1/17/95 Cruise Update from R/V THOMPSON We are steaming SW to our station at 10'N, 65'E. The THOMPSON departed Muscat at 0800 1/8/95 and ran the JGOFS stations in a clockwise direction beginning at 22'23N, 59'53E. Along this northern transect, surface water temperatures have averaged around 25'C, the depth of the mixed layer averaged around 75 m; and, a well developed oxygen minimum exists from around 75 to 1200 m. Surface nitrate has ranged from 1.7 to 3.7 uM; surface ammonium 0.18 to 0.58; and, surface silicate 1.6 to 2.8 uM. The surface waters are well mixed, with little variation in chemical and biological parameters above the pycnocline. Fe concentrations were around 2 nM at the inshore stations and have decreased to values around 1 nM in the central and eastern Arabian Sea (Measures). Mixed layer total organic carbon concentrations (Peltzer, Waterhouse) have varied between 70 and 80 uM, with the highest TOC observed at 21'11N, 63'33E. Secondary TOC maxima have been observed at several stations between 2 - 300 m. Mixed layer POC determined by difference between TOC (unfiltered) and DOC (filtered) samples was about 3 - 5 uM. Deepwater concentrations of TOC are on the order of 38 - 40 uM, or roughly mid-way between deepwater values from the North Atlantic and Equatorial Pacific. Concentrations of total chlorophyll a in the mixed layer did not vary systematically over the northern transect, ranging from 400 to 800 ng/L; however, the composition of the phytoplankton community changed gradually from diatom dominated to flagellate/cyanobacteria dominated (Goericke, Thompson). Preliminary estimates of primary production at our first station based on 14C (Knudson, Lindley) was 2 - 4 gC/m2/day at the first few stations. Net carbon production based on oxygen changes (Dickson, Orchardo) were 2.1 to 3.8 gC/m2/day along the northern transect. Bacterial production estimates have ranged from 1.3 to 0.5 gC/m2/day proceeding from off the coast of Oman to the central Arabian Sea (Azam, Smith and Steward). Zooplankton abundance appeared to be greater at the northern stations off the Omani coast and has decreased as we traversed the Arabian Sea. Lowest zooplankton abundances occur from 150 - 600 m in the oxygen minimum zone, but with a daytime layer at 200 - 300 m (Wishner and Gowing). Dilution experiments gave preliminary estimates of phytoplankton growth of 0.75 d-1 and phytoplankton removal by protozoa of 0.4 d-1 (Caron and Dennett). Larger biota observed have included dolphins, Indo-Pacific blue marlins (2, 6' marlin swam right past the CTD rosette), masked boobies, red-billed tropic birds, dolphin fish, big-eyed tuna and squid. Today a cattle egret hitched a ride by sitting on an antenna. Captain Gomes and the crew of the THOMPSON have been great. The ETs Grogan and Realander have put in long hours and exhibited great patience in helping us trouble shoot equipment problems. Lou Codispoti has assembled talented people on the Hydro-team whose performance drawing and analyzing water samples would rival any Indy 500 pit crew. We are catching up on samples and sleep on this long steam. The southern transect has a higher density of stations as well as 5 long stations (40 h), which prove to be a bit hectic. We have had light winds, calm seas and sunny days throughout the cruise. mike roman is sci-01@thompson.ocean.washington.edu