Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 18:35 GMT
NBP Cruise 97-3 sailed from Port Lyttelton, New Zealand at 1900 local
time on Friday 04 April, 1997, following a four-day delay to complete
repairs to the ship's rudders. This is process cruise 3 of the US JGOFS
AESOPS Southern Ocean Process Study. The primary objectives of this
cruise are to study carbon cycling and plankton biogeochemistry under
late autumn and early winter conditions in the southern Ross Sea. This
cruise will focus on phytoplankton physiology under declining light and
on heterotrophic processes and nutrient regeneration.

 Loading and setup went very smoothly and all hands are ready to go to
work. We are currently sailing due south in gently rolling seas through
47 South on 173E. We expect to occupy a test station near 63 S on about
09 April and then the first major process station about April 12. We
are looking forward to a successful, if dark, cruise.

Hugh Ducklow
Chief Scientist