SMP Working Group:  Satellite Biogeochemistry

1998 Report
1999 Report
2000 Report

1998 Report

Group Leader:  Mary-Elena Carr

Objective:  The long term goals are to obtain four-dimensional analysis fields for the ocean based on satellite data and model output and to strengthen and maintain the relationship between the remote sensing community and the JGOFS science team.

Background:  Remotely sensed observations provide a unique contribution towards the objectives of JGOFS SMP because of their high spatial and temporal resolution. This can serve to validate model output beyond the capabilities of ship-board observations as well as helping to identify areas that are important but not well resolved by models (such as the polar regions and continental margins). Empirical numerical models are equally important to convert primary production estimates from satellite data into export production, the key variable for JGOFS SMP. It is recommended that the NASA Primary Productivity Working Group efforts (which aim to improve the estimate of total production from space) be made readily available to the JGOFS community.

Research fields that are "missing" or aren't solved yet include:


Each NASA-funded SMP proposal is an Earth Observing System (EOS) Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) Team. It is important that we exercise our voice in the EOS community. It is recommended that we  ensure participation and visibility in upcoming EOS Investigators Working Group (IWG) meetings.

1999 Report
Satellite Biogeochemistry Working Group Report
PI Meeting 12-16 July 1999

Attendees: Denis Nadeau, Harilaos Loukos, J. Keith Moore, Debora Iglesias, Dave Siegel, Paul Falkowski, Kevin Arrigo, Raleigh Hood, Chuck McClain, Ray Najjar, Dennis McGillicuddy, Marjy Friedrichs, Ralph Keeling, Mick Follows, Paulette Murphy, Kitack Lee, Toby Westberry, Dan Collins, Hernan Garcia, Rik Wanninkhof, Mary-Elena Carr

Data Issues:

Science Issues:

Various topics of interest were discussed and new collaborations initiated.


2000 Report
Satellite Biogeochemistry Working Group Report
PI Meeting 10-14 July 2000

Group leaders:  Dave Siegel, Mary Elena Carr

Goals: Foster use of remote sensing data in JGOS by communication and data provision

Question: Do we best serve these goals by keeing the present working group struction or by infiltrating others?

                         ---------> Large-scale Datasets WG
    SatBGC-----------> Regional Testbeds WG
                        ----------> Continental Margins WG

Proposal:  "Kill the group."

Residual Tasks:

1. Facilitate data exchanges to SMP-DMO, 1x1 deg fields of:

SST/Scatterometer winds (Carr)
Chlorophyll (Yoder)
PAR (Siegel)
2. Draft letter to NASA stressing importance to JGOFS
International JGOFS (Ducklow/Yoder)