Ken O. Buesseler; Woods Hole Oceanography Institution

"Seasonal and Spatial Variations in the Flux of POC derived from Thorium-234 in the U.S. JGOFS Southern Ocean Process Study"

We intend to provide a quantitative estimate of upper ocean export fluxes of particulate organic carbon on spatial and temporal scales relevant to understanding biological and physical process during the JGOFS Southern Ocean Studies. The approach used is to measure the particle reactive tracer, 234Th and its ratio to POC and PON to derive appropriate export data. Dissolved 234Th samples, and particulate 234Th, POC and PON on both 1 and 53 micron pore size filters will be collected at high frequency using an in situ pump, and vertical profiles will be collected at the longer process study sites. Close collaboration with the Drs. Cochran and Bacon is planned.