Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:58:36 -0500
January 16 The ice images that arrived today via fax and confirm sea ice at about 69 deg, 30 min south along 170 W. We won't be traveling south much longer. We have been steaming from 57 S towing the OSU SeaSoar and constructing real-time vertical cross sections of temperature, salinity, density, large particle concentrations (via OPC) and a number of fluorescence parameters (from two flashpacks and an AC9). As the fish undulates up and down, it is like painting a mural of the upper water column which is 300 meters high and over 1,200 kilometers wide. In addition, underway surface water measurements of nutrients, pCO2, metals, oxygen, salinity, phytoplankton species composition and abundance, extracted chlorophyll, silicate uptake, DOC, fluorescence, currents (via APDC) and all the IMAT parameters, add richness to this painting. The picture that is emerging is different from the first Survey cruise, now three months ago, but when taken together with the underway Process I data, suggests an interesting story. We had expected to see a strong surface manifestation of the APFZ just south of the subsurface expression detected between 60.5 and 61 S. During Survey I, surface water temperatures dropped almost 4 degrees within sixty kilometers, but nothing of the kind was to be seen. Overall surface water temperatures are 2 degrees warmer north of the front and there is a gradual monotonic decrease in temperature dropping only 2 degrees C over the last three hundred miles. Over this distance there is a thin 20-30 m mixed layer overriding a strong thermocline. Presumably the calm weather during Process I allowed for the stratification of this water column. Because of the lack of a strong frontal system, the distance to the sea ice, (where no "front" is guaranteed) and a decreasing undulation amplitude of the SeaSoar (decreasing travel of the push rods on the SeaSoar wings), a decision to stop the SeaSoar at 2030 was made this morning. Silicates are back to 60 micromolar at this southernmost station. January 20 We have pursued the notion that the transect south represents a trip backwards in time, relative to bloom formation, and we have identified a region of high plant biomass at about 64 deg 50 min S where chlorophyll levels reached 2.7 micrograms per liter, pCO2 drops to 230 ppm, there is about a 7 micromolar drawdown in nitrate and a strong (almost two order of magnitude) gradient in silicate! Here the ocean is green, for miles (it looks like someone dumped a bunch of iron here). Bottles lowered over the side can only be seen a few meters underwater. Long chains of chaetocerous and other diatoms clog the ring nets and Mocness, water samples processed with silver filters have almost too much material to fit into the thorium detectors, and the main lab smells of phytoplankton drying on filters in the oven. We are just beginning our third, in a series of, intensive vertical profile station at 62 S on our transect northwards. Some of the main questions driving our sampling strategy for this period have been: What are the differences between pre-bloom (67.5 S), bloom (64 50' S), and post bloom (62 S) waters? What are the processes which act to control this bloom? What are the differences in phytoplankton physiology and community structure between these regions? and What turns the bloom on in the south and off in the north? An examination of the Survey I and Process I underway data indicate that this feature has intensified in magnitude and progressed southwards over the last three months. The bloom is moving like a wildfire consuming silicate as it rages southwards. What is curious is that only a small amount of nitrate was burned as the bloom passed. A sharp gradient in silicate from 2 micromolar at 64.8 S to over 50 at 65.5 S is found coincident with the bloom. This silicate front has migrated about 5 degrees in the past three months. Values as low as 0.8 micromolar are scattered between values of one and two in the waters south of 60 and north of 64.5, the region charred by the passing of this bloom. Where did the silicate go and how did it leave without nitrate? Nitrogen must be recycled much faster that silicate in this system (no 1:1 drawdown here). But what turns the system on and off? From the retreat of the ice edge, we postulate that the products of melt water including micronutrients and stratification serve to ignite the bloom and silicate or possibly iron limitation extinguish it. We have initiated iron enrichment experiments with waters collected south of the bloom, and will collect water for another enrichment experiment tomorrow from waters north of the bloom. We seek to see if a little iron will rekindle the blaze, we will also try to clean up some silicate for a comparable enrichment experiment. Following this station, we will begin the first of two SeaSoar grid surveys of the APFZ in the vicinity of 60.5 S. This will last for approximately 4.6 days and will be followed by another series of vertical profile stations within, and to the north of, the APFZ. Time permitting, I am strongly inclined to revisit the bloom during this period, especially if we can get the fast repetition rate fluorometer to function properly. The second series of vertical profile stations will be followed by a repeat of the first SeaSoar grid to obtain a temporal description of the physical dynamics of the frontal region. Spirits of both crew and scientists are high, the weather is cold, wet and windy but the seas are cooperating. We hope you all are well in this new year. Best regards, Kenneth Coale Chief Scientist JGOFS/AESOPS/APFZ Survey II