The third summer meeting of the JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project will take place on July 13-17, 1998, in Durham, New Hampshire. The topic of the workshop will be:
One of the major new developments in model studies of global climate change is the coupling of full primitive equation ocean general circulation models (GCM's) to atmospheric GCM's. The ocean GCM's have only recently begun to be analyzed for processes that would be relevant to ocean biology and the marine carbon cycle. These analyses reveal dramatic changes. The global warming of >2 deg C by the middle of next century is no surprise. Perhaps more significant from the biogeochemical point of view is the very large increase in near surface vertical stratification that is caused by warming in low latitudes and freshening in high latitudes. The effect of this stratification is particularly dramatic in the high latitudes, where it causes a large reduction in deep water formation and would very likely have a large impact on ocean biology throughout the entire North Atlantic and Southern Ocean. Other changes that occur are the modifications in carbon chemistry that result from the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (e.g., reduced carbonate ion concentration), and changes in cloud cover and micronutrient delivery by dust, neither of which can be predicted reliably by coupled climate models.
It is crucial that we understand how the changes in dynamics and chemistry will affect the the marine carbon cycle. As our understanding of the oceanic response to global climate change improves, we are better able to apply a more detailed understanding of ocean biological processes to hypothesize what these changes might be. The summer 1998 SMP Scientific Workshop will draw together an international group of experts on the interaction between ocean biology and biogeochemistry and ocean dynamics with experts on the response of ocean dynamics to global warming. The purpose of the meeting will be to exchange information between these communities and identify the major issues that need to be addressed in order to make progress on addressing this issue. The results of the meeting will be written up and distributed widely. Major aims of the meeting will be to draw upon the knowledge that has been gained by JGOFS field studies, and use the report to help focus future research within the JGOFS SMP.
Monday AM I.- INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION Coupled climate models tba Carbon system changes Sarmiento Biogeochemical responses and feedbacks McCarthy (discussion of Denman's IPCC Chapter?) II.- PROCESSES (for all process talks, present "state of the art" and expected changes under climate change scenarios) Monday PM A.- Ocean Circulation Processes Large-scale circulation Marshall Ocean tracers Sabine Variability-synoptic, mesoscale, interannual Abott and Doney Tuesday AM B.- Primary Production Macronutrients (N, P, Si) and temperature Dugdale limitation Micronutrients/trace metals Falkowski Nitrogen cycle (fixation & denitrification) Lipschultz Tuesday PM C.- Export Processes Community structure and diatoms Barber Dissolved organic matter T. Anderson Particulate organic matter Bishop and Jackson Redfield ratio variations Sambrotto Wednesday AM D.- Remineralization Microbial processes Azam Zooplankton processes Wishner CaCO3 (corals, calcifiers, sediments) Langdon and Berelson Wednesday PM III.- POSTER SESSION (all participants invited to prepare posters on specific projects) Thursday AM IV.- BIOGEOCHEMICAL AND ECOLOGICAL MODELING Large-scale biogeochemical models Najjar Biogeographical regions Platt community structure models Armstrong and Fasham Thursday PM V.- REGIONAL SYNTHESIS AND HISTORICAL ANALOGUES (present synthesis of carbon cycle and estimates of expected change based on oberved response to seasonal or interannual variability e.g. ENSO). Tropics Chai Subtropics Karl and Michaels Monsoon forced S. Smith Southern Ocean W. Smith Friday AM VI.- PALEORECORD Glacial/Interglacial tba Warm periods (Cretaceous/Tertiary tba Paleoecology tba Friday PM VI.- OPEN (plenary discussion and/or working groups)