., D.C., 96 pp. 87 figs. 
Sea Ice Rand's Global Sea Sfc Temp & Ice Climatology
link to NCAR data archives

NSIDC Univ Wash. PSC ARGOS Buoy Obs, 1987Jan-Jun,Oct-Dec
link to NCAR data archives

Walsh's Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration Analyses
link to NCAR data archives

Ropelewski's CAC Antarctic Ice Anals, monthly 1973-1990Mar
link to NCAR data archives

Nutrient Data (return to top)
Nutrients Global Ocean Nutrients
monthly climatologies from Louanchi & Najjar's PO4, SiO2, and NO3 Nutrient 
also available as direct download here from NCAR archives
Oxygen Monthly O2 climatology from WOA'98
1x1 deg, annual, seasonal and monthly climatologies for dissolved oxygen, apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and oxygen saturation. 
Note that annual and seasonal data are analyzed to full ocean depth; monthly data are analyzed only to 1500 m.

Monthly O2 climatology from Najjar & Keeling
2x2 deg equal area, monthly; vert grid same as Levitus to 500m; micromol O2/kg;
most recent O2 analysis by Najjar R.G. and Keeling R.F. "Analysis of the mean annual cycle of the dissolved oxygen anomaly in the World Ocean."  J. Mar. Res. (1997) vol.55 n.1 pp: 117-151.
will soon be available via ftp to NCAR - with plans to be provided through SMP data server

Iron Ina Tegen's mineral dust aerosol data
link to NASA/Goddard

Total soil dust aerosol data
link to NASA/GISS  Aerosol Optical Thickness results from Chemistry/Transport Models

Nitrogen Global Ocean Nutrients
1x1 and 5x5 deg annual averages, for various depths. 

Monthly NO3 analysis
Louanchi & Najjar 
2x2 degree monthly averages, for various depths to 500 m
Also direct download from here

Phosphorus Global Ocean Nutrients
1x1 and 5x5 deg annual averages for various depths. 

Monthly PO4 analysis
Louanchi & Najjar
2x2 degree monthly averages, for various depths to 500 m
Also direct download from here

Silica Global Ocean Nutrients
1x1 and 5x5 deg annual averages for various depths. 

Monthly SiO2 analysis
Louanchi & Najjar
2x2 degree monthly averages, for various depths to 500 m
Also direct download from here

Primary Productivity Data (return to top)
Primary Productivity Global Oceanic Primary Productivity Estimates: VGPM Results
link to Rutgers site
Data calculated by Behrenfeld and Falkowski (1997) using the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) developed from the BNL Primary Productivity Database.  Input data fields and model results for productivity calculations are provided.
CZCS Satellite Chlorophyll CZCS-derived Chlorophyll Estimates
Monthly averages computed over 3 yr period (Nov 78 - Oct 81)
link to Rutgers site
Carbon System Data (return to top)
General Carbon System Data GLODAP - Global Ocean Data Analysis Project
link to CDIAC
Information on anthropogenic CO2, natural and bomb 14C, and seasonal and interannual variability of inorganic carbon

Repeat Hydrography website
This site is set up to keep the oceanographic community up to date on the efforts of the working group on repeat hydrography in support of the objectives of the US Carbon Cycle Program and US CLIVAR.

CO2 Takahashi et al, monthly climatology sea-air pCO2 differences, global oceans
link to LDEO data server 

Equatorial Air-Sea Disequilibrium
link to NOAA/PMEL
Interannual Variability of CO2 Fluxes in Surface Waters

Anthropogenic CO2 Inventories
link to NOAA/PMEL

Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) NDP-076 (2000) including data and ASCII documentation files
"Global Distribution of Total Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity Below the
Deepest Winter Mixed Layer Depths" by Catherine Goyet, Richard Healy, and John Ryan
Total Alkalinity (TA) NDP-076 (2000) including data and ASCII documentation files
"Global Distribution of Total Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity Below the
Deepest Winter Mixed Layer Depths" by Catherine Goyet, Richard Healy, and John Ryan
Satellite Resources (return to top)
Irradiance SeaWiFS Surface Solar Irradiance

Sea Surface Irradiance and Photoperiod datasets
link to Rutgers.
12 monthly irradiance data files with clouds, ideal PAR distribution without clouds, and  photo-period (day length) distribution at different times of year and on different locations of the earth, interpolated to 2048x1024 pixels.

Scatterometer GFDL SEASAT scatterometer derived wind speed and direction
link to NCAR data archives

Chelton's SEASAT Wind Stress Anals, 1978Jul-Oct
link to NCAR data archives

NSCAT and ERS data
link to NASA/JPL data download page

gridded level 3 data and other NSCAT links
link to PO.DAAC NASA.JPL data site

Ocean Color CZCS and SeaWiFS ocean color data
link to NASA Goddard data archives 
See also on this site their links to sites outside DAAC that contain ocean color data.

MODIS home page
link to NASA/GSFC.
MODIS will provide a  series of global observations of the Earth's land, oceans, and atmosphere in the visible and infrared spectrum in such a way as to view the entire surface of the Earth every two days.  MODIS will extend data sets taken by such instruments as AVHRR, (e.g. sea surface temperature, sea ice, and vegetation); and CZCS (e.g. oceanic biomass and ocean circulation patterns.)  Launch of  the Terra spacecraft (the EOS flagship) is scheduled for Aug 27, 1999, or later.

Altimetry TOPEX/POSEIDON data and information
link to JPL PO.DAAC

The ERS Pages
link to European Space Operations Centre

The ERS Satellites - Introduction
link to DEOS, Delft Inst. for Earth-Oriented Space Research

Other Oceanographic Data Servers (return to top)
Brookhaven Nat. Lat JGOFS/Synthesis and Modeling OCEAN MARGINS PROGRAM
CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
IRI/LDEO IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library
Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center. A Scientific Data Distribution Site
NCAR NCAR's Data Support Section

NOAA data server

NOAA/NGDC World Data Center A for Oceanography

Ocean.US Ocean.Us home page
Ocean.Us is part of NOPP (National Oceanographic Partnership Program)