Macrobenthic abundance and biomass are the only biological
measurements we will be conducting which can be considered to have
``standard'' protocols. Sediments from spade-core samples remaining after
subsampling for geochemical analyses (approximately 0.19 m of surface
sediment per box core, assuming a contribution of 300 cm
to other JGOFS
investigators) will be processed for macrofauna. The top 10 cm of each
subcore will be removed; top-water-plus-0--1-cm, 1--5 cm and 5--10 cm depth
intervals will then be preserved whole with 10 %-formalin-seawater
solution. In the laboratory, samples will be transferred to 80 % ethanol,
washed on 300-µm sieves and sorted under dissecting microscopes for
macrofauna (see C. Smith (1986) for methods). We will identify all
macrofauna to lowest possible taxon (at least to family level) and send
materials to taxonomic experts for confirmation. Taxonomic
identifications are critical to placement of deep-sea macrofauna into
functional groups; a necessary step in identification of important
bioturbators. Individuals subsequently will be assigned to trophic groups
based on criteria described in Fauchald and Jumars (1979), and on results
from core dissections and x-radiography. Size-distributions of macrofauna
(for assessing mean body-size changes along the transect) will be obtained
from body-size measurements using an ocular micrometer (Smith and
Brumsickle, 1989). After identifications and measurements, macrofaunal
biomass will be determined by pooling all animals from a box core and wet
weighing them according to the methods of K. Smith et al. (1983) and Rowe
(1983). A correction for preservation in formalin and ethanol will be
made to biomass measurements.
There are no JGOFS protocols for macrofaunal abundance and biomass estimates, but our protocols do match those used for quantitative studies of deep-sea macrobenthos in the U.S.A. and U.K. (e.g., Rowe, 1983). In some other countries, a 500-µm screen is used as the size cutoff for macrofauna; however, there is strong evidence that a substantial fraction of those animals that function as macrofauna pass through a 500-µm screen, but are retained on a 300-µm screen. Thus, if JGOFS does adopt standard protocols for the processing of deep-sea macrofauna, we will push strongly for use of a 300-µm screen size.