N15_uptake Methodology
Raymond Sambrotto
1. Urea - measured by a spectrophotometric procedure based on the
diacetylmonoxime reaction.
Whitledge, T.E., S.C. Malloy, et al. (1981)
Automated nutrient analysis in seawater. Department
of Energy and Environment, Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Upton, NY.
2. Dissolved free Amino Acids - measured by a fluorometric procedure
after the o-phthalaldehyde reaction.
Parsons, T.R., Maita, Y., Lalli C.M. (1984)
A manual of chemical and biological methods for
seawater analysis. Pergammon Press, Oxford
3. N-15 uptake -
A. Uptake rates for nitrate and urea were measured by incubation
experiments to follow the incorporation of trace additions of N-15
labeled substrate into particulate material collected by Whatman GF/F
Sambrotto,R.N., J.H. Martin, et al. (1993) Nitrate
utilization in surface waters of the Iceland Basin
during spring and summer of 1989. Deep-Sea Research II.
Vol. 40, No.1/2, 441-457.
B. Methodology for ammonium rates was similar to that for nitrate and
urea, except that the isotope dilution during the incubation was accounted
for in computing the rates.
Glibert, P. M., F. Lipschultz, et al. (1982).
Isotope dilution models of uptake and remineralization
of ammonium by phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography
27: 639-650.
4. Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen - the concentration of
either particulate organic carbon or nitrogen as measured by collection on
Whatman GF/F filters, and acid treated to remove carbonates as per the JGOFS
protocol, followed by analysis on a Europa CHN analyzer.