Susumu Honjo, Jack Dymond, Robert Collier and Roger Francois; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Oregon State University

"Latitudinal Variations of Particle Fluxes at the Southern Ocean: A Bottom Tethered Sediment Trap Array Experiment"

This experiment provides data and common use samples on how the biological pump operates in the Southern Ocean and how it could potentially impact the level of atmospheric CO2. We deploy 5 deep moorings with 3 or 4 time series traps each along approximately 170W. In particular, the number of moorings will be concentrated near APF. Additionally, 2 high tension moorings in the Ross Sea will be deployed. The temporal resolution of this experiment is 17 or 8.5 days. We provide the total export fluxes, fluxes of org. C, N, bio/litho SiO2 and CaCO3 as the core data.