U.S. JGOFS   Arabian Sea Data Objects
Log of activity, as of August 11, 2004 (08-11-2004)

Data from these Arabian Sea cruises are available:

format of entries is
  PI, description of dataset (objectname) date-placed-on-system
   -- changes to data since being served

Arabian Sea data not fitting neatly into a single cruise:

Lou Codispoti and Steve Gaurin, casts within 20km of standard stations (Standard_stations), 07-22-97 -- Note: this data is available in all categories of data, as a convenience. Bob Weller, Meterological data from mooring (mooring_met), 11-07-97 Bob Weller, Flux data from mooring (mooring_flux), 11-07-97 Sus Honjo and Jack Dymond, sediment trap particle flux (sediment_traps), 06-26-97 Neil Tindale, Aerosols, long irradiation analysis (aerosols_long), 06-30-97 Neil Tindale, Aerosols, short irradiation analysis (aerosols_short), 06-30-97 Frank Hoge, NASA overflight data (NASA_overflights), 07-02-97 John Hedges, Carbon and Nitrogen sediment trap particle flux (sedtrap_carbon), 04-12-2000 Stu Wakeham, Lipids and sediment trap particle flux (sedtrap_lipid), 04-12-2000 -- raw lipid data added, 03-21-2001 Cindy Lee, Amino acids, pigments and sediment trap particle flux (sedtrap_amino), 09-03-2002 Wilf Gardner, John Morrison, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 05-03-2002 -- event numbers corrected to match event log, 06-06-2002 Fredrick Prahl, Deep sea sediment trap biomarkers (sedtrap_biomarker), 04-12-2002 John Marra, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 04-12-2002 Warren Prell, Sediment composition (sed_comp), 12-16-2002

TTN-039 -- Intercalibration

Lou Codispoti, Basic Hydrographic data (bottle) 10-24-95 -- recalibrated NO2, NH4, PO4 10-28-96 John Morrison, processed CTD data (ctd) 11-06-95 Sharon Smith, Zooplankton displacement volumes from MOCNESS (zoo_dv_MOC) 12-02-96

TTN-042 -- Seasoar 1

Ken Brink, SeaSoar data (seasoar_one), 08-16-95

TTN-043 -- Process 1

Michael Roman, Process 1 Event Log (log), 06-15-95 Lou Codispoti, Basic Hydrographic data (bottle) 10-24-95 -- recalibrated NO2, NH4, PO4 10-28-96 -- dates changed for events 01102107, 01261852; month,day reversed 03-31-98 -- add calculated depth, 05-08-2000 John Morrison, processed CTD data (ctd) 10-26-95 -- John Morrison, ctd data re-processed at 2 decibar intervals 02-07-96 -- updated with Gardner's beam attenuation, light backscatter values 01-22-97 Catherine Goyet, Total carbon dioxide and total alkalinity, (tco2) 03-28-96 -- event 04301803 corrected to 01220752, 03-18-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Michael Roman, Mesozooplankton biomass from MOCNESS (mesozoo_moc), 04-23-96 -- mesozoo_moc, units corrected, 07-30-96 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha9 release, 07-02-2002 Farooq Azam, Bacteria abundance and leuc.,thym. (bacteria) 04-23-96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in air along ship track, (pco2_air) 04-26-96 -- recalibrated pCO2 05-20-97 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in water along ship track, (pco2_water) 04-29-96 -- recalibrated pCO2 05-20-97 Wilf Gardner, Mary-Jo Richardson, Ian Walsh, Particulate Matter concentration (pmc) 04-29-96 Michael Roman, Mesozooplankton biomass (mesozoo_bongo) 06-28-96 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, in situ Gross and Net O2 production(insitu_O2_prod) 07-26-96 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, on-deck Net O2 production(ondeck_O2_prod) 07-26-96 Dick Barber and John Marra, Primary production (primary_prod) 07-30-96 Jim McCarthy, Ammonium concentrations (ammonium) 07-31-96 -- bottle # added, parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Jim McCarthy, Daily N-15 uptake rates and f ratio (areal_sum) 08-09-96 -- resubmitted sta 17 data, 11-25-96 -- reflect changes to uptake rates, reassess diel cycle for N uptake, 06-30-97 -- resubmitted all data, reflecting MLD integrations where appropriate, 09-10-99 Jim McCarthy, N-15 uptake rates, profile data (N15_uptake) 08-09-96 -- profile uptake rates contain computational corrections, 06-30-97 -- documentation updated, 09-10-99 Ed Peltzer, TOC profile data (toc) 08-09-96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass from MOCNESS (zoo_BIGmoc) 11-22-96 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass from Bongo tows (zoo_bongo) 11-22-96 -- totals recomputed 07-01-97 -- rename parameter net to net_mesh, DMO Alpha9 release, 09-09-2002 Chris Garside, low level nitrate conc. data (low_level_NO3) 01-07-97 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. from CTD casts (trace_Fe_Al) 01-07-97 -- removed at PI's request, 11-10-98 Ken Buesseler, Dissolved and particulate Thorium-234 from Slurper (th234_pump) 01-08-97 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. from TM casts (TMtrace_Fe_Al) 01-17-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-26-2002 Dave Caron, Nanoplankton counts from CTD casts (nanoplankton) 03-17-97 -- units reported for biovolume corrected, 07-02-97 Dave Caron, Microzooplankton grazing rates from TM casts (grazing) 03-17-97 -- parameter name changes to agree with Landry, 03-13-00 Wilf Gardner, John Morrison, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 05-03-2002 -- event numbers corrected to match event log, 06-06-2002 Lisa Campbell and Mike Landry, Pop. est. of picoplankton (picoplankton) 05-05-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass,MOCNESS, per net (zoo_BIGmoc_net) 05-12-97 -- totals recomputed 07-01-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton wet weights, displacement volume,MOCNESS (zoo_dv_BIGmoc) 05-12-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton wet weights, displacement volume,Bongo tows (zoo_dv_Bongo) 05-12-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 -- corrected order of field values, event 01311713, 06-25-98 Ralf Goericke, Pigments by HPLC (HPLC_pigments) 05-14-97 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-21-2002 -- cast, bottle and depths corrected for DMO Alpha8 release, 04-09-2002 -- event=01121419,sta_std=N7,sta=7,cast=9 (was cast 8) -- event=01171443,sta_std=S15,cast=3, btl l7, change depth 26 to 16 -- event=01240835,sta_std=S7,cast=7, btl 8, change depth 10 to 1 -- event=01280702,sta_std=S4,sta=26,cast=11, corrected all btl #s Farooq Azam, POC and PON (poc_pon) 06-06-97 -- final event number 01311558, removed replicate bottle data 04-03-98 Dave Caron, Microplankton abundance and biomass (microplankton) 11-07-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-21-2001 Dennis Hansell, Total Organic Nitrogen (ton) 04-21-98 US JGOFS DMO, TM bottle casts (TM bottle casts) 05-10-2001 John Marra, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 04-12-2002 Gowing and Garrison, Mesopelagic microplankton abundances and carbon biomass (meso_micro), 08-11-2004

TTN-044 -- Seasoar 2

Ken Brink, SeaSoar data (seasoar_two), 08-16-95 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in air along ship track, (pco2_air) 04-26-96 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 05-20-97 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in water along ship track, (pco2_water) 04-29-96 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 05-20-97

TTN-045 -- Process 2

John Marra, Process 2 Event Log (log), 11-09-95 (update 07-02-96 -- changed on system 10-23-96) -- log entries out of sequence w/r/t lat,lon and day (?), change 03270810 to 03271910, 03270300 to 03280300, 03270345 to 03280345, 01-04-99 Frank Millero/Dan O'Sullivan, Total carbon dioxide and Total alkalinity (tco2), 12-05-95 -- event numbers corrected to match log (03270331 to 03270330; 03272044 to 03272053) 10-31-2000 -- DMO sorted data by bottle number; corrected depth (event 03272053,btl24); parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 John Morrison, processed CTD data avg.at 2 decibar intervals (ctd) 02-08-96 -- updated with Gardner's beam attenuation, light backscatter values 01-22-97 Michael Roman, Mesozooplankton biomass from MOCNESS (mesozoo_moc), 04-23-96 -- mesozoo_moc, units corrected, 07-30-96 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha9 release, 07-02-2002 Lou Codispoti, Basic Hydrographic data (bottle) 04-24-96 -- recalibrated NO2, NH4, PO4 10-28-96 -- event numbers corrected to match log (03270330,03271535,03272053,03301501) 04-15-97 -- add calculated depth, 05-08-2000 Hugh Ducklow, Part. Organic Carbon and PON (poc_pon) 04-24-96 -- object was tpc_pon, TPC discovered to be POC, all references changed 06-03-97 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in air along ship track, (pco2_air) 04-26-96 -- recalibrated pCO2 05-21-97 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in water along ship track, (pco2_water) 04-29-96 -- recalibrated pCO2 05-21-97 Wilf Gardner, Mary-Jo Richardson, Ian Walsh, Particulate Matter concentration (pmc) 04-29-96 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance, cell volume and activity (bacteria) 06-05-96 -- event numbers corrected to match log (change event 03270331 to 03270330) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Michael Roman, Mesozooplankton biomass (mesozoo_bongo) 06-28-96 -- mesozoo_bongo, event 03291130 --> event 04050714, 07-31-96 Robert Bidigare, Chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments by fluorometric method (chl_fluor) 07-19-96 -- corrected according to RB e-mail 10/03/96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- event 03300815: cast number corrected from 2 to 4, 03-22-2002 Dick Barber and John Marra, Primary production (primary_prod) 07-30-96 Dennis Hansell, TOC profile data (toc) 08-09-96 -- event 03301500 corrected to 03301501, 07-22-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass from MOCNESS (zoo_BIGmoc) 11-22-96 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass from Bongo tows (zoo_bongo) 11-22-96 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 -- rename parameter net to net_mesh, DMO Alpha9 release, 09-09-2002 Robert Bidigare, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments) 12-13-96 -- methodology notes updated 05-30-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. (trace_Fe_Al) 01-07-97 -- PI removes contaminated, unreliable data, 11-10-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-26-2002 Ken Buesseler, Dissolved and particulate Thorium-234 from Slurper (th234_pump) 01-08-97 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. from TM casts (TMtrace_Fe_Al) 01-17-97 -- PI removes contaminated, unreliable data, 11-10-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-26-2002 Ray Sambrotto, N-15 uptake rates (N15_uptake) 01-24-97 -- PI makes changes to several values 02-26-97 -- PI updates include additional data and recomputing uptake rates 08-12-97 -- DMO added bottle numbers to file and changed NH4 units to micromoles/liter; parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dave Caron, Nanoplankton counts from CTD casts (nanoplankton) 03-17-97 -- units reported for biovolume corrected, 07-02-97 Dave Caron, Microzooplankton grazing rates from TM casts (grazing) 03-17-97 -- parameter name changes to agree with Landry, 03-13-00 Wilf Gardner, John Morrison, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 05-03-2002 -- event numbers corrected to match event log, 06-06-2002 George Luther, Brent Lewis, Iodine speciation (iodine) 05-01-97 George Luther, Brent Lewis, Sulfide and peroxide (sulfide_peroxide) 05-01-97 Brent Lewis, George Luther, Manganese concentrations (manganese) 05-02-97 -- PI corrected calibration error, 09-15-98 -- PI corrected blank subtraction error, 02-25-00 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 Lisa Campbell and Mike Landry, Pop. est. of picoplankton (picoplankton) 05-05-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass,MOCNESS, per net (zoo_BIGmoc_net) 05-12-97 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton wet weights, displacement volume,MOCNESS (zoo_dv_BIGmoc) 05-12-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton wet weights, displacement volume,Bongo tows (zoo_dv_Bongo) 05-12-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 -- wrong tow number corrected (13->14), event 04050714, 06-25-98 Robert Bidigare, HPLC pigments from TM casts (HPLC_pigmentsTM) 06-05-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 -- DMO corrected cast numbers, Alpha8 release, 03-22-2002 Chuck Trees, Bio Optics Profile data (bio_optics) 06-27-97 Dennis Hansell, Total Organic Nitrogen (ton) 10-31-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dave Caron, Microplankton abundance and biomass (microplankton) 11-07-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-21-2001 Chuck Trees, Particulate Absorption data (particle_absorp) 11-13-98 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha9 release, 07-02-2002 Brent Lewis, George Luther, Particulate Mn and Al concentrations (manganese_part) 03-13-00 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 US JGOFS DMO, TM bottle casts (TM bottle casts) 05-10-2001 John Marra, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 04-12-2002 Gowing and Garrison, Mesopelagic microplankton abundances and carbon biomass (meso_micro), 08-11-2004

TTN-048 -- Seasoar 3

Ken Brink, SeaSoar data (seasoar_three), 08-30-95

TTN-049 -- Process 4

Richard Barber, Process 4 Event Log (log), 11-09-95 Catherine Goyet, Total carbon dioxide and total alkalinity, (tco2) 02-08-96 -- Catherine Goyet, final processed total alkalinity 02-29-96 -- event 07280437, data in bottle order, changed to depth order 04-03-98 -- sta 30, cast 5 event number changed to 08120929 04-03-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Robert Olson, picophytoplankton cell counts, (picophyto) 02-16-96 -- Rob Olson revised data. See note on Documentation link. 03-21-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in air along ship track, (pco2_air) 04-26-96 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 05-21-97 Catherine Goyet, pCO2 in water along ship track, (pco2_water) 04-29-96 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 05-21-97 John Morrison, processed CTD data avg.at 2 decibar intervals (ctd) 05-24-96 -- updated with Gardner's beam attenuation, light backscatter values 01-22-97 Lou Codispoti, Basic Hydrographic data (bottle) 06-11-96 -- Lou Codispoti, updates to bottle data 06-18-96 -- Lou Codispoti, updates to bottle data 06-26-96 -- recalibrated NO2, NH4, PO4 10-28-96 -- add calculated depth, 05-08-2000 Hugh Ducklow, Part. Organic Carbon and PON (poc_pon) 07-16-96 -- object was tpc_pon, TPC discovered to be POC, all references changed 06-03-97 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, in situ Gross and Net O2 production(insitu_O2_prod) 07-26-96 Michael Bender and Mary-Lynn Dickson, on-deck Net O2 production(ondeck_O2_prod) 07-26-96 Dick Barber and John Marra, Primary production (primary_prod) 07-30-96 Ed Peltzer, TOC profile data (toc) 08-09-96 -- PI removes bad data, events 08051242, 08051535; see note in documentation 05-27-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Hugh Ducklow, Bacterial abundance, cell volume and activity (bacteria) 08-27-96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha6 release, 02-27-2002 Barney Balch, Underway fluorescence (fluor_underway) 11-14-96 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. (trace_Fe_Al) 01-07-97 -- PI removes contaminated, unreliable data, 11-10-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-26-2002 Ken Buesseler, Dissolved and particulate Thorium-234 from Slurper (th234_pump) 01-08-97 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. from TM casts (TMtrace_Fe_Al) 01-17-97 -- PI removes contaminated, unreliable data, 11-10-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-26-2002 and 04-23-2002 Ray Sambrotto, N-15 uptake rates (N15_uptake) 01-24-97 -- PI makes changes to several values 02-26-97 -- PI updates include additional data and recomputing uptake rates 08-12-97 -- DMO added bottle numbers to file and changed NH4 units to micromoles/liter; parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Wilf Gardner, John Morrison, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 05-03-2002 -- event numbers corrected to match event log, 06-06-2002 Ralf Goericke, Pigments by HPLC (HPLC_pigments) 05-14-97 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-21-2002 Dennis Hansell, Total Organic Nitrogen (TON) 06-02-97 -- corrected small error in calibration curve application on some sample values 06-09-97 Barney Balch, Calcite, calcification and photosynthesis (calcite_prod) 07-01-97 US JGOFS DMO, TM bottle casts (TM bottle casts) 05-10-2001 John Marra, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 04-12-2002

TTN-050 -- Process 5

Sharon Smith, Process 5 Event Log (log), 11-09-95 -- log revised 07-12-96 Michael Roman, Mesozooplankton biomass from MOCNESS (mesozoo_moc), 04-23-96 -- mesozoo_moc, units corrected, 07-30-96 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha9 release, 07-02-2002 Sharon Smith, Zooplankton displacement volumes from MOCNESS (zoo_dv_MOC) 05-24-96 -- zoo_dv_MOC, event 9081755 depths fixed, 05-02-97 Michael Roman, Mesozooplankton biomass (mesozoo_bongo) 06-28-96 Wilf Gardner, Mary-Jo Richardson, Ian Walsh, Particulate Matter concentration (pmc) 07-15-96 Lou Codispoti, Basic Hydrographic data (bottle) 07-15-96 -- recalibrated NO2, NH4, PO4 10-28-96 -- add calculated depth, 05-08-2000 John Morrison, processed CTD data averaged at 2 decibar intervals (ctd) 07-17-96 -- updated with Gardner's beam attenuation, light backscatter values 01-22-97 -- event number corrected from 00908014 to 09080148 04-03-98 Robert Bidigare, Chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments by fluorometric method (chl_fluor) 07-19-96 -- corrected according to RB e-mail 10/03/96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Dick Barber and John Marra, Primary production (primary_prod) 07-30-96 Mike Landry and Lisa Campbell, Pop. est. of picoplankton (picoplankton) 11-04-96 -- parameter name changes, object name change for consistency 05-05-97 -- corrected volume, event 08282130, results in synechococcus correction 01-11-99 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass from MOCNESS (zoo_BIGmoc) 11-22-96 -- event 09051913 zp_C1000x values and all totals corrected, 06-23-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass from Bongo tows (zoo_bongo) 11-22-96 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 -- rename parameter net to net_mesh, DMO Alpha9 release, 09-09-2002 Robert Bidigare, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments) 12-13-96 -- methodology notes updated 05-30-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. (trace_Fe_Al) 01-07-97 -- PI removes contaminated, unreliable data, 11-10-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-26-2002 Ken Buesseler, Dissolved and particulate Thorium-234 from Slurper (th234_pump) 01-08-97 Sharon Smith, Zooplankton displacement volumes from Bongo tows (zoo_dv_Bongo) 01-17-97 Wilf Gardner, John Morrison, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 05-03-2002 -- event numbers corrected to match event log, 06-06-2002 Marcia Gowing, Dave Garrison, Microzooplankton abundance and biomass (microzooplankton) 05-06-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass,MOCNESS, per net (zoo_BIGmoc_net) 05-12-97 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton wet weights, displacement volume,MOCNESS (zoo_dv_BIGmoc) 05-12-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 -- added zp_ww_tot and removed flag, DMO Alpha9 release, 09-04-2002 Robert Bidigare, HPLC pigments from Primary Prod. casts (HPLC_pigmentsPP) 06-05-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dennis Hansell, Total Organic Carbon (toc) 06-25-97 -- additional data samples added, 09-09-97 Dennis Hansell, Total Organic Nitrogen (ton) 12-09-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Ian Walsh, Wilf Gardner, Aggregates (aggregates) 01-26-99 Mike Landry and Lisa Campbell, Microzooplankton grazing rates (grazing) 03-13-00 John Marra, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 04-12-2002 Gowing and Garrison, Mesopelagic microplankton abundances and carbon biomass (meso_micro), 08-11-2004

TTN-051 -- Seasoar 4

Ken Brink, SeaSoar data (seasoar_four), 11-08-95

TTN-053 -- Process 6

Barney Balch, Process 6 Event Log (log), 01-18-96 (revised 02-12-96) -- log revised, add event 11062255, 07-30-96 -- log revised, add event 11062029, 07-31-96 Robert Bidigare, Chlorophyll-a and phaeopigments by fluorometric method (chl_fluor) 07-19-96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Frank Millero/Dan O'Sullivan, Total carbon dioxide and Total alkalinity (tco2), 07-19-96 -- 2 bottles numbered 1 corrected to bottle 2 and bottle 1, event 11140104, 11051552 04-14-98 -- DMO sorted data by bottle number; parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dick Barber and John Marra, Primary production (primary_prod) 07-30-96 Lou Codispoti, Basic Hydrographic data (bottle) 07-30-96 -- recalibrated NO2, NH4, PO4 10-28-96 -- time_begin changed for event 11160950; time stamp error 03-31-98 -- add calculated depth, 05-08-2000 John Morrison, processed CTD data (ctd) 07-31-96 Jim McCarthy, Ammonium concentrations (ammonium) 07-31-96 -- DMO added bottle numbers; parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dennis Hansell, TOC profile data (toc) 08-09-96 -- contaminated sample removed, event 11020249 bot 4, 06-10-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Barney Balch, Underway fluorescence (fluor_underway) 11-14-96 Robert Olson, Picophytoplankton cell counts, (picophyto) 11-20-96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Jim McCarthy, Daily N-15 uptake rates and f ratio (areal_sum) 11-25-96 -- sta 10 values updated per e-mail from J.Nevins 12-16-96 -- reflect changes to uptake rates, reassess diel cycle for N uptake, 06-30-97 -- resubmitted all data, reflecting MLD integrations where appropriate, 09-10-99 Jim McCarthy, N-15 uptake rates, profile data (N15_uptake) 12-18-96 -- profile uptake rates contain computational corrections, 06-30-97 -- documentation updated, 09-10-99 Chris Garside, low level nitrate conc. data (low_level_NO3) 01-07-97 Chris Measures, Iron and Aluminum conc. (trace_Fe_Al) 01-07-97 -- PI removes contaminated, unreliable data, 11-10-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha7 release, 03-13-2002 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 03-26-2002 Frank Millero, pCO2 in air along ship track, (pco2_air) 04-08-97 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 06-11-97 Frank Millero, pCO2 in water along ship track, (pco2_water) 04-08-97 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 06-11-97 Chuck Trees, Bio Optics Profile data (bio_optics) 06-27-97 Barney Balch, Calcite, calcification and photosynthesis (calcite_prod) 07-01-97 Barney Balch, POC and PON (poc_pon) 07-01-97 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Robert Bidigare, HPLC pigments (HPLC_pigments) 01-09-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Robert Bidigare, HPLC pigment size fractions (HPLC_sizefrac) 01-09-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dennis Hansell, Total Organic Nitrogen (ton) 04-21-98 Chuck Trees, Particulate Absorption data (particle_absorp) 11-13-98 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha9 release, 07-02-2002 Wilf Gardner, John Morrison, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 05-03-2002 -- event numbers corrected to match event log, 06-06-2002 John Marra, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 04-12-2002

TTN-054 -- Process 7

Wilf Gardner, Process 7 Event Log (log), 02-08-96 (revised 02-12-96) -- log revised - Big_MOC numbers off by one after 4, 06-13-96 Sharon Smith, Zooplankton displacement volumes from MOCNESS (zoo_dv_MOC) 07-15-96 Frank Millero/Dan O'Sullivan, Total carbon dioxide and Total alkalinity (tco2), 07-19-96 -- event numbers corrected to match log (12071353 to 12070353) 10-31-2000 -- DMO corrected depth (event 12150030, btl 22); parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Dick Barber and John Marra, Primary production (primary_prod) 07-30-96 Lou Codispoti, Basic Hydrographic data (bottle) 08-09-96 -- recalibrated NO2, NH4, PO4 10-28-96 -- sta 28, bot 24,22 and sta 29, bot 24,21 oxygen values removed 06-26-97 -- add calculated depth, 05-08-2000 John Morrison, processed CTD data (ctd) 08-09-96 -- updated with Gardner's beam attenuation, light backscatter values 02-18-97 -- data file links corrected for sta-cast: 1-3,2-2,7-1,7-2,7-3,7-4,13-2 06-06-2002 Dennis Hansell, TOC profile data (toc) 08-09-96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha2 release, 05-08-2001 Farooq Azam, Bacteria abundance and leuc.,thym. (bacteria) 09-23-96 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Mike Landry and Lisa Campbell, Pop. est. of picoplankton (picoplankton) 11-04-96 -- parameter name changes, object name change for consistency 05-05-97 -- event numbers corrected to match log (12211301 to 12221301; 12211658 to 12221658) 10-31-2000 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha3 release, 07-09-2001 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass from MOCNESS (zoo_BIGmoc) 11-22-96 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 Sharon Smith, Zooplankton displacement volumes from Bongo tows (zoo_dv_Bongo) 02-20-97 Wilf Gardner, John Morrison, Mixed layer depths (mixed_layer) 05-19-2000 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha8 release, 05-03-2002 -- event numbers corrected to match event log, 06-06-2002 Frank Millero, pCO2 in air along ship track, (pco2_air) 04-08-97 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 06-11-97 Frank Millero, pCO2 in water along ship track, (pco2_water) 04-08-97 -- PI recalibrated pCO2 06-11-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton biomass,MOCNESS, per net (zoo_BIGmoc_net) 05-12-97 -- totals recomputed 06-23-97 -- removed data reinserted 07-02-97 Karen Wishner and Marcia Gowing, Mesozooplankton wet weights, displacement volume,MOCNESS (zoo_dv_BIGmoc) 05-12-97 -- added zp_ww_tot and removed flag, DMO Alpha9 release, 09-04-2002 Farooq Azam, POC and PON (poc_pon) 06-06-97 Chuck Trees, Bio Optics Profile data (bio_optics) 06-27-97 -- corrected non-separated data fields which were creating truncated listings, 05-29-98 Ralf Goericke, Pigments by HPLC (HPLC_pigments) 04-21-98 -- parameter names and units modified for DMO Alpha4 release, 08-23-2001 Dennis Hansell, Total Organic Nitrogen (ton) 04-21-98 Marcia Gowing, Dave Garrison, Microzooplankton abundance and biomass (microzooplankton) 07-27-98 -- bottle numbers for event 12211229 corrected from 1-6 to 18-23, 09-28-98 Chuck Trees, Particulate Absorption data (particle_absorp) 11-13-98 -- parameter names modified for DMO Alpha9 release, 07-02-2002 Ian Walsh, Wilf Gardner, Aggregates (aggregates) 01-26-99 Mike Landry and Lisa Campbell, Microzooplankton grazing rates (grazing) 03-13-00 John Marra, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), 04-12-2002 Gowing and Garrison, Mesopelagic microplankton abundances and carbon biomass (meso_micro), 08-11-2004

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