Barney Balch
Calcification (measured in milligrams C/m^3/day) was measured by incubating
seawater with 14C bicarbonate for 24 hrs., filtering each sample on replicate
0.4 micron pore-size Nuclepore filters, then exposing one filter to
concentrated HCl fumes in a dessicator for 4 minutes. Calcification was
calculated from the difference in 14C activity of the two filters ( For
details, see Balch, W., M. and K. A. Kilpatrick. 1996. Calcification
rates in the equatorial Pacific along 140 deg W. Deep Sea Research. 43:
Simulated in situ incubations were in on-deck incubators, with light quantity
and quality adjusted to mimic conditions at depth.
In situ incubations were done in bottles suspended at depth from a floating
buoy during daylight hours, then recovered to "on-deck" incubators at night.