SAMPLING METHODS PI: F. Sayles and W. Martin of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Designation Description Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Situ WCS In situ whole-core squeezing; Martin & Sayles, 1996 high-resolution in situ sampling Bender, et. al. 1987 near the sediment-water interface In situ Pore In situ, harpoon-type sampling; Martin & Sayles, 1996 Waters coarse resolution sampling Lab WCS Laboratory whole-core squeezing Martin & Sayles, 1996 on recovered cores; high resolution Bender, et. al. 1987 sampling near the sediment-water interface Centrifuged Pore water separated from sediment Martin & Sayles, 1996 Cores by sectioning of recovered cores and centrifugation ANALYTICAL METHODS Designation Description Method ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- A. Solids ---------- Porosity wet weight / dry weight (salt corrected) Resistivity profiling probe with 4mm Andrews & Bennett, 1981 electrode spacing Pb-210 & direct gamma counting of dried Cutshall, et. al. 1983 Th-234 and ground sediments CaCO3 total carbon-organic carbon CHN Analyzer C_org removal of CaCO3, combustion and gas chromatography biogenic opal Na2CO3 leach Mortlock & Froelich, 1989 ---------- B. Solutes ---------- O2 electrode; Winkler titration Martin et. al.. 1991 NO3 nitrate + nitrite Glibert & Loder, 1977 SiO2 silica Glibert & Loder, 1977 TCO2 total carbon dioxide Hach Carle GC Alkalinity automated Gran titration Gieskes & Rogers, 1973 NH4 ammonium Glibert & Loder, 1977 PO4 phosphate Glibert & Loder, 1977 REFERENCES Andrews D. and Bennett A. (1981), Measurements of diffusivity near the sediment-water interface with a fine-scale resistivity probe. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v.45, pp.2169-2175 Bender M., Martin W., Hess J., Sayles F., Ball L., and Lambert C. (1987), A whole-core squeezer for interstitial pore-water sampling. Limnol. Oceanogr., v.32, pp.1214-1225 Cutshall N.H., Larsen I.L., and Olsen, C.R. (1983), Direct analysis of Pb210 in sediment samples: self-absorption corrections. Nuclear Instr. Methods, v.206, pp.309-312 Gieskes J.M. and Rogers W.C. (1973), Alkalinity determination in inter- stitial waters of marine sediments. J. Sediment. Petrol., v.43, pp.272-277 Glibert P.L. and Loder T.C. (1977), Automated analysis of nutrients in seawater: a manual of techniques. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Martin W.R. and Sayles F.L. (1996), CaCO3 dissolution in sediments of the Ceara Rise; western equatorial Atlantic. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v.60, pp.243-263 Martin W.R., Bender M., Leinen M. and Orchardo J. (1991), Benthic organic carbon degradation and biogenic silica dissolution in the central equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Research, v.12, pp.1481-1516 Mortlock R.A. and Froelich P.N. (1989), A simple method for the rapid determination of biogenic opal in pelagic marine sediments. Deep-Sea Research, v.36, pp1415-1426 Sayles F.L., Martin, W.R., Chase, Z. and Anderson, R.F. (2001), Benthic remineralization and buriel of biogenic SiO2, CaCO3, organic carbon, and detrital material in the Southern Ocean along a transect at 170 degrees West. Deep-Sea Research II, in press