Methodology for Mesozooplankton Abundance and Biomass
PI: Michael Dagg and Juanita Urban-Rich
US JGOFS Antarctic Environments Southern Ocean Process Study (AESOPS)
Antarctic Polar Front Zone (APFZ) Process 1 and 2 cruises
aboard R/V Roger Revelle cruises 7 (Process 1) and 9 (Process 2)
Bongo Tows Sampling Procedure:
Vertical bongo nets were taken in through the upper 200 m.
The general sampling procedure is described in Dagg (1993). The codend contents
were preserved with 10% buffered formaldehyde. Replicate aliquots of the sample
were counted in the laboratory such that 30 of the dominant large copepod species
were counted and greater than 1000 zooplankton per sample counted. An aliquot
of the cod-end contents was filtered onto 153 micron Nitex and frozen in liquid
nitrogen at sea for dry weight analysis in the laboratory. Copepods were sorted
by species, rinsed, dried and weighed on a Cahn microbalance for dry weights.
Dagg, M.J., 1993. Grazing by the copepod community does not control
phytoplankton production in the subarctic Pacific Ocean.
Progress in Oceanography, 32, 163-183.