25-27 March 2002
San Antonio, TX

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click here to view "SYNOPSIS OF THE U.S. JGOFS SMP WORKSHOP ON MIDWATER PROCESSES" (posted 21 July 2002)
click here to download "Notes from the Twilight Zone" in PDF format (posted 28 June 2002)
Goal: A description of the present state of research in the twilight zone, important unanswered questions, and important research needs.
  • What determines depth distribution of remineralization?
  • What data are available?
  • What do we know about rates of various processes?
  • How do inverse calculations constrain process rates?
  • What are the relative magnitudes of macro and micro processes?
  • What is known about their variability?
  • What are the top priority items for the future?
  • Format:
  • 4-5 overview talks of 1/2 hour each
  • Everyone is invited (but not required) to make a 10 minute presentation or to put up a poster

  • see: schedule below
    also see: Presentations & References below
  • 1 page Nature meeting report
  • 5-10 page report suitable for EOS or JGOFS newsletter
  • Timing: 3 days, 25-27 March 2002
    This is the prettiest time of year here. There should be wildflowers out in profusion.
    Location: The Saint Anthony-Wyndham Hotel
    300 E. Travis St
    San Antonio, Texas 78205
    Phone: +1-210-227-4392
    Fax: +1-210-227-0915
    Size: 25+ attendees (see list below)
    Logistics: see logistics for meeting and travel logistics, maps, etc.
    Steering Committee:
    George A Jackson (chair) TAMU  gjackson@tamu.edu +1-979-845-0405
    Adrian Burd TAMU adrian@halodule.tamu.edu +1-979-845-8217
    Richard Lampitt SOC Richard.S.Lampitt@soc.soton.ac.uk +44 (2380) 596347
    Mick Follows MIT mick@plume.mit.edu +1-617-253-5939)

    Sunday night:
    6:30 pm
    informal gathering in lobby. Come if you are looking for dinner companions.
    Monday morning: Theme: Particle fluxes Links:
    Burd & Jackson Powerpoint presentation
    Stemmann et al. Powerpoint presentation
    Will Berelson Talking Points
    meet around coffee/pastry
    Overview talk, A Antia
    10-minute talks, open to all
    Discussion about particles
    12:00- 1:30
    Lunch, on own
    Monday afternoon: Theme: Bacterial degradation Links:
    Rivkin Powerpoint Presentation
    Hansell & Carlson Powerpoint Presentation
    Overview, C Carlson
    10-minute talks, open to all
    Discussion about bacterial processes
    Monday evening: Meet for dinner at restaurant to be selected (optional)
    Tuesday morning: Theme: Zooplankton Links:
    Steinberg Powerpoint Presentation

    Major issues for zooplanton discussion: 

  • Concentration of biological activity in particular narrow midwater depth zones (interfaces, layers)

  •    (1) Diversity of trophic pathways, even for a single zpl species.
       (2) Midwater microbial loop and zpl-microbe interactions.
  • Role of large gelatinous zpl and large predators.
  • Influence of midwater zpl on particle size and content (with consequences for vertical flux to depth).
  • Relationship of upper water community to nature and quality of flux material reaching midwater and responses of midwater zpl populations to changes in flux quality. What do we need to consider in addition to carbon and nitrogen?
  • Population and behavioral responses of midwater zpl to changes in flux (short term and seasonal).
  • What proportion of the flux is transported to depth directly by vertically-migrating zooplankton versus passive sinking? Spatial and temporal variation, causes and consequences?
  • Long-term climatic implications--how might the midwater community be affected by changes in vertical flux, how might their responses change, and what might the consequences be.
  • 8:00-8:30
    Meet around coffee, pastry
    Overview talk, D Steinberg
    10-minute talks, open to all
    Discussion about zooplankton role
    Discussion leader: Karen Wishner
    12:00- 1:30
    Lunch, on own
    Tuesday afternoon: Theme: Observational Constraints Links:
    Hansell & Carlson Powerpoint presentation
    Gardner et al. presentation
    Overview, R Schlitzer
    10-minute talks, open to all
    Wednesday morning: Theme: Pulling It All Together
    8:00-  8:30
    Meet around coffee, pastry
    Discussion about overall status and needs
    Finish by 12:00 noon


    Berelson: "Talking points for Midwater Workshop"
    Burd & Jackson: "Modeling Midwater Food Webs"  Adrian and George's Powerpoint Presentation
    Gardner; Mishonov & Richardson: "A Global Transmissometer Database as a Tool for POC Assessment"  Wilf Gardner's Powerpoint Presentation
    Hansell & Carlson: "DOC Export Highlights"  Dennis Hansell's Powerpoint Presentation
    Stemmann et al: "A 1-D Size-resolved Model of Particle Dynamics below the Mixed Layer"  Lars Stemmann's Powerpoint Presentation
    Rivkin: "Microbial dynamics in the mesopelagic layer: Rate and patterns of respiration and biogenic carbon cycling"  Richard Rivkin's Powerpoint Presentation (NOTICE: work in progress - please do not cite without author's permission)
    Steinberg: "Zooplankton in the twilight zone: Effects on particle flux and reminieralization"  Debbie Steinberg's Powerpoint Presentation

    Berelson, W. 2000. Water column remineralization of opal and organic carbon. AGU/Ocean Sciences, January 2000 meeting.
    Berelson, W. 2001. POC fluxes into the ocean interior: A comparison of 4 US-JGOFS regional studies. Oceanography 14, 59-67.
    Jackson, George A. and Adrian B. Burd. 2002. A model for the distribution of particle flux in the mid-water column controlled by subsurface biotic interactions. Deep-Sea Res. II 49:193-217.
    Ono, S., A. Ennyu, R. G. Najjar and N. R. Bates. 2001. Shallow remineralization in the Sargasso Sea estimated from seasonal variations in oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon and nitrate. Deep-Sea Res. II 48, 1567-1582.
    Wishner, Karen F., Marcia M. Gowing, Celia Gelfman. 2000. Living in suboxia: Ecology of an Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone copepod. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45(7): 1576-1593.

    Meeting Participants: If you would like to make your workshop presentation available via this web page, to add references, or to provide additional links, notes, etc. please contact: J Kleypas.

    NAME Expertise Location/Airport Phone Email
    Antia, Avan  Midwater particles  Kiel    aantia@ifm.uni-kiel.de
    Bacon, Mike  Th isotopes  WHOI/Logan  508-289-2559  mbacon@whoi.edu
    Banse, Karl  Zooplankton rates Seattle  206-543-5079  banse@ocean.washington.edu
    Berelson, Will  Si flux  Los Angeles  213-740-5828  berelson@usc.edu
    Burd, Adrian  Biomodels  Atlanta  706-372-4549  adrian@halodule.tamu.edu
    Carlson, Craig Microbial Ecology Santa Barbara 805-893-2541 carlson@lifesci.ucsb.edu
    Fisher, Nick  Elemental cycling  Ston. Brk(NY)  631-632-8649  nfisher@notes.cc.sunysb.edu
    Follows, Mick  Biogeochemical models  Boston 617-253-5939  mick@plume.mit.edu
    Gardner, Wilf  Particle distribution  College Station  979-845-7211  wgardner@ocean.tamu.edu
    Hansell, Dennis  DOC  Miami  305-361-4078  dhansell@rsmas.miami.edu
    Ianson, Debby  model  TAMU  979-845-1115  Ianson@halodule.tamu.edu
    Jackson, George  Bio models  College Station  979-845-0405  gjackson@tamu.edu
    Jahnke, Rick  Shelf sediment interactions Savannah  912-598-2491  rick@skio.peachnet.edu
    Lampitt, Richard  Midwater processes Southampton  +44 (2380) 596347  Richard.S.Lampitt@soc.soton.ac.uk
    Najjar, Ray  geochemical models  Univ Park, PA  814-863-1586  najjar@essc.psu.edu
    Rivkin, Richard  Models  Newfoundland  709-737-3720  rrivkin@mun.ca
    Schlitzer, Reiner  Inverse rates  Bremerhaven    rschlitzer@AWI-Bremerhaven.DE
    Smith, Ken  Benthic fluxes  San Diego  858-534-4858  ksmith@ucsd.edu
    Steinberg, Debbie  Midwater zooplankton  VA/DC  804-684-7838  debbies@vims.edu
    Stemmann, Lars  Particles TAMU  979-845-1115  stemmann@ocean.tamu.edu
    Wakeham, Stuart Chemical composition  Savannah  912-598-2347  stuart@skio.peachnet.edu
    Wishner, Karen  Zooplankton distribution  Rhode Island  401-874-6402  kwishner@gso.uri.edu


    We will have an overhead projector and a computer projector tied to a laptop.

    SATRANS Shuttle - runs every 10-15 minutes from San Antonio International Airport, just outside the baggage claim, and services all major downtown hotels (including the Wyndham).  Cost is $9 one-way, $16 return.  Shuttle runs between 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily.
    The expectation is that travel to and from the airport will come out of the sum that we offered you.

    Contact Numbers:
    If you have problems during your journey, please call Adrian Burd (cell phone 706-372-4549) or George Jackson (cell phone: 979-575-8588).

    St. Anthony Wyndham Hotel
    San Antonio Basics/Attractions
    San Antonio City Guide & Database
    San Antonio Convention Bureau

    List of restaurants

    Two nice pdf maps of the city and downtown
    San Antonio(but note that zoom does not work on this map)
    San Antonio River Walk - funky map but links to many restaurants along the River Walk


    Expenses: We are offering each individual a maximum amount that is near the minimum cost for which we believe his/her trip can be made. We have access to State of Texas airfares, which we consulted when calculating travel costs. If people book through us, then we can get them these rates. If anyone chooses to book his/her own flight and the cost is more, he/she will have to make up the difference; if the cost is less, we will thank the individual and use the money to help other.
    WHOI travel policy:

    The WHOI meal allowances per diem are:
    Breakfast $8
    Lunch $12
    Supper $25

    No receipts are needed for meals, although people are expected to not claim meals that are provided by the meeting

    Mileage: 36.5 cents/mile

    Please attach all original receipts $25 and ober for any other expenses such as car rental, taxi fare, etc. The air passenger receipt is very important. Without it the WHOI travel reimbursement department will not pay for anything on the expense voucher. If you have an electronic ticket we still need an air passenger receipt from either the travel agency or the airline. 

    if you have questions, contact Mary Zawoysky -- phone: 508-289-2834, email: mzawoysky@whoi.edu.

    Foreign travel: for us to reimburse, the flight into/out of the US must be on a US flag carrier.

    Travel agent with access to state rates:
    Marilyn Bowen
    Executive Travel and Leisure
    College Station, TX
    C/O Executive travel: 800-329-6505
    979-690-5003 - home office
    979-229-6934 - cell phone