Core Pigment Protocol and QA/QC Procedures for the U.S. JGOFS
EQPAC Program
Robert R. Bidigare
Water samples will be collected in duplicate and analyzed at sea for
pigments (chlorophylls, carotenoids and phaeopigments) by reverse-phase
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; Bidigare et al., 1989).
Procedures will conform to the recommendations described in
- Chapter 9 of
the JGOFS Core Measurement Protocols document; and
- The Analysis and
Characterization of Marine Particles document (FRECLES Workshop, 20--26
January, 1991, Honolulu, HI).
The HPLC method employed includes the use of an
internal standard, canthaxanthin, which corrects for errors caused by variable
extraction volumes and `partial' HPLC injections. Replicate samples will be
collected during each cruise for the purposes of
- assessing analytical
- establishing minimum detection limits (MDL); and
- intercalibrating with other JGOFS investigators performing pigment
determinations (i.e., HOTS, BATS).
Since we coordinated and participated
in the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment (NABE) pigment intercalibration
exercises, we are currently intercalibrated with existing JGOFS pigment
laboratories (HOTS [D. Karl], NABE [D.J. Repeta] and the international
participants [H. Maske, T. Platt, W. W. C. Gieskes, etc.]). In addition,
I recently installed and calibrated an HPLC system at the Bermuda
Biological Station (BATS) and will take over the analysis of pigments
collected at the HOTS site. Thus, samples collected for the U.S. JGOFS
HOTS, BATS and EQPAC programs will all be analyzed and calibrated using
the same methods and standards, respectively.
Literature Cited
- Bidigare, R.R., O. Schofield and B.B. Prezelin (1989).
- Influence
of zeaxanthin on quantum yield of photosynthesis of Synechococcus clone
WH7803 (DC2). Marine Ecology: Progress Series, Ser. 56: 177--188.